Is it just a meme?

Do you believe in world peace, Sup Forums?

look at nature to answer your question

I just don't know anymore leafbro.

I believe in Christ; I believe in peace. Abstinence from the temptations of this world are the only ways to avoid its wars and games.

Maybe the natural equilibrium for humanity requires chaos and striving. Like posting on Sup Forums - between the shitposts, shilling and shoahs, we can actually communicate. Meme magic happens. That's what I'm starting to believe lads.

Not as long as the people are materialistic, no.



No, because as long as one person says red and another says blue, there will always be conflict.

for reference: one of America's most influential Supreme Court justices.

"The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience."

Burroughs was a flaming homo yet never wrote one untrue sentence

But can following your principles still lead to chaos?

"Among men there are but few who behave according to principles -- which is extremely good, as it can so easily happen that one errs in these principles, and then the resulting disadvantage extends all the further, the more universal the principle and the more resolute the person who has set it before himself."

- Immanuel Kant, Observations of the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime

Agreed 100%. Truly one of the best of all time.

Peace Through Power!

Yes, at the very least we should strive for peace, improve ourselves and take as best care of the planet and animals as we possibly can.

This is as bad as when liberals have to use animal behavior to justify homosexuality. We as humans have the ability to reason and thus the ability to rise above our primitive instincts and improve life for ourselves and possibly other species. Otherwise why bother with civilization at all and just live in some dog eat dog world where the strongest, most irrational and violent psychopath wins and fuck the rest.

following the principles of Christ will not lead to chaos. this quote by Kant as I understand it states that men who stray ever so slightly from the right path, the straight and narrow, are more dangerous than men who are far from it. sure, I can accept that as true, but so what? the point is to stay on the path.

I also am not a big fan of Kant, I don't think his categorical imperative is correct or necessary given that we have the wisdom of Christ to study, and I don't agree with his ideas of a priori knowledge; geometry and space is just as empirical as any other perception.

I am Christian as well, and I find the idea that staying on the path is simple or easy incredibly arrogant and frankly offensive. The whole point of faith is its enduring difficulty, the incessant temptations. To believe oneself somehow immune to straying is just ludicrous.

Best satirist that ever wrote, never challenged past or present

I would say it is simple, but it's not easy. but just because the barely fallen righteous man is the worst amongst us doesn't mean we shouldn't still aim to be the righteous man. there's one goal no matter how you cut it.

I believe you're a fucking cunt and should hang yourself you religious cunt.

i kek'd

war is both necessary and unavoidable in the long term.
war is how nations and societies compete with each other. it is the mechanism of natural selection - the weak are culled, the strong thrive.

without war, the weak are preserved while the strong are actively made weak to prevent them from conquering the weak. the result is weakness and stagnation across the board.

lack of conflict is the primary cause of the degeneracy and degradation of western europe since 1945.
