Other urls found in this thread:
>no major female characters
>perfect movie
every time
the devil is in your hands and I will sssssssuck it out
Yes, thank you, that will be all.
You sniveling ASS!
What is this? Why don't I own this? WHY DON'T I OWN THIS? Don't be thick in front of me Al
DUM DUM DUM DUM dum dum dum dum DUM DUM DUM DUM dum dum dum dum
I watched Lawrence of Arabia last night and me mom started whining about how they would never make a movie that awesome nowadays because it had no women.
Why am I such a cuck when my mom is so redpilled?
Why are this movie and The Master so perfect? Why can't other directors make movies this good?
Yes, I've made a deal with Union and my son is happy and safe. I'm taking care of him now, so... you look like a fffffool, don't you Tilford
Even PTA can't seem to come near them these days. Inherent Vice was trash.
Also desu his movies are carried by great performances. The guy somehow gets the best out of his actors.
>inherent vice was trash
>the kid never acted in another movie again
>Inherent Vice was trash.
Cool how he flips this on dano in the end. Good movie. My favorite shot is when hes at the beach and realizes benny isn't his brother. The wave rises with him staring at the camera.
god, of all the xrazy scenes in this movie, that was the most awkward to watch
Like, imagine that actually happening in real life, you'd be fucking cringing so hard two tables over
There's a whole ocean of MILKSHAKE under our feet
>Daniel is in the light
>Henry is in the dark
>this is the last time they spoke as friends
i want to sleep next to your mom.
Why do people say this movie isn't good?
Clearly it's a good movie
who has ever said that?
it's praised everywhere
There are some contrarian faggots on Sup Forums who like to shit on TWBB, The Master, and PTA in general, but yeah, for the most part everyone recognizes this as a masterpiece.
ok pleb, not everyone with a different opinion is a "contrarian"
Muh! OIL
an overacted movie if I have ever seen one
>Paul "I want to be Altman, Hawkes, Scorsese and a myriad of other directors and it took me seven movies to craft my own style but even then the writing and characters don't really hold up but pseuds love me because I'm slightly better than the average television director which means I'm auteur in this day and age of """"film critics""""" but I really enjoy making movies earnestly so thank you so very much my friends" Anderson
I'm gonna bury you underground, Eli...
we get it, you're trying to bait replies
>Inherent Vice was trash.
Didn't he go on some embarrassing rant online or something?
My mom says women ruin movies
It was fucking shit and deep down (you) all know it. PTA needs to get his shit together
Even The Master was a letdown honestly. Performances carried it out but you could still see it.
This is hands down my favourite drama ever.
I fucking love Daniel Plainview. The performances in this movie where just amazing, the directing as well. Had such an air authenticity to it.
The Master would have been great if they had cut it with all the "B sides" material in the main movie. A lot of stuff in the "B sides" reel was also in the trailer and not the movie. It's not a huge amount of stuff and doesn't change a whole lot, but would of just added to the movie.
I liked Inherent Vice quite a bit but didn't love it and no one stood out too much to me.
I mean he wasn't an actual actor to begin with, so..
Not him but I wanted to like it more, maybe some stuff went over my head and I have only seen it once. It wasn't a let down or anything, but I expected a bit more.
>look at me I'm contrarian!
Haha classic.
Korine is fucking trash and not worthy to look from inside a cuck shed how PTA fucks his wife, the only movie with any artistic merit he has ever done is Gummo and it's still vacuous as fuck
You're just the AFTERbirth, Eli.
they should've put you in a glass jaaar on the mantlepiece
The way he delivers that line. Fuck me lads.
This movie really is perfection. Fucking perfection. Every frame is an art-piece, every line of dialogue profound, every moment a testament to human greatness. I cried, I laughed, I applauded. A miracle of modern a cinema and a miracle of the human mind.
Unironically this although I like The Master even more
Did you think your song and dance and your superstition would help you, Eli?!
Your mother is a remarkably intelligent woman. I hope this is true.
