Net worth: 400 million dollars

>net worth: 400 million dollars

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not anymore

not for long

He should hook up with Lohan next... she could need some if that Depp money

what do you even do with all that money?

he still owns an island though

yeah but he could still get a few mil per movie. shit out another pirates movie or something, thats more than any 55 year old needs to live decently

As someone who works in wealth management, he sounds like an absolute nightmare client.

Fuck kids on a private island i imagine

Oh! You got him so good! Ha good stuff man!

calm down Pederasta

>oops *giggles* sorry about that Johnny
>nothing personel

I know a girl in NYC who is a real estate agent who has more than that.

question is, why don't you?

He keeps getting that Disney money so he's never going broke, we all know that Disney money is long.

It's unfair.

He spent 20 years gathering that money and now this bitch will take half of everything.

Does it work the other way around? If she was the rich one and she abused him, could he take half her shit and go?

I'm still in school.

I'm honestly surprised it's that much considering how many actors that are in debt millions. I would think she would have snorted all of it or her mom would have bled her dry

She has never really been in as much trouble as the press have made it out to be. She never really had a severe drug problem, and neither did Robert Downey Jr. or most other actors who are famous for it.

If you are actually addicted to opiates your life turns to utter shit and you don't really come back from it. What happened to RDJ was he came up to the cross-roads of where he was almost at that point and turned back before it got that bad. That's what most people consider "rock bottom" rather than actually being a full blown addict.

Look at Morena Baccarin and tell me it's unfair. Men are simply the provider far more often than the women at that level.

depp could of went down as of the best

his oldies are really good

too bad he is a addict to many substances

ikibey wtf are you doing on Sup Forums sandnigger?

mudslimes don't watch movies, come back to balk

>If she was the rich one and she abused him, could he take half her shit and go?


Seriously, he's a drunk and a herione addict, he beat the shit out of her. Good one her for getting some revenge. If the roles were reversed she would have deserved to lose half too.

Shoot ashes of shit writers out a cannon

do we actually know he's hurt her

i thought the consensus was that she was a gold digging ho

Since when is he a heroin addict?

Underage b&

Also kill yourselves Zak McSheckleton

college ya dummy

lots and lots and lots of michaelcaine