What will you be watching alone on Valentine's Day this year Sup Forums?
What will you be watching alone on Valentine's Day this year Sup Forums?
your moms sex tape
I'm a nigger. For me father's day was worse
Valentine is fucking nothing
I'll be your dad of you'll be my Valentine
Shouldn't your race come to grips with a fatherless life early on in adolescence?
this is like several days away, I have no idea
>tfw birthday is 2 days later
I'm so glad I've never had to worry about that shit
>5 days
Be here before you know it Papi
At least you were close to 000 get
>25 years old kissless virgin
>Create a tinder account because bored
>Several 8/10 to 10/10 girls like me back
Feels good man.
I am too beta to text them though, feels bad man.
I'm gonna fuck my side chick because my girlfriend is away in Dallas.
Normalfag get off my board now
Tinder girls are all trash whores why would you be nervous
For fucks sake grow some balls you pussywhipped cucks
blacked probably
Normie pls
I guarantee I've been here longer than you both combined.
But what if I say something autistic and they judge me?
And you're still a normalfag who needs to go
they were bots.
07 here friend
Pete Campbell is an ______
I refuse to believe anyone is affected by this date unless you are an american.
Fictional character
What's your home board? It's obviously not Sup Forums.