I would've thought there would be 3 dozen threads about these girls.
Anyone got any shots of Claire or Marcia? Marcia has thighs I would murder for.
I would've thought there would be 3 dozen threads about these girls.
Anyone got any shots of Claire or Marcia? Marcia has thighs I would murder for.
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the britbong looking one is alright. normally i think britbong looking women are ugly.
this is who im talking about
Theres probably no thread because they were the worst thing about that movie. Their acting was terrible
the black one had a fat ass
shit was nice
you get a glimpse in the kitchen scene
i was expecting a twist
wtf happened?
at least a waifu came out of it
>make the girl with the most thicc ass and hips take of her skirt for the whole movie
>make the girl with the biggest boobs take of her shirt for the whole movie
>make heavy close ups of the most qt girl the whole movie and make her run around sweaty in a small tight shirt
Shyamalan you absolute madman
she should get her name legally changed to 'i have VERY sexual neck'
The twist is that this isn't a psychological thriller but a superhero origin story.
Changes the perspective on the whole film.
is it worth seeing just to jack off in the theater?
Super villain you mean.
Yes, there are even multiple close up cleavage shots of Anya just like that one in The Witch.
And memes aside, I really think it's a film worth seeing in the cinema and giving your shekels to Shyamaladingdong, no matter does your dick work on not.
thanks dude. my dick works btw
i dont know if thats a twist or more like a misderection
Why didn't she open the door and run?
>eyes well up with tears
>every character in the film
>for two hours straight
Movie was fucking annoying
So that's it huh? We some kinda unbreakable squad.
>those close shots of her hairy af arms
pure fuggin kino
>thanks dude. my dick works btw
When you eventually do go to watch it, you will get a boner during this sequence
Neck yourself, fag
wow rude
pmsl pwnd
uhhhhhhh ok but like don't ecourag epeople to be rude??
soz. here's a tuchus as penance
So they all die then?
This. Wasn't his best but it was on par with unbreakable for me. Didn't have a bunch of stupid shit. Nice creepy atmosphere/tension building.
the two roasties get eaten alive and the main character narrowly escapes but watch the movie it's worth seeing the how and why
Sup Forums-dominated Sup Forums is full of pedophiles, not Ephebophiles
I'd give him a handy too
The rape scene was a little over the top. A few people walked out of the theater at that point. Overall it's not worth the time.
>when pajeet can't poo in the streets so he poos on movie endings
how does Split kill the other two girls at the end? will it feed my guro fetish?
>you just know
If you can't beat 'em...
All 3 girls were kept in separate rooms. Main girl goes to get other girls during the escape. Opens first door and Thicc Ass is lying on the floor dead, her stomach looks torn open and chewed on. She goes to open the second door and sees Blondie laying there with half of her body out of view behind a shelf, before getting yanked quickly behind it. Camera pans to a close up shot of the girl's head/upper torso, you see Split's arm/shoulder and hear him chewing/tearing at her stomach as well while Blondie lays there and twitches a few times before dying. Main girl runs off after that.
>how does Split kill the other two girls at the end? will it feed my guro fetish?
He eats them
fuck her tits were so jiggly in that scene.
Why is she braless? Did she use her bra as an escape tool?
One of the personalities has ocd and made her change ger clothes several times, you will get hard during the scene where she gets told to change her shirt
honestly, thicc blond was right the first time. he was just one guy and there were plenty of potential weapons in that room, they really could have ended the movie in 15 minutes if they just attacked him all at once in the beginning, ambush him when he comes in with a sink over the head and its gg.
If they just bashed his head in or something when he was his 9 y/o self they could've done it, but as Dennis he was so much stronger than two of them that the added third probably wouldn't have made a difference
strong yeah, but like still regular human strong, and being strong doesnt protect you from a sink to the skull.
why didn't she shotgun his face at the end?
>that proximity
>those smiles
How does one enter into split personality McAvoy mode?
She already explained how much stronger he was.
Dennis was also faking/taking over the other personalities as well. He appeared almost right away when she tried to run from Hedwig.
well its hardly worth it but
So the twist was that rape is actually a good thing?
Why ask for what you already have?
Is McAvoy actually called Split or are you guys just calling him that for fun?
it's just memes no worries, he's not actually called split
The guy he plays is named Kevin, but for the majority of the movie he goes by whichever persona is in control so calling him Split is fairly justified
They eventually name him "the horde"
Saved $8 then.
Don't be an ass, hit the center of mass SAILOR MOON SAYS
what are you gonna spend the 8 dollars on lad