Are you guys ready for capekino? Premier in 40 minutes only on FX!
Are you guys ready for capekino? Premier in 40 minutes only on FX!
Yes, I cannot wait to see Noah Hawley (Emmy Award winning Fargo™) bring the titular character to life on the small screen
Should be good. I'll provide a synopsis, taken from the Guide:
Episode 1:
>David contemplates if the voices he hears might be real.
This runs for an hour and a half, so it should be good. OP, do you have a stream?
do you guys try to sound like shills?
whatever, im gonna watch. hopefully its good. waiting for dofp to get over.
Pretty sure that was the joke. The ™ kinda gave it away.
Six minutes....
3 minutes....
>premiering your new show the same time as your most popular show
Is IASIP dead?
A few more seconds now.
starts now...a baby...
i'm watching
i see a fuckin baby
Headphones chick is kinda qt.
she's white.
Damn, that was a long segment. What do you guys think so far?
Alright, honestly I'm liking it so far.
It had sort of a goofy crazy feel, which I liked.
so is his girlfriend like rogue where she'll take his energy if she touches him
how much will this tie into the movies? i mean they just aired first class and DOFP so there must be some crossover right
That confirms it. Wow, that effect was cool.
And this matters specifically why?
It was.
No. I don't think that is what it is. I don't think these characters are connected to the movies.
It certainly is better than a lot of the movies, at least there is some element of mystery to it
I agree. I like a good story to follow the breadcrumbs.
I just yelled oh shit. You know the part
There's more going on visually too, it's not just people scowling and laser punching each other
white girls are ugly.
wtf did i just watch? im 150% lost.
is body swap the most patrician fetish?
Still another 25 minutes left.
Seems straight forward, but there's parts I'm not sure about.
The people trapped in rooms? Is that his craziness distorting his memory?
He seems to be using her body to escape when he becomes unconscious
>being this nonchalant about your death
Well, I guess that's neat.
It's just Aubrey Plaza, her dying wouldn't be that big a lost
Someone's gonna have a webm of that soon enough.
these are two shitty pursuit robots
I like Noah Hawley so I'll watch but wait for a torrent.
How is it so far?
So, was it good? Should I torrent it?
God fucking dammit it just turned into a shitty action movie. Where did my kino go?
First 45 minutes are confusing, but the last 45 make up for it.
I'm loving this 70's retro-future aesthetic
wow it fucking sucked.
really disappointed.
>a man dancing with a horse?
>I have no idea what is going on
Legion in a nutshell. Shitty Oliver Sacks wankery. 0/10.
I think the the first 45 minutes made sense, then for 20 minutes it didn't, and for the last 10 minutes it kind of made sense, but left much unanswered, presumably to be explained in the regular series run.
I like it, but don't know if it has enough to keep me interested. I'd probably watch maybe another just to see where the regular series run goes.
It was great
It kind of sucks that they went so fast into this team thing. It doesn't help that none of them look interesting at all either. I'll watch one more as well.
lol you idiots watched this crap over sunny.
you blew it dude
fuck I forget I get FXX now.
sunny is hot garbage. this is the next big thing friend.
Yeah, I really did.
Like: said the team looks boring and I think they rushed into it. I expected to see Xavier's son and Aubrey Plaza fucking around running from authorities not a "train guy who doesn't know the extent of his powers for war" show.
So I bet that weird blob bald dude is him seeing Xavier's psychic projection or at least how his wack brain interprets it.
In Sup Forums they're saying that it's one of David's dangerous split personalities.
seems like a safe bet
yeah, a little too safe
Webm of Aubrey Plaza grabbing her imaginary tits when?
Yellow Eyes lurking in the background during that last scene was a nice touch. Although everything about the protagonist's frail psyche is gonna make me think literally everything in this show could be a "it was all in your head" asspull.
wait a second here
is this the guy from escape from newyork
the dukes whatever or something
Is Legion the only Mutant in this show? I love obscure X-Men characters, one of reasons for Deadpool success.
No, there are others, I don't know who they are though. I know zero about Legion comics if there are any.
They showed in the previews for future episodes the bad guys are waging a war against mutants, dunno if they'll be others.
I just wanna hear Aubrey Plaza talk about titties every week. I hope this show doesn't drop the ball
How was it brehs? Just got home
It's almost good enough to make you forget it's capeshit. The last five minutes make me worried it's going to go full capeshit with the rest of the series though.
they had to drop a short capeshit powers-fest for the spergs at the end, but overall it was pretty solid; well designed, well shot, decent script.
The dance scene was the best part.
i didnt even give a shit about the capeshit aspect when jean smart appeared, she was one of the best parts of Fargo S2 and it gave me more hope with Hawley being so hyped to helm it
about to watch it
I don't understand why they would do a show about this character. He is nigh unkillable and basically his entire point of view can't be trusted which means most of what we saw for entire two episodes is a lie.
and..I don't know, a character that can't be killed has to be likable and he is just too..I don't know.
