BREAKING: Drumpf and Sup Forums just got BTFO

Terence Tao, one of the most celebrated mathematicians of our time (perfect SAT at 9, published papers by 16, PhD by 19, full professor by 24) just mathematically and logically proved that Donald Trump is not suited to be the president

Your move, boys


will respond to bait.

first of all if he is a genius what breakthroughs have he made?

also seems to me like he is a thundercuck character who has a vested interest in shilling for this shit because maybe he is an affirmative action babby cuckboi

>john oliver

>mathematics genius
>uses a Wordpress
Pick one

>most celebrated mathematicians
>refers to John Oliver for info/facts

He is the greatest mathematician alive, probably one of the top 5 ever.

Arguably the most prolific.

A few of his achievements:

>Started the field of COMPRESSED SENSING, which has given us MRIs, fracking, tons of other incredible applications

>Proved the green tao theorem, that primes contain arbitrary arithmetic progressions

Hes proved countless other unsolved problems

>John Oliver
This guy is a fake genius

It's no secret that the bookish types tend to have a weak, if any grasp on common sense and interpersonal relations.

>June 4
read the sticky

This post showed Tao is a complete idiot outside of mathematics.
Not saying that takes away from his prestige in math. In fact he just posted a pretty interesting paper today on Finite-time blowups of the Euler equations as progress on the Navier-Stokes problem.

The guy probably does 20 hours of mathematics a day.

All it goes to show is that scientists/mathematicians etc. should not be anymore trusted for smart political opinions than anyone who posts on this board.

This, academics usually have overly emotional view points rather than based on pragmatism

MRIs were around before he was conceived

Thank you for correcting the record.

>(((john oliver)))
I think he needs to re think his equations.

Terence Tao, common core mathematician.

Well considering how highly educated he is, I can 100% surmise that he is going to be proven wrong.

I wonder if he'll commit seppuku with his protractor?

No one cares about a savant robot

>John Oliver as an argument


>john Oliver as a source
I thought this guy supposed to be smart?

>relevant in politics

More cuckbait. Move along, folks.



Neat, I never knew mathemagicians were well vetted in politics! Guess Im a #taobun now

if (current_year >= 2015)
print("Are you fucking kidding me?")

>trusting someone that gets policy advice from a comedian

no thanks; stick to math

>knowledge of mathematics means he understands politics
No. People who are wicked smart with math, computers, any specific subject, are usually average or even trash with other subjects.

No matter what, Trump is the best vote. Even better would be Johnson, but a Libertarian winning won't happen for a long time. The only other options are an insane murderous witch and a socialist jew that wants to be hitler number two: hebrew boogaloo.

>small cranium
>regarded anything related to genius

His parents forced him to study calculus as a child and did likely nothing but study. He has came up with nothing brilliant; a majority of published papers are filler (useless information which sounds complicated but is endly useless). His are no different.

ad hominem + poisoning the well.

I thought pol was smart?

Yes, truly in the league of Newton, Gauss, Riemann, Grothedieck, Euler, Euclid, Hilbert, and Archimedes. Get your head out of your arse, Chink.

>All it goes to show is that scientists/mathematicians etc. should not be anymore trusted for smart political opinions than anyone who posts on this board.
If anything they should be trusted less than the average board poster. They are another tier of 'special' altogether.

Scientists in today's day in age are all fascists.

It amazes me that people still don't understand why Trump is popular. This dude is dumb

His logic is sound. However, OP seems to have forgotten that this is Sup Forums.

>bla bla bla bla youre dumb if you vote for trump bla bla

(((( ))))

At least a month old.
Go look up what the responses were then.

>Using mathematics to try that subjective preferences are actually objective ones.


Here is how he did it:
He decided that if 2 +2 =4, Trump was not fit to be President. He performed the calculation several times, and each time it was 4. Proven. BRILLIANT!

>Romney also discusses Trump's lack of economic expertise

Romney also praised Trump understanding to high heavens when Trump supported his sorry campaign.

>John Oliver

Wow, what a brainiac. Oh well, he will seppuku after Trump wins.

>Cites Mitt Romney and John Oliver

What is proposition 1 and why are his arguments for it all appeals to authority? In mathematics, one must appeal to authority, not so much in politics. In fact, political insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, so this guy may be a mathematical genius, but he is politically insane.

Is this the new (((ceiling)))?

I'm eagerly awaiting genius Tao's dissertation on how Hillary Clinton is fit for the presidency.

The main inference in mathematics is deduction. They don't work with evidence, hence they have a hard time understanding what constitutes a viable source of info.

You see

2 + 2 = 4 = Trump bad
2 + 2 = 4 = Hillary good

Sup Forums BTFO

so what?

he's a math autist, not an actually intelligent person

what he writes is a bunch of idiocy and explains why he has not accomplished anything of value for society (which is why he's poor and just a wellfare queen leeching off tax payer money)

hey I admit that he is much better than me at solving pointless math problems but that does not give him any credibility over any other subject

>pic semi related

cancerous "intellectuals"

Do you honestly think I care about what some stupid science bitch has to say about The Donald Trump; magnificent next leader of this beautiful question? Maybe if he spent more time getting laid and pounding dome brews he would see that The Trumpster is exactly what this country needs to drag it out of degeneracy and lawlesness you jabroni.

>What is proposition 1
>Proposition 1. The presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, is not even remotely qualified to carry out the duties of the presidency of the United States of America.

his argument literally IS appeal to authority
>many people believe this proposition to be true so it is true
what a fucking idiot

>Trump's lack of economic expertise
How many billions do you need to be considered economically competent?