What went so right?
What went so right?
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We shifted to the best timeline
inb4 this thread becomes a liberal circlejerk
inb4 >Sup Forums
Cruz town looks pretty comfy desu
If you're implying that Trump is the best choice on the basis of the four backgrounds you are sorely mistaken. Hillary all the way in that case. I mean who wouldn't want to live in a dystopian futuristic society owned by multi-corporal businesses?
Fucking pleb, it's like you don't even enjoy cyberpunk.
what about jeb
Wow it's almost like the person who created that image is trying to push an agenda!
I want a cyberpunk timeline, but not if tumblr and buzzfeed are the dystopian rulers of said timeline.
But that's not 1939 Berlin behind Trump
>it's ok when we do it!
Strawman; not an argument.
Try again.
What's up with Cruz's background?
Cyberpunk has a good reputation from stealing some futuristic aesthetic. Other than that it's pure shit.
Should have just admitted it's true
>people subscribed to literal fearmongering
>Cruzmerica is Resident Evil 4.
That's kinda cool tbqh M. Night Famalans.
who are the mods and what part of there job is so hard?
We finally decided to put our trust in the Jews, that's what.
You realize Hillary and all the democrats had it out for Russia right? Hell, they want a war with Russia so bad they used everything they could to pin Russia with the "hacks" that led to them losing. Her timeline would have put us in a nuclear winter as humanity withers away.
Is Cruz dare I say it, /our rat/
Daily reminder drumpf lost the popular vote
>posts in literal Sup Forums thread with no relevance whatsoever to Sup Forums
>says inb4 Sup Forums
what did he mean by this?
>inb4 muh "not the united States of California" non-argument
>inb4 "at least we aren't cuck/cunny posters" non-argument
>cyberpunk hildawg
>hobo life berny
>witchhuntin cruz
>walking sim drumpf
I was looking forward to the end of the world then this maniac had to go and save it.
>There is literally NO chance that trump will win