There has been no oppression in the last 100 years that I know of...

>There has been no oppression in the last 100 years that I know of. Now maybe I’m not watching it as carefully as other people.

I know the liberal media didn't want to hear it, butbwas Ditka right? Is it time for blacks to start taking some responsibility and learn how to conduct themselves properly?


>tfw 1965 was 100 years ago


>There has been no oppression in the last 100 years

He fucked up by picking too big of a time frame. He made it too easy to counter his argument by giving them 100 years worth of stuff to counter with

Look man. I've in in California my whole life. I've met racist people but I can count on my hand how many times I've heard of people I know going through racially charged incidents.

We live in great country (fuck the feds) and have the ability to do pretty much whatever we want. (even more if it wasn't for feds)

Thing that bothers me is, I never see black people do shit for "the hood" or the community.

Complain about this and that but keep saying "i'll never trust a nigga" or "fuck all these other niggas". That's breeding self hate and hate within their own community.

>I, a rich white man, haven't noticed oppression

(a) that's how white privilege works, and (b) where the fuck would he have noticed oppression in 1906? On the internet? He doesn't strike me as a big reader.

>I've met racist people but I can count on my hand how many times I've heard of people I know going through racially charged incidents.

Isn't being racist actively oppressing someone by definition?

>no oppression in the past 100 years
>the Tulsa Race Riots took place in 1917
>the whole of the 1960s

He was an idiot.

is he retarded? Segregation was legal until the 60s. And there's documented proof of "black" names getting lower response rates on job applications. Property owners have been documented as avoiding renting property to people on the basis of race. It's not even up for debate.

There's a difference between opinion and acting out that thought.

If a someone who owns a business wants to put a sign in their window that says "no blacks" they have every right to.

I also have every right to not shop there and watch their business crumble.

But the second the racist, or anyone, tries to use force against an innocent person, their rights stop.

He;s being willfully ignorant

Yes. The "I'm racist but I never punched a black guy" argument is bullshit, preference comes across in everything you do, microaggressions, systemic and cultural oppressions. It takes work every day to not do this, so what he's actually saying is, "I'm too lazy to do anything about it."

don't you have a white guilt class to attend?

>it's cool to be aggressive to non-whites

This is why there's no progress. Even this board, of all fucking places, deletes posts with racial slurs in them. Stop being the slime of humanity.

>implying that i do
i live my life like everyone else, i'm chillin.

it's people like you who take this shit so seriously. every race has shit people.

not all white people have an agenda against non whites lol. i won't feel guilty for things my ancestors DIDN'T do. i'm not english, dutch or german.

no, not necessarily. a racist can just believe one race is inherently better than another and not act upon that. it's separate from discrimination, e.g., like a racist store owner still allows non-whites into his business to shop despite thinking they are inferior beings.

and on the flip-side, a person who isn't racially prejudiced can still be racially discriminatory, usually from institutional or commercial pressure, e.g., a real estate agent only showing homes in black/minority neighborhoods to a black family looking to buy a house regardless of its income

>like everyone else, i'm chillin
are you retarded? Many people are not chillin, even if we accept the (probably flawed) assumption that you are

>every race has shit people.

Why does this refute his point. Why do people act like racism is only by white people towards non white people? This is the problem, when you just start ignoring the clear prejudices and oppression that exists in the world, by calling someone an "SJW" or something, you're just furthering their end goal of just making racism a way to hurt white people and nothing more. Accept that almost everyone is racist to some extent, and look at how we can improve it without just using it as a way to attack certain groups.

store owners selling things isn't an appropriate demonstration of the absence of oppression. Would that store owner hire black people, trust them to run his shop or become partners with one in a business opportunity if they were qualified to do so?

Like for example, use the term "cultural appropriation", everyone tells you to get back to tumblr. It's literally just a phrase. It doesn't even necessarily mean something is bad.

go back to your bullshit sociology classes, fags

>i'm not racist cuz I chill and also my ancestors weren't slave-owners
Irrelevant. You benefit every day from a system set up by people who were.

