Why didn't Jesus just cancel the crucifixion and prove to the Romans and Israelites in that moment that he really was the Messiah?

Why didnt Jesus just transmutate the nails into titties so he was grabbing some titties instead of being nailed to the cross?

Why doesnt he write in the sky so everyone can see it right fucking now that he exists?

he cucked the Romans in the long game

Because it was "meant" to happen, Jesus knows he's going to die and knows he has to.

The Gospels give different reasons particular Mark and Luke with Mark giving the commonly hold notion that his dead was a ransom for man's sins whereas Luke (and Acts) has a theme of Prophets being rejected by their "people" and suffer and draws parallels with Prophets in the Hebrew bible including making up this genealogy with John the Baptists and making his parents carbon copies of Abraham and Sarah

and from the ashes, he shall rise... a new being, a new creation, a new image.... he shall be known henceforth as..../film/

If Pilate took off your crown of thorns would you be the son of man?

It would be extremely sinful

for thyself

>god makes himself into a man by impregnating a woman with himself who is also his son while still being him
>he/his son grows up and then he/his son is brutally murdered by being nailed to a cross
>"my god my god why have you forsaken me" says god
>god sacrifices himself in order to appease himself so he can forgive all mankind for something that adam and eve supposedly did in the garden of eden except they didnt do it it was all a metaphor for something
>people unironically believed all of this was true for twenty centuries and still believe it to this day
>if you point out how ridiculous this is you must be a fat neckbeard who wears a hat

perhaps he is wondering why someone would flog a man before putting him up on the cross

Dr Pilate, I'm son of man

I've forsaken santa claus and the easter bunny too

funnily enough he will not, because Daniel son of man prophecy involved a crown of thorns and dividing the garments n shiet

>god makes himself into a man by impregnating a woman with himself who is also his son while still being him
This is why people call you a fat neckbeard with a hat. That sentence was retarded in itself.

This little faggot hasn't grown up enough to realize that the Christian holiday figures made by parents weren't actually in the bible.

There is a theory that Jesus had a brother named Isukiri who willingly sacrificed himself which allowed Jesus to return to Japan (No joke)

>tfw you realize Jesus was just a man and that in his last moments he was in extreme pain and likely regretted all the cult stuff he did

Except for he didn't. He actually asked his father for forgiveness of the Jews that sent him to death and whipping.

ohhhh, they weren't in that 2000 year old harry potter book? my mistake, im definitely converting now

t. New Testament

this is what weebs actually believe


>t. the most historically accurate book from those times to exist now

Time to go back to your shitty minecraft videos on jewtube pleb

>theme of Prophets being rejected by their "people" and suffer

A accusation against Jews is that they killed all their prophets.

congrats on finishing first in a one-man race
that doesn't mean it's historically reliable

Gonna need citation if you're willing to prove professionals wrong

Always look on the bright side of life

weew wewewewewwewe