I don't understand something Sup Forums. Why is populist being used an insult?

I don't understand something Sup Forums. Why is populist being used an insult?


>1 : a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people; especially often capitalized : a member of a United States political party formed in 1891 primarily to represent agrarian interests and to advocate the free coinage of silver and government control of monopolies

>2 : a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people

Isn't rule by the people one of the fundamental points behind the idea of democracy?

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But we're not a Democracy.

And populism in the modern sense is usually a cover for authoritarianism.

>And populism in the modern sense is usually a cover for authoritarianism.
Be that as it may they aren't attacking authoritarianism with it, they are attacking things like Brexit which is about as 'democracy' as it gets.

a populist is like a pedofile who gives chocolate to little kids. All kids want chocolate.but its not good for them. if you make a party where you promise to give chocolate to all kids for free, all kids will vote for you. but they will all get diabetes and raped. thats why populism is bad

Again, the modern usage of the term is negative, so no wonder they're using it against something they don't like, right or wrong.

When a majority of the population in a democratic society wants something that the ruling elite don't want, anyone who promises it to them is a "populist"/demagogue/extremist and the people who want it are woefully ignorant and frightened and simply too stupid to be entrusted with suffrage any longer.

Is this like when rape is used for basically anything a man does?

It's only an insult when the populism is on the wrong side.


So the electorate are children? With that mentality, I see how Merkel hasn't been stopped.
It's literally impossible for populism to be authoritarian. If you're giving the people exactly what they want and letting them discern their own future (especially to an unhealthy degree as the term implies) you're being the exact opposite of authoritarian

This. Populism was OK when his highness the benevolent Obama was running for office.

populists just tell people(usually poor people, minorities and women) what they want to hear
examples:hillary clinton, dilma

Yep, and misuse the term 'liberal' all over the place.

Destroy the meaning of words and people just blindly follow emotion instead.

populism is just a buzzword used by those politicians that are so fucking detached from the common people that would still not be able to talk to them if they wanted to

usually goes along with
>literal hitler

Then aren't they not really populists?

>Populism is a political position which holds that the virtuous citizens are being mistreated by a small circle of elites, who can be overthrown if the people recognize the danger and work together. The elites are depicted as trampling in illegitimate fashion upon the rights, values, and voice of the legitimate people.

hitler:''its the jews''(but he was right)
clinton, dilma are like:''its white men fault''


>a small circle of elites
>"its white men fault''

How does that work? Whites men are meticulously excluded from being a minority group so how could they constitute a small circle?

hmmmmmm...really makes me think

because most rich people are white or jews(and people think that jews are white)
also dont you remember men are evil rapists opressors of wymen and black people? its 2016

>So the electorate are children?
Most of them, yes.

>It's literally impossible for populism to be authoritarian.
You what? populism is in essence authoritarian, it exploits the lowest common denominator to rise to power, and then, it impose its views, first in the voters of the opposite side, and then in everybody.
Is what happened in Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina during the Kishner period, etc.

populism = political parties that cater to the common people instead of an intellectual elite.

particularly, populist parties usually try to align their positions with the direct interest of the common people, instead of deriving their positions from some sort of underlying ideology.
this is why, over time, populist parties may drop or reverse their positions on issues that used to draw lots of popular support, but have since become unpopular with the electorate.

well, that's the actual idea of populism. today it's just being used as a buzzword that's supposed to invoke negative emotions with voters.

>you support those guys? but they're POPULIST! that means they are trying to bait dumb commoners and plebs! only stupid proles vote for those guys! you're not a stupid prole, right?

this tactics works on the assumption that every man considers himself to be above the 'rabble' and the 'plebeians', and tries to use this line of thought to dissuade him from associating with "populist" ideas.