>"They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them"
Why was the book dialogue so awkward whenever Hackson tried to force it into his scenes?
>"They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them"
Why was the book dialogue so awkward whenever Hackson tried to force it into his scenes?
I too thought that was strange, like he was talking to the camera instead of to Aragorn or Gimli.
The "where is the horse and the rider" scene was also awkward.
Did the actors just not have the chops to make Tolkien's dialogue work or is it just not good when adapted to film?
If you thought that was awkward I think you might be autistic. It's literally poetry, and the scene was fantastic.
I agree with OP that line is a little awkward, but really, most of Legolas's lines are weird, he's just a faggy elf.
Are you retarded? He's the best actor in the movie. Why did they cast Orlando Bloom as Legolas btw? He's the Jar Jar of the fellowship.
who would have done Legolas better?
who else auditioned for the role?
>"They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them"
How did Raimi get away with this?
Book dialogue was awkward when used in the movies because the movies mostly had a very modern feel to the characters. They laughed, joked, quipped, Aragorn was a modernised reluctant hero version of his book self, etc. The books are pure Dark Ages, characters talk in riddles, aphorisms, poetry etc. - and consistently. It jars when you mix the two together.
how dare you that part is awesome
This was one of the best scenes, you have shit taste.
u r faget
no one we know now
Orlando Bloom is just a wooden actor. Other actors made the book dialogue work.
The woodenness of his performance actually works for Legolas, he's a dissociated Elf and the Fellowship's DPS that can murder anything without caring, but it kills him in all his other roles.
>who would have done Legolas better?
Hayden Christensen, he would have turned this one dimensional OP character into poetic perfection.
I wish they made a more "shakespearian" movie adaptation some day, with more of the original style and language retained though it's never going to happen
Oh wow thatd be cool actually
He'd be too sassy tho
>imagining Hayden trying to force a British accent for three movies
People are probably worried about their film not meeting or exceeding Jackson's rendition of LOTR, pressure from the producers, who want the film to make as much money as possible, might mean that your film will have to appeal to the modern crowd as well.
Will the copyright ever die?
Or can they just extend it forever by making derivative works?
I would love to see it die, so small indie shits can do all kinds of experimental things with the material.
Tolkien's son is taking the rights to the grave and it's 70 years after that until it goes public domain
>and it's 70 years after that until it goes public domain
He didn't write the original books.
>no new LOTR/silmarillion epic in our lifetime
Wow is this what eternal dread feels like?
He compiled the Silmarillion and co-wrote those two new books that just released, Children of Hurin and the other one
Yeah, yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but shouldn't The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings still go public domain?
That's sort of my original question
>can they just extend it forever by making derivative works?
no idea, but orlando has always been shit
he was terrible even in a fucking disney movie about pirates
>but shouldn't The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings still go public domain
not until 2043
Fuck yes!
I might still be alive then!
Also, that gives me time to make my own adaptation in time for the grand '43 release :^)
Fuck of Theaterden was the best line deliverer. Scene with him crying to Gandalf about his son is the most fucked up shit ever in a movie. I cna't watch it without crying
holy shit this. But I think he sold the Gimli romance
Elrond didn't have one.
Go back to marvel that scene was beautiful
Really shouldn't bother posting gifs of this quality desu.
Should have posted the entire scene.
>"They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them"
>*turns and stares directly into the camera*
>"The savage negro is a dangerous creature when not controlled by the benevolent crack of their white masters whip. The abolition of slavery was the greatest mistake in human history. With the negro under our heel we could have accomplished great things. Hitler knew this. However his wise words fell on deaf ears as the liberal elite destroys the very foundation of the greatness white peoples destiny could have been. Wake up and take a stand, fellow aryans!"
Bit on the nose but I guess it was a different time. They should have omitted the scene in the film though, but I guess Jackson wanted to stay true to the source material.
is it a bannable offence to check digits now or what?
It was blooms first movie, considering that I thought he did pretty well
wow that caught me off guard
i chuckled heartili
Sadly I doubt we will see something like LOTR again, was it made now it'd be like the Hobbit; chock full of CGI and minorities.
I don't mind minorities. As long as they're haradrim.
>"as if the very whips of their masters were behind them"
>Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are actually behind them
>Saruman masterminded the attack at Amon Hen to split the Fellowship
>Saruman kidnapped Merry and Pippin to lure Aragorn & Co towards Isengard
>Uruks ran faster because Aragorn & Co were behind them, delivering the hobbits to Saruman faster
>Aragorn & Co were Saruman's whips.
Holy shit, it's fucking pottery
How do elf bois even compete?
I'm sorry you had to find out this way user
>but you're fucking autistic
you made me watch this scene again
>and minorities.
what minorities were there in the Hobbit? I was actually surprised at how white it was, even the Orcs were made whiter unlike the niggerish ones in the LOTR
I think Orcs and Goblins were always supposed to be pale colored, only Uruk-Hai were described by Tolkien as "swart"
Just listen to the BBC radio production.
It's literally the pinnacle of LotR adaptations. They will never be able to top it.
orcs were always black skinned and are described as such.
the goblins in the movie are pale and grey, but wear black armor.
its supposed to be english mythology though since tolkien realized england never got a myth since normandy and france fucked them up in the 12th century on.
hence why its set in a 12th century fantasy land, and by the end magic has left and only men are on the earth
Tolkien's dialogue is intentionally dated that is why.
which location theme is the best?
Made me kek
Rohan, no doubt
Don't particularly like either. Not because they're not great but because Moria is harsh and hostile and Lothlorien is distant and not very welcoming which is reflected in their themes
I know it makes me gay but whatevs
>Yeah, yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but shouldn't The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings still go public domain?
They probably won't. Huge companies (notably Disney) have was of lobbying to change author copyright. I think Disney characters, Mickey Mouse, in particular, would have gone into PD like forty years ago if Disney didn't keep changing the laws to benefit them. Oh, also Sonny Bono when he was alive.
I'm planning to buy the LOTR EE BR set this Friday and reserve a whole day for watching them one after another in two weeks when I got a long weekend.
First time watching the EE and I'm kinda excited
I love the extended edition, all the behind the scenes are amazing to watch as well
both true, but I'm still unclear what "minorities" that user was referring to. A few of the laketown village extras were dark-skinned but that was about it
Shire, definitely. Seeing all the hobbits in the comfy village with the voiceover by Bilbo is the best