Honestly, It's grown on me

Honestly, It's grown on me

I'm glad you enjoyed it

When I cum in my pinties I go pee pee pee pee pee when I cum in my pinties I go pee pee pee pee

You can like or enjoy the movie, you don't have to hate every single movie which is a critical flop, it's called having a taste.

But I sure do wonder how can one enjoy those laughable studio intervention email character setups and the whole third act with the CGI monster.

of course. Lord Snyders works take time to appreciate.

I like the movie a lot.
Is it good? Hell no, too many stupid decisions going in there, worst of which was having so many scenes be about Lois when it was utterly pointless since having her work on Lexcorp isn't even why she caught Lex's interest in the first place. She's a damsel in distress disguised as more, and it hurts the movie.

But the movie all around was fine. Ambitious, but they couldn't reach the highs they were hoping for. It's a 5.5/10, people are way too harsh on it.


Its grown on me = i finally watxhed it enough times that the horrible edditing and jarring ttanssitions no longee confuse me

I understoood it the first time, unlike you. I hated it because it purposely tried to be convoluded to appear deep. When the deepest shit was litterally explained in soliloquies a 10 year old with basic undeestanding of greek mythology should understand.

It is a horrible movie. If repeated watching makes it seem better, then you are fucking stupid.

goddam KINO

Definitely my favorite Superhero movie.

>calls people stupid
>literally can't spell

It only grows on you of you watch it so much because you love the DC characters . So reguardless if it's trash you'll like it for that fact alone.

you don't know that he's stupid

maybe he's just drunk on a wednesday afternoon

>barely speak english
>call others dumb

How many irony layers are these shills on?


then you're the perfect one to ask: does Batman hit the brake or the accelerator before he crashes into Superman?

>$250 million dollar budget
>CGI looks like it's from a PS2 cut scene

>Watching that shit more than once

>look it's the Dark Knight Returns storyline
>but it's also the Death of Superman storyline
>and it's the first meeting of Batman and Superman
>also we'll introduce Lex Luthor and have the first appearance of Wonder Woman
>hey let's just find a way to force the rest of the Justice League into this while we're at it.
>remember that Injustice storyline? Let's throw that in as well for no reason. The movie isn't cluttered enough.

No wonder it was shit.

Is there an edit without the monster thing at the end? And less Lex Luthor? I feel like allot could have been done in the editing room to make this movie a true 9/10.

I know right? Say what you will about BvS at least looks better than this

That's a pretty low bar.

The more I watch the Ultimate Edition in hour intervals, the more I enjoy the scenes and understand the movie more.

First time I saw theatrical felt like an alright flick, but when I took time to actually analyze the Ultimate Edition and pay attention to the dialogue the more I was able to appreciate it.
Highly underrated to the public eye.