Just cancelled my Netflix subscription. I hope they learn from this.
Just cancelled my Netflix subscription. I hope they learn from this
Majority of their business comes from poor people, they don't give a shit.
triggered, cuck?
but you didn't watch the show and nobody was making you watch the show
Nice virtue signaling, faggot.
>tfw I bought 3 new Netflix subscriptions after seeing the Dear White People trailer
You showed those nu-male cucks what's what.
it isn't virtue signalling if it's anonymous
netflix doesnt make money through ads like traditional television. If this were on NBC, i could just watch whatever programming is on before (which would support the company and that show), change the channel when Dear White People came on (depriving the network of ad money), and then flip back after the show ended. With netflix, they get money just from any show thats watched, because they run exclusively off a subscription based model.
Don't pretend like you have any other profiles on your account nigga.
>cancelling/deleting Uber was a statement
>cancelling/deleting netflix is just triggered Trumptards
you fucking Americans
How? He just posted this so people would support him. It's the definition of virtue signalling.
I'm just not going to watch it. It'll get the lowest star rating in Netflix history and they will get the message that they wasted money by funding it. Or, they will double down that "only le evil racists don't like this", the narrative will be spun, and it's green lit for 2 more seasons. Chances are they were banking on a backlash for free publicity and victim points, just like ghostbusters.
What part of your netflicks account is anonymous?
And virtue signaling is mainly done for the feelings and social acceptance. Both can be accomplished even with anonymity
>Having a Netflix in the first place
you can still get a pat on the back without revealing your name.
But Ghostbusters tanked and wasted millions of dollars
>Oh no, one program in their entire catalog triggers me so much I have to cancel my entire subscription to get away from this white genocide!
They aren't going to pull the show, dipshit. Go back to your cave. Multiple news articles and negative comments would probably make them consider it. Good fucking luck not getting called a white supremacist for publicly expressing an opinion like that in this day and age.
Did you tell your mom you were cancelling her account?
lol im actually crying reading this
>implying you have a set meter on your tv or cable box that would allow a network to know when you changed the channel
they got paid to show the ad wether you watched it or not and you supported it
you're projecting so hard right now
>how dare a company offer products for everyone?!
There's a 100% chance you're chatting with a mexican. I used to work there. Tell them Navil is a slut.
i know this is bait but
>complaining to a customer service rep
lmfao this is almost as pathetic as complaining to some store clerk. dude is getting paid minimum wage, do you think he gives a fuck or has any power to change whatever ur complaining about?
>tessa thompson
after she damn near ruined westwood there's no way i'm touching anything else with her, regardless of content
But to to this day, it's refused to be acknowledged it wasn't a massive success and the funniest movie of the last decade.
This formula will be repeated.
Don't like our movie staring women? You're a sexist.
Don't like our movie about black people?
You're a racist.
Don't like this movie about your white privilege?
You're white fragility makes you racist and you're ignorant.
>not realizing controversy = free press = profit
>not realizing netflix is copying trump's scam
>being this new
You're fucked either way user. It is known.
>paying the Netflixjew to begin with
networks typically sell contracts for commercial time in seconds by the number of times they air it.. they can charge whatever premium they want to the advertiser, regardless of whether or not people watch them.. because they have no metric except survey popularity for the network. in short, you're an idiot.
>minimum wage
They're probably from India if not a siri-style neural net bot.
They have no idea what OP is even on about, and have probably never even seen a white person.
why are all the gamergaters who went on about freedom of expression now whining about netflix making a tv show for black people
>for black people
because a show called Dear Black People would have been totally fine and BLM wouldn't be burning down their own cities over it
>trump's scam
Motley Crue and Ozzy were doing that decades ago.
Oh wow he virtual signaled to someone from customer service
You're just as bad as Sup Forums
thats cause black people are oppressed enough already
>dear white people
>you can only dress up like pirates and other white things.
Aren't most real life pirates black and Asian?
Me personally?
Sup Forums is always right.
my mom watches it quite a lot so I am keeping it
fuck off
The people who make the shows don't just get money.
They still have to be greenlit.
If people aren't actually watching the shows or it underperforms, they're not going to bring it back for a second season.
