Netflix status: cancelled

Netflix status: cancelled.

How'd I do?

Other urls found in this thread:

white dicklet

>having a netflix account to begin with

You'll always be a cum-guzzling faglord.

>being this triggered
lol broflake, better go hide in your safespace

I thought it was the liberals who were supposed to be thin-skinned

I guess americans no matter the ideals or race are really faggy

>How'd I do?
you did a great job (of showing them what a little bitch you are)

>be me
>not white or black
>seeing both sides getting triggered

Congratulations, you're SJW now.

>shilling netflix
>for free

Jeez, I cannot begin to imagine how much dick you suck in a day.

You really had to talk to a person to cancel an account? Pretty sure that's automated.

Also, broflakes rammed hard by this movie.