Sup Forums = broflakes


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What's a broflake?

Lahl broflake

The Jews are into you now fascist scum

Stupid alt right niggers even bothered watching this trash trailer, so they get triggered

Yes. Keep attacking us for every decision we make. Just don't wonder why Trump wins again in 4 years. You brought this upon yourselves.

Ok seriously, does tv just not have mods or a janitor? Because Sup Forums retards have been spamming their butthurt cries for days now.

They're in a quarantine board for a reason.

t. netflix shill

>Because Sup Forums retards have been spamming their butthurt cries for days now.

Years, my man.

>t. Pic related

>everything I don't like is Sup Forums
Jesus shut the fuck up. Pol crybabies are so annoying and I don't even post there. 90% of these DWP/Netflix threads are just baiting for (you)s


Back to plebbit

boo hoo

>Reddit tards keep making threads about this to complain about the Sup Forums boogyman not liking their racist garbage
f-fuck Sup Forums get out of here REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


oh the irony

Funny coming from the bitches who had a hemorrhoid when Moot let literal interracial cuckold threads get stickied in Sup Forums

>Favorite Boards
>lists boards where discussion actually happens

Wow, interesting.

>everyone who has a different opinion than me is a Sup Forums boogeyman

Spoken like a true broflake.

Deletr your topic.

this is best bait i've seen in years

How will I ever recover?


kill all niggers desu

I had broflakes and almond milk this morning. Great way for an alpha like me to start the day.

I hate SJWs but don't you think anti-SJWs are just as bad? Ever notice how SJWs are always complaining about stuff? Well anti-SJWs are always complaining about SJWs so they're just as bad. Wouldn't you agree?

Was it activated almond milk?

Well now you're just concern trolling. Not cool.

You think I'd drink anything less?


They're the same thing
>get offended
>n-no t-this is too much, I'm gonna boycott X, I'm gonna cancel my subscription to Y, they won't see my money!

Ok... Sorry...

Hahahaha its just so hilarious that none of the 'slurs' they conjure up for white people actually offend white people.

their rage at whites not laying down to be run over is palpable

>libs now saying racism is allowed.
Wew boy this'll be a fun few years.

>liberals get offended
>freak out, demand that the offender repents, write countless articles about how minority X is offended and how they fucking hate white people(while living in white countries)

>non-liberals get offended
>cancel subscription and post on Sup Forums

Holy shit they are basically the same

What are you talking about? This whole board is flooded with offended triggered whites crying about a Netflix show.

>>freak out, demand that the offender repents, write countless articles about how minority X is offended and how they fucking hate white people(while living in white countries)
You forgot
>doxing the people who they disagree with
>get people fired or thrown out of university
>slander people
>tell people to violently attack people

So they want to burn all the bros?

What did they mean by this?

Didn't you hear? Racism has been redefined, so you can't be racist against white people.

You guys I just watched the trailer and I am literally shaking I'm so angry. I posted about it on Facebook, we will NOT let this stand! We WILL make our voices heard! We will NOT BE SILENCED!!!

>that comment


just wow

Im tired of being right

I'm talking about the fact that if, as a white male, someone were to shout out the word 'cracker' or 'broflake' my immediate reaction would be amusement and not impotent rage. Unlike niggers, wetbacks or yellows.

This looks pretty funny I'm gonna go ahead and subscribe and check it out.

Because you don't browse pol

> w-we don't get triggered like those thin skinned cucks!!
> 5 threads that reached the bump limit within the hour counting

yet here you are, shitposting with impotent rage because someone said "dear white people"

Why is there suddenly a campaign to use "snowflake" against the right? Ive seen about ten others use it that way

Im assuming youre just a 15 year old troll, but if youre actually serious, get help.

Because it fits. Stop living up to it, grow a pair of fucking balls already.

>bridging the divides

yeah because calling people racist over and over totally worked the last decade. We are all united now. thanks libtards

>anti-liberals get offended
>freak out, demand that the offender repents, write on social media how is anti-white propaganda that will kill the white race

>Bjorn Larson

See, this is an actual Sup Forums user and so am I for knowing this name, I guess.

