jesus christ I dont remember laughing this hard from an SNL skit before
Jesus christ I dont remember laughing this hard from an SNL skit before
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yasss slayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
i hate that cunt. I dont like who she is portraying either
>finding a woman comedian funny
>finding SNL to be funny
She does make a convincing man though
I know you were attempting to be funny but your comment really allowed you to put your full-blooming autism on display.
this, fuck drumpf
Melissa Mccarthy?
did she yell really loud and fall down? I love it when she does that.
>Drumpflettinos in twenie sebunteen
Lmao, I want /POL to go back to r/the_donad
It was hilarious. Almost as amusing as the ensuing Sup Forums rectal cramps
watch for yourself its really funny
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxists Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
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Cultural Marxists fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
i understand 30% of this post
queen slayyyyy yassss fuckkkkkkk drumpffffff noooo drumpfff nooo kkkkkkkk noooo fascistt usaaaaaaaaaaaa
wow that rocky joke was reeeeeaaaally funny and clever xD I KNOW ROCKY LOL ROCKY PUNCHES PEOPLE HAHA LOL
This wasn't on SNL or Facebook...must be fake Alt-Right propaganda.
WTF is your problem?
this was suppose to be a thread showing a funny skit, not badshit /pol crap!
>muh cultural Marxism
Get over it, nerd!
You think Sup Forums gets mad about this shit? They've already won. For the next 4 years they'll be doing nothing but drinking liberal tears.
I, too, can't remember laughing at an SNL skit before.
Shill thread. Mods please do your jobs
fuck drumpf and FUCK white people YAAAASSS SLAY BEY QUEEN
More than being lampooned as a press secretary who makes up facts, it was Spicer’s portrayal by a woman that was most problematic in the president’s eyes, according to sources close to him. And the unflattering send-up by a female comedian was not considered helpful for Spicer’s longevity in the grueling, high-profile job in which he has struggled to strike the right balance between representing an administration that considers the media the "opposition party," and developing a functional relationship with the press.
"Trump doesn't like his people to look weak," added a top Trump donor.
I couldn't give a fuck about Trump or the ensuing buttraging about him, this skit was objectively an amusing portrayal of Spicer.
Drumpffff amirite
Have you even been to Sup Forums? They will always find something to be impotently enraged about.
t. butthurt Sup Forumstard
I unironically thought that was pretty funny.
haista vittu
You know I'm cool with Trump but objectively - this was pretty funny. May watch next week.
Why does Sup Forums keep false flagging and then complaining on /qa/?
>reposting this crap
True, but Sup Forums is nowhere near as mad as the people who hate Trump. Like Sup Forums may get mad at this stupid skit, but the writers, actors, and people who find this skit funny get much madder than Sup Forums whenever they hear about Trump.
maybe you could ....i dont know....dont act like a paranoid neo-nazi everytime you see something you dont like
>impotently enraged
Sup Forums isn't as angered as you wish they were. I see liberals being FAR more angered/upset by Trump than vice-versa.
>superbowl commercial
>it's Melissa "Big mac"arthy
>she falls and is fat
>that is the "humor"
you know why
because fuck drumpffffffff slayyyyyyyyyyyyy
I found this funny and the only thing I'm mad at regarding Trump is that I'm sick to fucking death of hearing about him. Spicer is a walking meme and I bet even Trump knows it.
Honestly I was already laughing at how she looked like him with just the makeup job they did.
I'm getting pretty fucking tired of this nu-humor. When will actual comedy make a comeback?
I don't watch, but the paid recommended feed that always shows up on my youtube page is always SNL or Colbert or Meyers shitting on Trump. How political has SNL become?
Yes. Whatever you do, don't look it. The poster should be banned.
I liked that commercial. It showed that hippo getting killed multiple times.
Lena Dunham next.
I keep seeing this posted and it's not funny.
Why would I find Melissa McCarthy funnier when she's yelling the 'jokes'.
I'm still yet to see a liberal derail threads across the entire site with barely related shit all the time. When that happens I'll be sure to call them the same, but until it does, Sup Forums needs to leave.
Honestly the press secretary for the whitehouse has got to be one of the shittiest soul crushing jobs i can think of.
Ari Fleischer, during Bush's first term is my favorite. He just looked like. He wanted to kill himself every time he took the podium.
Good to see Soros' 40 mil isn't going to waste
Yassssssssssssssssss Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
until they found out they voted a pro israeli con man who will do jack shit about his campaign promises
When you write something yourself.
Don't worry, I'll wait.
drumpfffffff amirite
>who will do jack shit about his campaign promises
Like literally every elected official ever? I'm no trump fan, but get the fuck over yourself if you think this is unique to him.
