In case you fucking missed it, Trump pretty much reverse psychology'd MSM.

>said MSM wasn't covering terrorist attacks
>CNN then try's to disprove Trump showing massive coverings of how many they covered

They pretty much showed how much of a problem Islam is, also here's a MASSIVE list of terror attacks.

yeah, it was rather obvious what Trump/Bannon's aim here was and the news fell for it hook, line, and sinker. but not only CNN. also FOX, MSNBC, BBC, and all major outlets. lists conflate time to a single document and without proper referents it does appear ISIS is a much larger problem than it is. fear mongering at its finest. no way Trump did that by himself. this has Bannon's fingerprints all over it. the way that due uses twitter and the WH press room as a propaganda machine would be impressive if it weren't so blatantly obvious. yet, these major news outlets fall for it again and again. sigh.

Viva Trump?

Alex Jones was right

Not in the US, don't care.

move to Sup Forums please, mods

Trump is fake news!

They do cover it.

it's on Sup Forums so it's Sup Forums related, Sup Forums

didn't I just see this thread yesterday

Yeah what of it?

Wow, what episode?
I kind of prefer the episode when political news was sent over to Sup Forums since Sup Forums was for tv shows and movies. I can't wait for next season.