Who is this man?

Who is this man?

its me


It's not Immanuel Kant

Nikola Tesla

Friedrich Engels, 19th century porcelain magnate

Nick Tesselton, famous American inventor of the Colt 1911 and KFC Double Down.

Niklas Tesselson, Danish prime minister who created Sweden back in 1995.

Nicolás de Teslada, famous Spanish inventor of fregona (mop + stick), navaja (knife + stick) and futbolín (football + table + stick).

He scratched his butt and smelled his fingers, more than once. An awful man!

Nicklas "Nicke" Tesselström, Swedish inventor of steel tanks

archduke Franz who assassinated hitler back in 1908, the event started the second world war

Mikołaj Teslowski, inventor of teh toilet plunger

Don't forget the chupa-chups (candy+stick)

Niqöla Tehüesla, brave mapuche warrior

Nicolau Telha, portuguese explorer and first white person to ever taste sopa de macaco(PS:é uma delícia!)

he's Nicola Tesletti, beloved inventor of pizza and mandolino

Nicolas Teseslat, famous french footballer

Nikolas tessel. Inventor of windmills

Teszlai Miklós, 19th century paprika mogul

is this meme still alive?

Niko Teslanen, finnish tar mogul and inventor of Nokia phone.

Mikołaj Teslewicz, famous car thief