Amy Schumer somehow buys 12.1 Million apartment in NYC

Amy Schumer somehow buys 12.1 Million apartment in NYC

what do you mean somehow? she's rich and her family is political royalty.

New York Senator's Cousin Is Affluent, Lives In New York

What a headline.

Her old place lingered on the market for months at like 1.7 and it was a fifth floor walk up.

Quite the bump up. Sketchy, but what about her isn't?


>celebrity wastes a lot of money

shes not $12 million on a house rich

In the circles she runs in, what's money really?

yes she is

>12 million dollars on an apartment
why would you pay that much to live in new york city, what a shithole.

>investing in properties
>wasting money

12 million isnt a lot for what she does desu

>Amy walks naked in the morning by her windows
Her poor neighbors

considering she was "only" paid 2 million for trainwreck and i don't see where she got the rest

UWS aint a shit hole user

any city is a shit hole. you could use a quarter of that money, find a giant plot of land in the country somewhere and put up a awsome home

It is. I live here, and know where some other somewhat comparable celebs live, and she's wayyyyy beyond them.

Wow $12,100,000, I guess crime* really does pay.
*The crime in question is stealing jokes.
Also, she's guilty of being a figurative whore.

If i wanted to I could. Most country people can't say the same.

Real Estate prices are a reflection of supply and demand user.

>her family is political royalty.

She's a second cousin of Sen. Chuck Schumer, making her basically a stranger.

Her parents have no involvement in politics either.

am i illiterate or does this post make no sense

What parts of "political royalty" and "Senator's Cousin" were so hard to understand, dude?

She doesn't get her capital from acting or comedy.

Future earnings. But since she's a woman she'l only make 72 cents for every man so it will take her a long time.

What I'm saying is I live in NYC, know people, follow real estate etc. and it does seem odd. Amy Schumer aint $12mil pad kind of successful.

If she's that rich why is she so unpleasant to look at?

didn't she trick a retarded book publisher into a multimillion advance for her books

Yeah that's what I'm saying. Do her projects even make money? Hollywood is so sketchy. This is a fairly big time banker type pad.

doesnt she only do vagina jokes? who is she even stealing from?

>upper west side
>not the village

>people think real estate is purchased in cash.
lel @ u

Wouldnt she just have a down payment + mortgage or something? Or do you actually have to pay for the whole thing? Cause 12 million in actual cash is a lot of fucking money.

Like in comparison Chloe Sevigny just put her place on the market for 2.75 and she's been working steadily for 20 years.

she's 35 it/s probably too hard on her to walk around seeing fit college girls

Shit that makes NYC look comfy to live in thread?

People don't take out mortgages on 12mil places. It's cash deals at that level.

Her book was subject to a bidding war by publishers, I read that she got $9 million for it ultimately. She's also in Old Navy commercials, does stand up tours, and is related to a famous senator. It's not that shocking desu.

then what about all those rappers or actors that go broke because they couldnt afford the mortgage on their mansions?

It is. Especially in NYC. I get unsolicited cash offers on my house from asset managment firms and the like fairly regularly.

disgusting but not shocking yeah, she's exploiting the current political situation for oodles of cash and she has a lot of powerful connections

who the fuck pays out flat cash in things like this? its all in mortgages dummy

She that's ridiculous. There is no way a publisher could recoup 9mil on and amy Schumer book in 2017.

Because they're dumb niggers.

Those guys live in 800k mcmansions in NJ.

If user here is remembering correctly, and she didn't fritter it on stupid shit, then she probably has enough money of her own to pay the deposit on a $12 million flat.

Otherwise, mummy and daddy will have helped her out.

A typical mortgage in this day and age requires a deposit of 10-20% of the total value of the property, so she probably paid somewhere in the region of $1-2 million and the bank stumped up the rest. Nothing in her career up until now strikes me as something that would have left her with that kind of liquidity after tax, so unless user is right about the advance on her book deal, I expect she got a bit of help from home.

I don't know what OP is freaking out about, though, she's rich but she's not Croesus.

Mortgages are for people to slowly work off a house for 30 years.

$12mil condos are not for the working class. The monthlies alone are probably 5 figures a month.

This for real. I just want to live in a nice appartment and have adventures with a gang of close friends.

What the fuck are you talking about? You're an idiot.

>she probably has enough money of her own to pay
>Nothing in her career up until now strikes me as something that would have left her with that kind of liquidity after tax

its still in mortgages but not that 30 years long, maybe 3 or 5 years tops

>Mortgages are for people to slowly work off a house for 30 years.

