why do German actors agree to star in movies in which we're supposed to cheer for the murder of innocent German people?
Why do German actors agree to star in movies in which we're supposed to cheer for the murder of innocent German people?
Isn't assbender irish?
Why do jews have to fuck our economy?
cucked nation
>krauts make an epic kino glorifying the heroic irish resistance against the anglo
>paddies return the favour by making movies about killing krauts
Broderick was right about them.
>le nazis were the good guys lelelelelel
Suck it up Fritz, there's probably some Turk raping your sister right now
are you okay man
I know right? I was just talking about this with a buddy of mine. We're a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
to atone for the 6 gorillion of course
Because real Germans are fully aware of how far the Nazis set the world back morally, technologically, politically and socially and will always feel a deep anger for how stupid the last generation was. Therefore German actors feel obligated to portray characters based in that era condemningly, because screen portrayals will never come close to conveying how horrific Fascist Germans were.
That would just make him right, retard
and he is right
Looks like reddit really got triggered, good job op
Without WW2 as a whole you wouldn't have your fancy memory foam
>invented the assault rifle, the jet fighter, rocketry, the stealth bomber, guided missiles, and got the first man-made object in space
>set the world back technologically
gr8 b8
NASA invented memory foam in the 70's
t. weird triggered turk redditor
they may have allegedly done some terrible things but you cannot deny their contribution to modern science and techology
>alt-right gamerg8 neo-nazis from r/T_D call other people redditors
the fuck?
You can't really say they set the world back. Had the Germans won, the world would have been set back in morally, politically and socially but if the war didn't happen at all then the moral, technological, political and social progress it lead to wouldn't have happened.
Is this honestly what a German would think? Don't they ever think of how they had the whole europe in their hands? If Hitler could've kept his cool and stay out from Russia/Poland etc most of europe would be speaking german right now.
Germans, don't be afraid to have that pride. We understand
>le r u ok le crayZ man!?
Thanks for proving my point
Because only Bruno Ganz and Daniel Bruehl can choose roles that are not "evil Nazi". Maybe Christoph Waltz, but he played "evil mass murders" more than once.
I agree it's very offensive indeed
Because it's the only way to get worldwide recognition as a german actor. The only time that big productions come to germany is for movies about the 2. world war. (few exeptions). The last German movie i can think of that got worldwide fame was "lola rennt" i think. That film came out 1998. The state of German film and tv is laughable. Playing nazi is the only way out for these actors.
>imblyign any actual natsoc would classify themselves at (((alt-right)))
The more important question is why Sup Forums constantly fails as a containment board. You lot are just as bad as the fucking lefties and SJW`s, every little real or imagined transgression triggers the fuck out of you.