I'm assuming Netflix records all the shows you watch, how long etc.
eat shit whitey
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxists Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxists fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Trust me, the studio owners know it wasn't a massive success. There's another show coming out with an all-female cast soon and when that tanks the industry at large will get the message
Why are neckbeards so easily triggered?
>Fuck White Plepeo
How are they oppressed?
The all female Oceans whatever movie is going to tank.
This is so autistic you're literally the same as SJWS but somehow even worse. im taking a break from this shitty board
Do they really look like that?
you tell us dude
make it a long one
Typo or agreeing with me?
By their lack of work ethic and intelligence, nature fucked them over
holy jesus
>alt-tumblr triggered again because they're once again reminded that the whole world isn't the little hugbox echochamber of Sup Forums
What a surprise
haha, you are such a whiny little bitch
whatever, nigga. I'll enjoy Stranger Things season 2 without you
>racist films and television programs against shitskins are not allowed on Netflix, or they have never sought to acquire the rights to such media
>racist films and television programs against whites are not only allowed, but funded by Netflix
Clearly the person or people in charge are regressive leftists or opportunistic Jews. Neither group should be supported and I urge you to cancel your Netflix subscription in a similar manner.
All those good-shill shekels
well done OP
I work at a major media company in San Francisco and people may not believe it, but even one email such as yours can have an effect.
It can have an effect because beneath the decision makers are a thousand little people collecting evidence of their leader's mistakes-- in hopes of taking their place.
I hope others on Sup Forums do this. I only pirate and would never pay for the streaming jew in the first place.
Netflix is a NGO not a business. Expel Hollywood.
What did the sharbino clan mean by this?
calm down with those eyebrows jesus christ
oh my god HAHAHAH
>Racist... against whites
Why do you care? Aren't you suppose to be against PC culture?
Netflix lost 4 subscriptions today in my family.
Cancel Shitflix
Cancel Prime
Cancel cable
Boycott Hollywood movies.
Strangle them financially. They are cancer right now
>The invisible majority
Just like the invisible crowd at the inauguration, right?
I'm not from alt-tumblr. Racism against whites is the same as racism against any other group of people. Supporting and funding racism against whites is just as bad as supporting and funding racism against blacks or Muslims.
>Censor what I don't like
Is it honest retardation or just a painful lack of self awareness that fuels Sup Forumsesmokers?
India sucks. don't argue, just except it
>being poor
$12 a month is literally nothing to me.
When did he ask to censor it you fucking retard? Not supporting =/= wanting to censor
Have you ever heard of a boycott? They're American as apple pie.
how did you construct a post this ironic
Where do these fucking sjw faggots come from?
Boycotting =/= Censoring you retarded shill
>stop supporting them so they have to pander to the people I dislike even more since it's the only audience
>Good Day, kind sir! Have you watched the latest offering of entertainment from Netflix? I have, and would say it is glorious
Lol. I see it too?
I actually work for a major tech and media company in Seattle and we don't read that shit.
We laugh about irate emails in our meetings, dude.
Netflix will come out ahead on this and weather the storm of neckbeards. Come time for Stranger Things season 2, no one will even remember this "controversy"
This post is like an Inception of stupid.
If they are reduced to pandering to niches another company will offer better service in their stead.
Yeah I'm sure LaShonda making $12.50 per hour at some Netflix customer service warehouse in the middle of nowhere is going to use this to take over the whole damn organization. They probably have a list of like a dozen or so different standard classifications for why a customer canceled their account. OPs cancellation was marked as "Reason #7, Customer was unsatisfied with product selection" and inputted into some data file with the tens of thousands of other cancellations which happened that day.
They are quite literally paid shills.
Not interbreeding with neanderthal and denisovians fucked up the blacks.
are you talking for all of seattle you greasy fuck?
> we don't read that shit.
how can you laugh about them at meetings if you don't read them?
your idiocy reveals you're no higher than customer support
Name one example where that happened
Why are Conservatives so shit at making or appreciating art?
Seriously, all you faggots are good for is creating and swallowing propaganda. It's the only art you know how to consume.
they do it for free actually
Could this post POSSIBLY be any more ironic?
yup. (((netflix)))
memes are art. you motherless fuck.
>television and film
no. Also all modern art is crap, IMO.