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Thats not how it works but whatever

If they did that I would buy stocks in Popeyes and swisher sweets

yeah that makes sense...honestly can't think of a single nigger that had a shit ton of money and then went broke because they were retards.

kind of like how people win the lottery and in a few years cant make the rent?


Give a nigger money and he'll buy a truck full of kools. Teach a nigger a trade and he'll rob your house.

they'd be poor again within 5 years

>$100 to every nigger
>suddenly no one is poor

why don't the government just give everybody 1 million dollars ?

>white gov

Holy shit this is so fucking ridiculous, and no because they would spend it all on drugs.

Poverty would be solved.

Why not?
>implying they don't have the cash flow

>nigga wearing a suit with meme glasses

yeah he must be really smart. on why not

Implying they would just be fucking greedy and ask for more handouts.

>5 years
More like three months

There are more whites than blacks in poverty so that plan will not eliminate poverty

As a non-white PoC, I would absolutely enjoy a $100.

I've given more money to niggers when getting mugged. He wanted $100, and I told withdraw $200 if he's fuck off. I saw him around town a few times afterwards, was pretty alright outside of the mugging.

>white government

The president is a fucking nigger.

>white government

I'm pretty sure the last time I checked, the US president wasn't white.

Popeyes is legitimately good.

Your investment strategy is bulletproof.

More like within 5 minutes.
They'd all go buy Lamborghinis and find themselves $100,000 in debt, then demand more gibsmedats.

should be given jobs instead

Not really. They'll blow it all on pot.

that would be 4 trillion at the inside - the country would bankrupt.

Our Congress is. And this is probably Britain as it says 100 thousand.

It worked for Nigeria

why do they deserve it?

do they think that they would be better off if they had been left to squalor in the heat cracked deserts or malaria filled forests/swamps of Africa where the idea of healthcare was to go to the witch doctor and have him dance and bang a drum?

thats more money then 5 average blacks from the west coast of africa will ever make; and thats mainly because theres mines there. Minus that and its more than a thousand blacks will ever make
heres an idea, they pick out of 5 african countries to move to and they get a paid airfare/ship ride there, they get a thousand dollars in whatever currency the country uses and good riddance

go be wif yuh black bruthers
why dont they ask Dave Chappele about his "spiritual time" in Africa in which he abandoned his show, went to africa since he was fed all the bullshit about it being the place he was meant to be and was probably offered rancid monkey/wild dog meat to eat by the locals

Extremely relevant


>A black single mother with 3 children and no adult male in the household averages ~$70,000 yearly from the government

Really makes you think huh

The average welfare recipient gets 25 dollars a day which comes out to 9,125 dollars a year. If they're on welfare for a decade they've gotten their 100,000 dollars.

>people still reply seriously to fake twitter posts

The government doesn't have that kind of money

Could you dump the rest? Always looking for more dank Farage memes.


If the white gov't killed every non-white person, homo, jew, and muslim there'd be no more racism, homophobia, anti-semitism and islamophobia.






>if we gave everyone free money out of thin air poverty would end

>doesn't realize the head of the federal government isn't black
>doesn't realize $100k is not a life changing amount of money in any major city

Once again, Chappelle was way ahead of the curve (with his reparations episode)

>$100.00 and 0/10 of a cent.
Really makes you think

>if we just inflated our currency, that'll solve everything

Wants more welfare.



I'm 100% for reparations, I would offer any black who wants to renounce their citizenship 50k, then after the first wave leave, up it to 100k, after they leave up it to 200k until the diminishing point of returns.

After 70-80%+ of blacks have left, you will have a much better country in the long run where these up front costs will seem like nothing.

>mfw getting $3000 net from college grants for being a spic


reparations 2 should just be $5000 and a one way ticket to some country in africa
40 acres and a mule to the actual victims just wasn't enough I guess

i think we could sterlize the impoverished and undesirable, ending poverty for less than $100 a colored person if we get creative enough

Would only be solved for a day.

