Is it real?

Is it real?

What is a eunic

As common as people think it is?

Yes but people who "self diagnose" themselves with it are just attention whores

Nah, it's just bitter virgins and closet homos in denial.

Many women I find are asexuals. They just don't seem to be interested in having sex.

Yeah but this is like a guy who produces test healthily and claims to have no sexual feelings.

>tfw I'm incredibly attracted to women but sex-averse because of a crippling fear of STDs

Hitler knew that feel.

Nah, I've met a guy who is asexual.
He's been in relationships, and girls have wanted to have sex with him (the girls themselves have told me as such), but he has absolutely 0 interest and is not attracted to males or females.

It's probably something in the brain that goes haywire and doesn't produce the right hormones for sexual attraction ever.

>tfw was all about Asexual Pride and shit
>then she discovered Chad and removed all traces of Asexuality from her Bio and shit
No, it is not. Your Biological Clock will start ticking eventually.

then he fall under the closet homo in denial category

Maybe some folks are born with low testosterone levels?

If peoples' brains can be fucked up to where they like people of the same sex, why is it unreasonable to suggest they're fucked up to not be interested in anyone at all?
It's rare as fuck, and a lot of people who claim to be asexual are probably just losers that can't get any, but it probably happens every once in a while.

>They just don't seem to be interested in having sex.

This doesn't sound good as a reflection on you user...

Yeah, it's real, though i thought everyone took it as a special snowflake symptom, same as aromantic (pretty much no romantical attraction to anyone).

I really do not give a fuck about sex or relationships anymore

does that make me memesexual?


Would I count?

>Multiple girlfriends in the past, puppy love
> Lost virginity this past year
> Emotionally distant the whole time, almost went limp while raw dogging it
> Rarely masturbate, feels more like an obligation to make sure no prostate cancer
> Grills don't attract me
> Boys aren't really attractive either

I just want to play piano and read my books damnit.

I am kinda like this, but I think it's just a mental disorder from getting molested by my aunt when I was 6.

Sex makes me sick to me stomach.

No. Humans are biologically hardwired to reproduce and have offspring. It's totally unnatural to not want to

Yes, bacteria reproduce asexually.

A lot of schizoid people are asexual.

Yes. For complete sociopaths incapable of feeling.

You can't be asexual and be emotional, so when most people say "I'm asexual" it means they want sex but are too dysfunctional to get it. Otherwise it is a serious mental health concern.

>t. psychology fag

k3k you mean they are not interested in having sex with you that is.

Not really, they just don't want relationships or interactions with anyone, most of them still fap or even fuck hookers

Of course. It is what we call a genetic dead end.