Drumpf BTFO!
The revolution is coming for you, orange man!
>getting killed multiple times
>it means she is indestructible
Define "actual comedy" for me user
Most people are sick of hearing about Trump by now.
It's just that liberals are so mad and frustrated in regards to Trump, and the entertainment industry is full of angry, frustrated liberals, so all we hear about from the entrainment industry is Trump, Trump and more Trump. They can't help themselves, he's all they think about.
And naturally that shit finds its way on Sup Forums, and it's mostly posted to piss off Sup Forums crossposters, but unfortunately this place also has a lot of Sup Forums and /rebbit/ crossposters (who are also very angry about Trump) so Sup Forums is very politicized.
>Spicer is a walking meme
He actually watches anime and dressed as a gundam at a convention
truly /ourguy/
is there anything gayer than the fucking safety pin?
soros sucks at marketing
Been to Facebook, Twitter, readdit, etc? That place is full of nothing but angry Trump haters.
You're just on one of the relative few places where more people support Trump than hate him.
And no shit Trump supporters derail threads when people post anti-trump and pro-liberal shit, it's the same way how on other liberal majority websites they'll all jump over anything pro-trump.
Don't get upset you're on one of the few places that are like the former.
But honestly in regards for who is more mad, Sup Forums and Trump supporters or liberals, if you honestly think liberals aren't as mad because of an anime website you might actually be retarded.
Not as funny as watching democucks crying and having panic attacks everyday since November 8th.
>Been to Facebook, Twitter, readdit, etc? those are laces that allow free speech.
What do you mean? Sup Forums details threads on Sup Forums all the time, they're clearly more mad than liberals.
>the Jewish Magazine for the '90s
>$4.50 cover price in 1996
Oy vey!!
My thoughts exactly... i was presently surprised watching it just cuz its probably been a good 7-8 years since SNL did something that funny
kek, the fact that one side has spent tens of millions of dollars on paid shills lets me know all I need to about where the heart of the people actually is.
it was really good
kristen stewart was bad in it though.
I've just realised the humour of SNL and all the other political """""comedy""""" programmes isn't actually from the sketches or """""jokes""""" themselves but the ensuing complaining from Sup Forums and the other alt-righters when they broadcast it. Pretty meta desu.
>I've just realised
like omg guyz, just realized...
you suck at shilling
>tfw your candidate wins and you still get mad when someone makes fun of him
why haven't all the alt-right sock puppet drumpflets downvoted this?
could it be, dare i say, funny?
>4 years
>We're not funny but seeing people get mad at us for not being funny helps us laugh and forget about our constant rage about Trump for a little bit
Are you okay?
Hollywood is garbage. gtfo of our country
SNL has literally always been political you dolt.
Sup Forumsitician here
I think it's funny but SNL is mostly live revisionism. It's basically what we do but on the opposite side of the spectrum and corporate.
>tfw your candidate doesn't win so you spend all of your time making fun of the other candidate and his supporters because it's fuels your smug sense of superiority and is the only thing that can, at least for a little while, distract you from your never ending anger and frustration over Trump
is this all you guys have?
>post something anti trump
>people respond
>omg u mad?
please call me when Sup Forums en masse chimps out the way blm and uc berkeley rioters did
Let me tell you why you are a faggot, because you live your life afraid of other people.
whos the hot chick?
I fucking abhore Melissa Mcfatass but this was actually quite entertaining.
Why are amerifats SO BAD at comedy?
>he is still getting mad when a comedy show makes fun of a political figure
You mean the black one?
I think it's an orthodox jew. she's wearing a wig.
>I'm still yet to see a liberal derail threads across the entire site with barely related shit all the time.
Oh, so its your first day on Sup Forums?
SNL has never been funny. Even the Chris Farley and Will Farell years were shit.
Liberals and sjws know that they're full of shit, so to make themselves feel better about their flawed logic and thought processes they resort to trying to project their flaws onto the other side.
That's why liberals and sjws are always trying to compare conservatives and the alt-right to them. Unfortunately it doesn't really work out for them because like you said they compare things like angry posts on an anime website to mass rioting and looting.
They need to find ways to justify things, like they're constant anger, so they just project it onto us and support it with examples that are nowhere near as bad as the things they themselves do.
Dubs and trips of truth
>he is still trying to antagonize the other side to make himself feel better because he is constantly upset over a political figure
>"meh, I didn't really find it all that funny"
yea, im totes seething over here
lmao why are drumpfcucks triggered so easily? autistic tantrums to spamming infographics and youtube links