Your post is basically Tom Brady saying, "I'm just a positive person."

bruh are you serious? everyone can walk down the street right now just fine. there is not some magical oppression in the air.

it is individuals aggressing against other individuals. i don't use force against others, so quit trying to imply i'm for that.

i don't believe in the state anyway, so miss me with any police brutality shit.

lmao good one!

the end of the tuskegee experiment was 1972.

It's amazing how people treat this this shit like everything disappeared when Obama was elected or that no one is still alive when discrimination was going on. I see it everyday in the real world and it's not just mike ditka.

I'd prefer we keep Sup Forums shit off Sup Forums though. It's getting terrible as they are infecting every board.

Racism isn't just calling someone a slur

>100 years ago blacks couldn't even play sports with white people

i genuinely never implied that. You are wrongly assuming you have answers for arguments other people aren't even making. Oppression isn't limited to physical violence.

the second example is absolutely racist.

the first example is close to impossible. yes, the store owner in your example may allow anyone to shop there. he may also call the cops when he sees a black guy in a hoodie but not a white guy in a hoodie. he may also not hire a black person, or let his daughter marry or date a person of latin descent.

that's how the shit works, jeeves.

the whole point is every single race, creed, religion, etc, is capable of racism, violence, prejudice, you name it.

world history didn't start in 1500AD

this guy gets it.

Another high quality thread on Sup Forums.

>second example is absolutely racist.
yes, it didn't say it wasn't. it was an example of how a person without any personal racist prejudices can still act out racist discrimination due to other social influences

how do i benefit? please explain.

if i truly benefited, i would be rich and have a comfy job without fulfilling any requirements.

i gotta bust my ass just like everyone else, but i don't get any handouts.

>all racism is equal

When I see black cops murdering white hedge fund managers, we can revisit your unique point of view.

When blacks stop killing themselves at central american narco state rates over nothing maybe I'll listen about the massive injustices they get from whites like slightly weighing a job application(rightfully so) because it says JaQuerius instead of Steve


so state violence? the formation of a government enables that violence to happen.

those police couldn't kill anyone if our money wasn't stolen and used to fund a militarized police force.

>if i truly benefited, i would be rich and have a comfy job without fulfilling any requirements.
This is the biggest problem with calling it white privilege. People have co-opted the idea that privilege means prosperity rather than just calling it minority disadvantage.

Maybe they should have created their own society somewhere at some point and done it themselves lol

Yes, which is what I was saying

>but i don't get any handouts
this is objectively untrue if you aren't a substantial wage earner.

I understand why white dudes get bent out of shape by overzealous people claiming they've been handed all the keys to success and have it easy, when that's genuinely not the case. But a more tempered statement that you have additional opportunity (or at least fewer constraints) due to heritage (and not just skin color, though that plays some role), doesn't need to be met with such insecurity and vitriol. If you think that's completely unfounded, you almost certainly aren't aware of what some people struggle against, and you definitely don't pay attention to intergenerational income mobility.

> if i truly benefited, i would be rich and have a comfy job without fulfilling any requirements. I gotta bust my ass just like everyone else
That is not how that works due to how society has worked in advantages for certain people. A non white person can still work his ass off only to get screwed over by some arbitrary law designed to put him in a box.

at least you get it across the pond

>Sup Forums - sports

Kill yourselves, all of you

Most of us don't

that's because race issues are really class issues at heart (tho it comes back to race since minorities have been kept poorer by the ruling class of rich whites for generations; poor & middle class whites have more in common with minorities than they do with rich whites, but have slightly more economic opportunities due to race identity)

unfortunate. i advocate for individual liberties. i interact with all races and creeds. everyone struggles with prejudices, but understanding the individuals stomps all of that out.

putting everyone into groups only does harm.

>minorities have been kept poorer by the ruling class of rich whites for generations
victimism keeps minorities poor, those without it prosper

also, not fair to put asians, hispanics and blacks in the same pile, those races behave very differently

class warfare is an argument i've made to friends and classmates that goes over people's heads.

majority of us i bet are in the same boat class wise. the racial divide only causes infighting, which brings down everyone.

>those without it prosper
bruh segregation was law here 2 generations ago.

It's not even generations ago. It's still happening. My hometown has/had the largest black catholic church in America solely because they aren't allowed to attend the white Catholic church.

segregation is still living today not because of white people