How do we stop White Genocide Sup Forums?

All the white populations are declining in their respective countries.

USA went from 90% white in 1965 to 63% last time I checked, but given the rate it's probably more around 61% now.

How the fuck do we stop it?

We will end up never having a country that isn't protective of our related white genomes, and they will just go away.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Holy fuck,Goldstein kek,the jews really are the kings of trolling

And this is Sup Forums related, how?


The cult of the alt-left will not allow this thread.



Holy shit is this what they mean when they say Sup Forums is always right?


>The cult of the alt-left will not allow this thread.
it's the ctr-left

t. shift-center

I thought that was a meme name tbf lads. Next you're going to tell me Shekelberg is a real surname as well.

>its another poor Amerikuk thinks hes rambo in a racewar episode

They feel the fear like they havent felt in a long time

This is just the beginning

Dropping because you faggots just bitch about women instead of fucking them


How are your threads here?

> dat title
> dat name
Alt-Right fags are so easy to bait

I'm not like a lot of you, i consider myself a pretty nice guy usually. I'm not racist at all or anything. But i tried to read the article OP posted and i felt a pulsing in my head and felt the urge to jam a fork through her eye into her brain by the end of the first paragraph.

might as well be named Kikeberg Shekelsteinewitz.

>kike friend on faceberg from before my redpilling
>she's giving me shit during the election about supporting trump and his racist wall
>ask her if she supports Israel borders and it's wall
>she fucking says yes
Find yourselves a dumb SJW jew, they'll spill all the beans without realizing it.

>Yes. It would be evil to assume there is a certain ethnic group who is often found behind well-funded political and social efforts to destroy Western institutions, but let's keep Sup Forums in its containment board so that we can continue to believe ourselves virtuous.

Did I say they were?

>dude we hate women lmao
>dude I don't know how babies are born lmao


The nose knows

I guess these sheckel lovers really want 8 years of trump

that didn't help explain your babble son

I think the more important thing to take note of is that this person condones the erasure of an entire race of people based exclusively on their skin color, the fact that she's Jewish seems pretty secondary

Trump won fag

Yeah you keep worshiping the pussy, buddy. Even when it's a racist who literally wants to get rid of an entire race of people based exclusively on their skin color.

I hope not for your sake

>form a group of like-minded people
>pool resources
>design and manufacture the means to colonize another solar system
>leave the brown people here

The U.S. was 73.1% White in 2015. That's 235 million White folks. We'll be fine.

Ok i just found out this article was a hoax and have calmed down. Get fucked in the ass, OP

Funny. We Germans thought diversity was getting rid of all the Jews and everybody says we're terrible people for having tried to do that.

How is this different?

Source: U.S. Census Bureau.


keep in mind that most latinos identify as white

>arguing against a statement about percentages using absolute numbers
Why do retards always do this?

I also provided the %.

Iirc there isn't a race option for latino, like there is with asian and african american. You have to choose white then mark hispanic as well later or some shit.


You white people arent fucking enough to maintain your numbers. And when your white women are fucking, it's usually brown or black men

kek 0/10

Let me assuage your fears user. This is what the actual statistics are.

What happened is the census bureau, in an attempt to be more accurate back in 1980 decided to reclassify certain groups into different categories.

In 1980 anyone of Spanish speaking heritage was reclassified as in the latino category. So basically all of the Spanish colonists and descendants of people from Spain's colonies were reclassified as "latino" (e.g. people who are of 100% Dutch descent but from the original settlers in Texas are considered not white), this category of "white latino" is 60% of the latino population.
In addition to that, there is another statistic known as "white, additional" which is basically white people who CLAIM (think elizabeth warren, social justice warriors etc) Native American, SE Asian whites who colonized there etc. etc.

These people, when all included put the white population at 83%.

Also, the white population has grown by 5% over the last 10 years and is actually at it's peak in historical growth. It's a widely known fact among people involved with the census that the U.S. is actually not browning, but whitening. Any talk to the contrary is just retarded SJW/libtard bullshit.

Source: I work at the damn census.

Also, be sure to share this on Sup Forums I'm sure it will please them.

Wonder why that is.

>White people don't have kids because they're too busy working to keep the economy and welfare state going
>Niggers are lazy apes who live off welfare and breed like rabbits
Stop giving hand-outs to niggers and they'll die out within half a century due to their own laziness and ineptitude.

We don't. Because as soon as the West falls China takes over.
When China takes over, Arabs, Spics and Niggers get genocided.

So we win in the end. Godspeed China.

Why does Sup Forums hate white people so much?