Correct. Is there a reason you think this isn't possible with a sum of $12 million as opposed to $1.5 million?

No one takes a mortgage out that large. It would be retarded. And the last time you could put 10% down anywhere near Manhattan was 2008.

>his apartment is fucking huge
>he and or his roommates are jobless sometimes
>can afford rent somehow

How much cheaper was the rent in UWS in 2006?

I work in NYC real estate dumb ass.

Well the NYC shows always have ridiculously unobtainable appartments for the shit jobs the characters have. It's just the biz.

Why would anyone take a 3-5 year 8 figure mortgage? It would be financially insane. The interest alone.

Buying that level of luxury good on credit would be too much risk for either party. The higher you go in the market the more prices fluxuate.

because you want to have a nice place to show off but dont have the money to pay it off? I mean this is what led to the housing bubble anyway

The one in Friends is supposed to be rent controlled iirc

Read more carefully.

>No one takes a mortgage out that large. It would be retarded.

Why? All that matters is having the income to meet the payments and exceed the minimum.

>the last time you could put 10% down anywhere near Manhattan was 2008.

I don't know NYC prices, but even 20% is only $2.4 mil. That's a lot of money to most, but not if you come from a wealthy New York dynasty.

No bank would do that. You could rent at the high end of the market if you wanted to do that.

Yet you've never heard of anyone taking out a $10 million loan? Do you specialise in studio flats or something?

Because the high end of the market functions differently. If she defaults the carrying costs will be a burden and the bank will have what's now seen as a distressed property on it's hands. There is only a small pool of buyers at that level and they'll take advantage and lowball. Also the carrying costs are a burden.

Banks aren't fools and aren't going to get in bed with someone stupid enough to by a high end luxury good on credit.

Many co-ops in Manhattan won't even allow non-cash deals.

Very very rare. Most high-end buildings won't even allow it.

Manhattan real estate is a different beast.

Nigga if you need to borrow 10 million dollars you can't afford a 12 million dollar apartment.

>10 million dollar loan on a house

Those kind of loans are for business ventures

>it's a Sup Forums is suddenly filled with real estate experts episode

>living in NYC

>not knowing Sup Forums is filled with kikes

ITT: jealous kids from Sup Forums

we've been here since before day 1 buddy

Would you say it's the kind of thing that's uncommon an risky enough that a New York bank would only consider entering into such an agreement with somebody who's politically connected and whose family has liquid savings worth considerably more than the value of the property in question sitting available in an account with the same bank?

Because that seems like the kind of special that might allow a New York bank to overlook local market quirks and operate like a regular bank from anywhere else.

Not jealous at all. It just doesn't really add up.

where do you live faggot

Not at all. The very condo we're talking about was originally listed for 18.9. Too much volatility at that end of the market.

Paying off a $10 million loan over 30 years at 4% comes to around $45,000 per month after tax.

That means to pay off a $10 million mortgage over 30 years, you need about $540,000 per year in available funds after tax.

If Amy Schumer has an annual income over $750,000 she can likely quite comfortably afford a $10 million mortgage. Given what kind of stock she comes from, I don't see why that's so hard to believe.

*annual net income over $750,000

>ywn live above or right next to a bar in manhattan
>ywn afford an apartment where you could fit in a queen sized bed AND have a living room
>at best you'd probably afford a place in queens where it smells like piss and garbage

>The one in Friends is supposed to be rent controlled iirc

>not living in old school astoria


She made $17 million in 2016 alone according to Forbes.


You're forgetting a montly condo fee of prob about 25k at that range.

Also you're betting on a 30+ year old actress to keep earning at that rate which is hardly a sure thing.

And if the family is such a big deal why are they borrowing money? And if they're going to borrow at that level what collateral are they putting up?

I bet it was a cash deal.


Yeah, isn't it supposed to be her grandmother's apt?

Frasier's apartment is so comfy.

God damn I wish I were rich.


How? Seriously I don't pay much attention to her. Do her movies even make $? She's working in a dying industry.


>what is a mortgage

Is Fraiser supposed to have four master brs? His condo makes no sense.



Forbes is also horseshit

da fuq were they jewish???

>If Amy Schumer has an annual income over $750,000 she can likely quite comfortably afford a $10 million mortgage. Given what kind of stock she comes from, I don't see why that's so hard to believe.
using over 28% of your income on a mortgage....

>i've never house hunted in NYC : THE POST


It's 190 Riverside Dr.

190 Riverside Dr, New York