Why he edited it out so much and then stuck it onto a b sides reel I'll never understand.
He drank a lot in this film
It is a great fucking movie. God I wish we had more like this being released.
Well how the hell would you handle it? Meditating?
You won't see another movie of the likes for a long time. It truly was something special.
Although hell I'd take any decent DDL performance these days, wheres he been?
I don't mean alcohol. Theres just a lot of shots of him drinking stuff
Don't know where I read that The Master was originally a movie about Freddie going on a road trip and meeting strange people, On the road kind of thing, but then PTA realized that everything that wasn't The Cause was not as good and made the entire movie about that
I was pretty bored throughout this film
Does that make me dumb?
I don't think I've ever been as speechless and somehow overjoyed at a film than at the end when he kills Eli.
Like before that moment, the movie was going to be good for me, damn good. When I realized what was transpiring I just couldn't get this look of shock and awe and this grin off my face while the credits rolled. To me, the ending brings the entire movie together in this perfect knot. The ending for some reason is what just makes this movie, it somehow makes every other part of it great simultaneously, but holy fuck it just made me love it.
Certainly the people I've watched this with didn't have the same reaction, but man I don't know I just didn't see it coming yet it wouldn't have been right to end any other way.
Genetics and racemixing made you dumb, not enjoying this movie is just a consequence
>this is 10/10 kino in burgerland
Even that last scene where the music comes in after Daniel exclaims "I'm finished". God damn it this movie was perfection and that is fact.
I would like a $100000 dollar signing bonus, plus the five that is owned to me!
That's only fair
>being this jelly a story this great will never be told using his own country and people
It's the simmetry between these two scene I'd say
>I'm finished!
>violin starts screeching
Short answer: A little.
I rather you just tell me "I'm not that into movies" to make sense of things, but then again if you can't appreciate this movie then in reality you are in fact inferior.
I don't have a "own country" you memer.
I feel sorry for you desu. I end up shaking with emotion every time I finish it.
Totally forgot to add in in my original post but had to mention it. It's just so fucking good.
Change the subject again yuropoor
I can appreciate it, but that didn't make me any less bored, that's the problem
By all accounts I should have enjoyed it, but I just didn't care about anyone or anything enough to get me invested
Wow you suck at counting.
>it's Paul Dano gets the shit slapped out of him episode
The best
Is there a movie were he gets beaten up that isnt kino?
>new PTA+DDL movie this year
>Joaquim Phoenix still not confirmed
Come on Pauly boy, give us what we want you fucking cuck
Wait really? I've been out the loop.
There is a very probably the greatest movie ever made. PTA reached enlightenment when he was making this.
>There is a very probably the greatest movie ever made.
PTA is making a movie with DDL, Joaquim Phoenix being there too is just me daydreaming
Why would I need joaquin when theres daniel
meme all you want, this scene was incredible and a pure kino
>why would I need joaquin in The Master when PSH is already starring it
That's how you sound
"Oh, the PEACH-tree dance! Of course I remember, Daniel. Boy, there were some great times back in that small town we both were born in."
Most definitely the best movie post 2000
Peach tree dance was probably a euphemism for date rape.
Don't ever put that shitshow, The Master, in the same league as There Will Be Blood ever again.
>There Will Be Blood
>there's barely any
Why do we like this again?
There was plenty of blood at the end. Also you can read the oil as a symbol of blood.
I was just memeing, lad.
Top 10/10 kino desu family
>Boondock Saints is one of my families favorite movie for us to all sit down and watch.
>Second one comes out so of course we all watch it.
>That fucking stronk womyn detective chick.
>Mom literally yells out during the middle of the movie.
>"The fucking cunt is ruining the movie!"
>She agrees with my dad when he says this movie didn't need female characters.
I don't think the world is ready yet user.
We have strayed far from the light of the Lord he will not punish us but he will not reward us either.
Not only in the same league, The Master is better
nah. even 12 years a slave was goof if only for his scenes.