People often bitch about realism in fight choreography but wouldnt realism be boring...

People often bitch about realism in fight choreography but wouldnt realism be boring? Arent films meant to take you away from reality anyway? Whats the best movie that does realistic fight choreography well? Post some fight scenes too

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>Arent films meant to take you away from reality anyway?

Then why are documentaries a thing? And to your broader point, why not both? I like Shoot Em Up and John Wick.

I think above all the viewer should be able to see and understand what is going on in the fight, even if it's something over the top in wuxia the camera doesn't confuse the action.

You could have two experienced boxers in a ring but if you suddenly start cutting back and forth between different angles and shaking the camera it's going to be trash.

I think the realism comes from hiring performers who either can actually fight or have trained in fighting for the particular film. It's the reason why Donnie Yen's fights in xXx were fun to watch and creative whereas Vin's were slow and edity very choppy. Yen can set up and accomplish a series of visually impressive punches kicks and aerial acrobatics in a single take whereas the bigger untrained star can bairly through a single punch convincingly without the use of choppy fast edits and breaks.


Ralphie/Tony fight in Sopranos.

No one wants real fights because real fights don't last long. When you fight to win, you don't fuck around.

They alley fight in They Live, they only didn't connect on face & nut punches.

The Bourne vs Desh scene in The Bourne Ultimatum is pretty based as far as realistic fight scenes go. Yeah the camera is shaky at times and can seem chaotic but I think it only adds intensity to the fight.