Why didn't they get Tom Bombadil to take the ring to Mordor?

Why didn't they get Tom Bombadil to take the ring to Mordor?

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Why did Gandalf have to spend ~20 years researching when he could have just thrown it in the fire to check if it was the one ring in the first place?

why was martin freeman at the convert in love actually?


also how did a kid outrun airport security?
imagine if that kid had an IED

he was researching how to tell if it was the one ring
book told him it would get words if tossed in fire

No wonder Saurman got to lead the White council instead of Gandalf.

>Be an angelic being
>Sent to middle Earth as a group of 4
>Supposedly the wisest
>Thousands of years to research and learn about the history of the rings from the elves and Saruman himself before his betrayal
>Be a servant of the fire
>Have the fie ring
>Not know that the One Ring can be easily identified by putting it in fire

Gandalf was a hack.

Even smart dudes gotta research.

Why didn't Frodo just hide the ring in his ass?

He kept getting distracted by hentai, but ran out of fap material after twenty years

Why didn't the fellowship simply walk into mordor?

You can't do that.

Tom gave zero fucks.

He's an artifact from an earlier version of the myth, inserted by Jerr to make LotR seem more authentic as a translation rather than an original work.

>get Tom Bombadil to

Is it true that Tom is one of the most evil characters in the lotr universe?

Yes he's actually melkor.

He literally just wants to live in his forest house and fuck his wench and not be bothered by anyone, how is that evil?

No, Nature isn't evil.

Why didn't they just get Tom Bombadil to ride the Eagles to Mount Doom?

he just doesnt give a fuck about anything outside his forest

If the Eagles were afraid of flying over the forest why didn't they just fly around it?


That's the reason why he didn't climb the Mount of Doom.

Why didn't the Fellowship just debate the Uruk-hai?

If you had a 20/10 river god's daughter for a wife to bang every night, let me ask you. Would you want to go to some god forsaken dusty lava filled mountain? I wouldn't.

>Throws ring in the fire
>ring is ruined
What the fuck, Gandalf?

Would've turned his anus evil

>angelic being


I've read the hobbit and lotr like 15 years ago I don't remember that

Why didn't Tom Bombadil just hide the ring in his butthole?

there is no need to make further threads about this

down low too slow fagballs

doesn't he not have any power outside of his forest?

hence the eye of sauron


Tom literally did not give a shit what was going on outside of his territory, or about almost anything that didn't concern him personally. He wasn't even particularly selfish; he just had one of those "none of that stuff is even relevant enough to register for me" alien outlooks on middle earth.

Gandalf's reasons for not just giving it to him to keep are probably close to the same - he might consider it if every free person on the planet came and begged him, but he wouldn't understand why, and such things don't have a hold on his mind. IE: even if he was willing to leave his territory with it, he'd probably get partway there and go "wait, what am I even doing again?" and go back home, leaving the ring in a ditch or something.

Tom Bombadil - literally so jolly, he gives no fucks at all.

Pic related

>give the ring to Morgoth

Are you insane?

Would've made Sam invisible

did you miss the whole part about dying and being sent back?

much in the same as a bear mauling you can't be considered evil the same can be said the same for Tom giving zero fucks. They're both true neutral

Why not?


Tom also had no power outside his little area.