I thought he was likable, he's crazy but not an asshole. I find it sort of interesting not knowing what's reality and what isn't, curious to see where they go with it.
Deadpool was somewhat obscure until like 2010-2012 though.
>Holy shit this shit is amazi-
>song and dance number
He's called Legion because he's a schizophrenic with multiple personalities that all have different powers and therefore he is a 'legion'. Basically omnipotent probably since he's Prof Xavier's son and all but too mentally fucked to ever be able to utilize all that power. At least in the comics he was.
well you can tell when it goes into symbolic expression, red light, people whispering, they use nice visual vehicles for different mental states but isn't his main personality a 10 year old kid? How is that going to be interesting in long run?
and most of his offensive powers are tied to assholes like Wayne and cyndi. And if they follow comics, we're going to get stuck with a raghead in the story till it gets cancelled.
I sort of agree, I thought he was likable as well, Plaza is just miscasted..she should not be in this show. If they wanted girl interrupted..the shouldn't have picked her.
Deadpool was not obscure to anyone who had the slightest knowledge of comics. I remember field trips in the 90s where kids would bring their card collections and everyone ooo'd and aaah'd over the deadpool cards.
i thought it was tom waits t b h f a m
He wasn't a popular comic though. Prior to him blowing up and becoming the next wolverine carrying multiple titles he could barely sell one series, and they were usually cancelled after poor sales.
Anyone know the name of the French song during the dance scene?
The reason there's a show about him is because in the comics he's basically fucking omnipotent but is too crazy and unstable to be able to utilize his full potential as his powers are divided amongst his personalities and he could catastrophically fuck the world up at any given time if he wanted to, he can fucking warp reality if he's got the right personality, also he's Xavier's illegitimate son, so aside from Jean and a very small handful of others, power-wise he's probably the most fascinating mutant. If my memory serves right, in the comics he also inadventently caused the Age of Apocalypse the one time he was trying to not fuck up and was trying to save Xavier from dying via killing Magneto in the past via timetravel. That's a fucking boatload of potential right there. You can't tell me you're not at least a little fascinated in the places this show could go.
There are others, but it's not in the same universe as the X-Men.
Remender's post waypool run set him on the path, remender's buddies like duggan all hung out together so essentially, the last of marvel's decent writers were all placed around Dp's properties, almost and most likely accidentally considering that ran remender off when he had a bad run in with the white muslim queen.
He's more powerful than Jean Grey. The only mutant that tops him power wise is Franklin Richards, and that's only because Richards has full control over his mutant abilities where as David doesn't.
Had David full control he'd be more powerful than Richards.
Oh I definitely am, I love a lot of mutant based stories, I just don't think they have budget to pull off even a tenth of his stories.
He ends up changing physically as well into an alien looking shit.
Yeah exactly. Legion is cool as fuck.
So I just finished the first episode and read the comic wiki. It literally spoils the first season. Why would they build mystery around a bunch of shit you can look up in 3 seconds?
Because normies.
Yeah I know, I was going to watch Split, then I read the spoilers so I figured why watch a movie when I just looked up what happens.
You could spoil any tv show or movie if it's an adaptation of something. Are you twelve?
>Are you twelve?
Except you couldn't spoil Daredevil season 1 with the Daredevil wiki morons. They could have built the story around him without mystifying his powers.
>Except you couldn't spoil Daredevil season 1 with the Daredevil wiki morons.
Because it's not a direct adaptation, while Legion obviously sticks closer to whatever plot the comic has. Do you really need this shit explained to you or are you just desperate for (You)'s?
>Because it's not a direct adaptation
Neither is this.
>Do you really need this shit explained to you
I should ask the same of you but you've clearly inadvertently answered it.
>Neither is this.
You missed an important part princess.
>while Legion obviously sticks closer to whatever plot the comic has.
meant for
I'm not the one who watched a show, and then decided to spoil myself on the show, then bitch about spoiling the show for myself.
No you are just ignorant. The problem isn't it sticking to the plot. It's not. It's that a 3 second scan of the wiki reveals the girl is not real and neither is the telekinetic guy. They are clearly making that a "big reveal" later on in the season. They could have structured the show without having something that stupid for the twist. I'll forgive the fact that the main bad guy is spoiled by the wiki because every super hero show is like that. It has nothing to do with it sticking to the plot.
Did you know that there was a book that Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho was based on? Anyone could read that and spoil the movie. What a fucking retard that Hitchcock was, I tell ya.
see fucking idiots on this board i swear
I do this for every show, I don't actually watch anything just read wikipedia articles on it then tell Sup Forums how shitty it is and they're faggots for watching it.
Once more... you SPOILED your fucking self, and you're bitching on here about that. That's your own fucking stupidity.
It was obvious as fuck they'd be using his own personalities from the comics.
>apples are oranges
Wow you really are retarded. I'm talking about a fucking television show that is based on a mystery. That's a fucking movie. The logistics of keeping a twist secret aren't at all comparable.