The 100 pregame

Do you think she saw us calling her THICC?

This scene could use a webm.
Thoughts on the new season?
Has Murphy ever done anything wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

Murphy will save the day. Clarke and Bellamy will gradually become the villains and the Murphster will rise to the occasion and become the hero that stops them.

Screenshot this.

shameful self bump

How will Murphy stop nuclear a meltdown?

The show really is Fallout now

how can she stay so ̶f̶̶a̶̶t̶ thicc in a post apocalypse world?

I think she looks much slimmer than last season.


>Has Murphy ever done anything wrong?

He was going to murder jasper because he was sick and crying like a bitch. Wait, who am I kidding, that would have been the best thing he's done...nope, murphy has literally done nothing wrong

seems we getting to the misery early tonight


what the fuck is the grounder garbage. give me some clark titties already

he will make mutant babies that can survive the radiation

oh shit, get em Cain

I always thought of him as a Kane

is that spy Octavia, can't tell

>don't mind me inconspicuously lurking right across the fire totally not eavesdropping on your secret plans to murder the king

>negotiating with Grounders



shit I just realized, the arc is now literally being led and maintained by teenagers

Raven is like 20

Is Raven PMSing 24/7? All she ever does is whine and yell at people

if they remember the plot point she has persistent pain from spinal and leg injuries

I just realized Roan is the sex addict dude from Shameless, I just finished the 3rd season of Shameless and can't stop picturing him covered in bondage toys sucking his owm dick.

welp, time to my lai these backwoods grounders again

you idjit, you just added 25 more mouths to feed and save and just fucked over your people

Dead grounders a worth

>Assassin's Creed Octavia

so that just happened

Why did they make octavia go from coal burner to dank cool warrior? Fuck she's such a shitshow of a character

so....who taught Octavia to kill effectively enough to make it look like natural causes?



>tfw no slutty cripple gf

OFFICIAL non meme tier rankings, plebs GET OUT

Clarke > Ontari > Echo > Cripple > Waspfu > Lobsterfu > Finn's Ashes >>>> Octavia

I just jumped in because I've never watched the 100. This guy seems based, is he based? Is it worth watching?

watch it, the first 4 episodes are shit. really picks up after that though.

At some point soon after the start, the song Radioactive will start playing and teens will start dancing. You will want to stop watching at this point, but it gets much better after.

i literally want to punch you in the face

>can't find torrent
>can't find stream

am I just out of practice, or are we beyond the days of glorious pirate? I use to be able to find amazing quality streams/torrents within like 5 minutes of it ending.


show would be infinitely better without that fucking faggot. i got so fucking hard when he was about to blow his brains out but no he was to fucking pussy and now we still have to suffer through his shit


>it's a 'no one can sympathize with Clarke's impossible choices' episode
I swear to fuck, Clarke is surrounded by brainless fucking retards who have no idea she's carrying the earth on her back
I hope her and Murphy are the only ones to survive, neither of them deserve the shit they constantly get

drinks up fem cummies a plenty

>you will never be forced to watch clarke submit another woman

is there even a fucking point to living?

So those fat guys on scooters eat a lot of puss?

she was nowhere near that level tho user, ever.

Just sayin, if eating fish taco makes you fat than the dudes at walmart be swimming in it.

just keeps her thicc enough, thank G*d