The libcucks got tired of being ridiculed about safe spaces and being snowflakes so they decided to use that as their new insult.
Summing up their completely lack of character and integrity

that or shareblue was ordered to spam it as the new buzzword

Except I'm not even remotely enraged. I'm sipping a glass of red wine in my beautiful home listening to some deep house and laughing my ass off at the whole situation.


reasons why you are trash:
>white people have no culture
>white people do not like spicy food
>white peoplelike incest
>white people smell like dogs
>white "people" lived in caves
>white people never built the pyramids
>white people cant handle spicy food
>white people stole black culture
>white people are dumber
>white people are racist
>white people hate spicy food
>white people stay appropriating our culture

>Grow a pair of balls and purge us all

What did he mean by this

It begins boys

If you want intelligent discussion, have a real hobby. You won't find any on Sup Forums regardless of who posts here.

Because the left has decided to just take slurs against them and just reuse them with no context.


Chadflake? Chad Thundercockflake?

Nah, mate I'm just noticing patterns.

I'd rather be a cuck than a nazi.


Holy shit.. I never thought about it that way...

wtf i hate myself now

You don;t trade often, do you?

And the guy that would rather be a nazi than a cuck will execute you

great plan

Fuck off nazi.

Except much like a Sup Forums jew chart, you are fake news. That gamergate spike is the fappening. If anything, this is Sup Forums fault.

/k/, /o/, /fit/, /tg/, /ck/ etc are still passable despite the influx of phone shitters
You're only noticing more garbage content on this board because there are more posters on this board

the guy who would rather be a nazi considers non-nazis cucks anyway

as proven by this "ironic" shill post

Basically you are either nazi or 'a cuck'

quarantine yourself back to Tumblreddit.

>living in this level of delusion
Kind of jealous tbqh. I remember when I was a child I thought maybe if I concentrated hard enough I could move objects with my mind. Your whole life must be just like that.
>I hit thumbs down on a TV show trailer and it affected the stock market! Yay!


>white people

A lot of people deleted their account, it's not about the dislikes

>*smacks lips*

Netflix confirmed that the series has NOT yet been renewed for Season 2! We're winning boys keep clicking the thumbs down, don't give up, stay strong!

>white people have no culture
Nigger culture is beating eachother with sticks and getting aids and ebola in their mudhuts. White culture is what brings the world forward.
>white people do not like spicy food
Yes we do.
>white peoplelike incest
Incest is most common in black families
>white people smell like dogs
Lmao, dogs still smell better than niggers. Literally the only race who smells bad.
>white "people" lived in caves
Niggers still do
>white people never built the pyramids
But we did
>white people cant handle spicy food
But we can
>white people stole black culture
>white people are dumber
The average IQ of a nigger is 85
>white people are racist
I am.
>white people hate spicy food
I fucking love it
>white people stay appropriating our culture
Get off the computer/smart phone that white people invented and go play with a coconut husk you filthy nigger.

They'll all be back. This will have no effect. But it gives the jobless something to do today.

>replying to bait
>getting me to reply to you

we're not upset just calling out racism

you know that horrible thing the left has been crying about 24/7 for decades?

>>white people are dumber
>The average IQ of a nigger is 85
To be fair whites are dumber. Than Asians for example. And a few other groups. Mr racist.

Thank God you're making this brave stand against Media Injustice. Thank. God.

I feel like we went through this song and dance already and people quieted down when they realized it was satirical.

>triggered by word "kíno"
>triggered when somebody mention DCEU in positive way, especially Batman v Superman

>it was ok when our side was doing it

kys leftfag :)

Are they wrong though. You seem pretty upset since you keep making these threads. This is not a Ghostbusters situation where you can say it's because you care about the Ghostbusters. There's no legit reason for you to give a shit about this


Actually I won't be watching this because that one black girl was shit in WestWorld. Also, I don't care about black people's opinions but that's secondary

>whites are dumber than the smartest people in asia.
>so smart they could manage to expatriate themselves
Really makes me thing
Btw Nigerians in the US have an average IQ of 135. I guess black people are smarter :/

>netflix shill types out wiping nervous sweat from his brow

You're making a poor case for us by falling for such weak bait.

She's not in this
They replaced her with a cheaper less well known actress
Worry not!

>Really makes me thing
Put some thought into your shitposting next time faggot

>muh red team vs blue team

>its only okay when we do it

loving every tear, you mentally ill scum

I doubt it's that high.
Though it is possible a Nigerian immigrant in America is smarter than the average white person.

So yes, in that sense black people are smarter.

Also it's not clear whether Brahmins aren't smarter than Asians, so yeah.

I'm not going to put out more effort than you deserve

The shit? Nazi term?

Because listening to upper class black college kids complain about privilege and racial relations between other upper class college kids sounds really stimulating and entertaining, and only alt-right drumfian broflakes would dislike it.

Or maybe it just looks like it will be stupid and obnoxious.