KFC stock prices would skyrocket.

See the chappelles show sketch about this.


im all for paying them to leave but they dont want to leave they have a good system going with foodstamps, welfare and section 8 housing if they went home to africa they would be dead within a month.

no they just want gibs me dats and free shit

We should do niggers a favor and exterminate them


They're rational in a sense, but not that rational, most of them would take the higher amount of gibsmedats (you can even throw in land in the country) and leave.

Besides, the ones that do the calculations and stay are at least somewhat smarter, so even if you could purge the stupidest 10-20% of them, that wouldn't be bad.

>implying this worked for WWII germany

I made around 25 today.

You're giving them too much credit, I give it 3 days

This one is good for triggering remain sobs on twitter.

lol stupid nigger.


Indeed it would, all the coke overdoses would solve the nigger problem forever.






>give “poor” person 100k
>abolish all welfare
>if you become poor again you're on your own

Might work out cheaper

Giving that much money to people in poverty would be disastrous. Many of them would have no idea how to manage that kind of money effectively. Within two years, they would return to poverty, but the economy would of gotten a slight boost from their stupid purchases.

Also, that's a bit racist to assume all colored people are poverty stricken.

But luckily that guy is Black, so its okay cause liberas say so. /s

Yeah, they'd overdose or drink themselves to death. The ones who try to save will be murdered for their 100k by the other niggers. Poverty solved.

If the 'white gov' gave every broke nigger a bullet to the head, poverty would be solved.

I mean it's worked well for china... right?

If every nigger was given $100,000, 99.98% of them would still be broke in a week.

On the upside, a month or two later the market would be flooded with lightly used luxury cars at rock bottom prices.

>white gov
but obama is a nigger

The downside would be that all of the weed dealers are sold out and CVS is out of cough syrup.

>assuming only PoC are in poverty
what a racist

Man, I bought this truck of cigarettes for straight cash.


>they do that
>invest in kfc
>rich overnight

Breaking news, the US has run out of Hennessy only days after their new plan to give every black person 100k


They never actually got the 40 acres and mule. Not that they were entitled to it in the first place, but facts are facts.

Have you guys ever met a nigger? That money would be spent before you even gave it to them.

>go to twitter account
>scroll down to get last 30 days of tweets
>it's not there

how the fuck is $100 gunna save shit?

50k is the same as the cost of 1 year in prison. It fucking pays for itself.

and then theyd blow it on drugs, cars and prostitutes. yeah right.

>unknown to whites
>blacks have a deal on weed
>$100 an oz for any fellow black
>whites don't get this deal

>this would cost 12 trillion dollars
>300% of the entire US budget
>2400% of the current budget deficit
>It's been shown time and time again that wealth generation doesn't come from simply receiving money but from managing it wisely
>Implying anyone can live indefinitely
>Implying this would shit to poverty
>Giving it to Asians despite Asians beating whites by basically any measure of success

I'm sure there would be no problems at all.

actually we would probably be fiscally better off if we gave all PoC 100k and cut off the welfare spigot for all eternity.

Naturally they would blow that money in 6 months and be begging on the street that they wuz being oppressed.

Don't believe me? Just look at what happens to big lottery winners.

Really makes you think

It's in spic numeracy. Decimals and thousand breaks are commas and full stops respectively. Almost as dumb as the yanks putting the month before the day in dates.

>clothe and educate a nigger and this is what his mind produces

i bought a baby!

Yeah, no. Niggers are still retarded.

>Family lived thru hurricane Katrina
>The gov gave us some money
>bought the best generator on the market $5000 could get, upgraded garage, front and rear doors, new gutters.
>The White gov gave out $50,000 to the blacks
>They blew nearly all the money on jewelry, hand bags, designer clothes and shoes and the rest in luxury restaurants.
>Blacks were dead poor with $50k in less than two weeks when they went back to their homes.
>This was the same story for every black family in the area.

If you give a nig a dolla, he'll spend it all on shiny things.

I think he either meant $100 or he can't into commas