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I wish I was that good looking...
What kind of cut you want, f a m?
zidane biopic when?
:( does this mean no bearded superman?
it would be amazing if he went fully vertex bald
i'd just love to see how they'd handle it.
>dat receding hairline
I know that feel all too well, senpai
This guy can't be JUSTED
>faggots dont know what a mature hairline is
he's clearly norwooding and it has progressed
it's not going to "stabilize" like a """mature hairline""" (made up word) unless he gets on fin, dut or nizoral etc.
he's balding
Stop projecting
Even if he goes bald it won't matter. He'll just be an incredibly handsome bald man like Mark Strong.
Look at the top of his head!
>has fuck off money
>doesn't get a transplant
how is someone's hair a topic of conversation among humans? you would think even if someone was vapid and unintelligent enough to be interested in it they'd be too embarrassed to admit their interest. I mean this is literal celebrity gossip.
Yes he'll be fine in his personal life
But how the fuck will he play Superman? with a norwood 3?
Imagine he FULLY VERTEXES LMAO, the box office will take a hit
because humans are base primitive animals, I'd love to live in the world you think we do but it just doesnt work that way, looks trump everything
Henry looks great.
Balding is a natural process for many alpha males as it's caused by high testesterone levels.
I bet he's fucking thicc bitches all day long whilst you dyel's jack off to gender neutral anime characters
He's Jude Law tier
dead man walking
He will have stopped playing Supes by then probably.
>I rate zidane
You sure bud?
Now that Netflix is going to be bankrupt are we ever gonna see The Sand Castle?
>banged a hot 19 year old
proof that woman don't care about hairlines
What bankruptcy?
makes zero fucking sense t b h
should've been on fin this whole time at least
Bald guys get hot chicks all the time, most really don't care or actually find it sexy.
Being a manlet is always a deal breaker though
> proof that woman don't care about hairlines
They care about money only
JUST shave it all off you insecure hairlet piece of shit
Statham is like 5'9
just me or are his arms extremely short?
He's going to bang Mammario, isn't he?
All the blinds about him are always about his sexual exploits
Spotted the baldfag lol
>He's going to bang Mammario, isn't he?
Have you seen him? Of course he is.
Why does Zack bully Henry so much?
Transplants don't actually work, go take a look at Wayne Rooney, he's had 3 of them, he's given up now because they drop out. Henry can pull off a bald look because he's tall and very masculine.
fucking kek
Same. Can you imagine being so genetically valuable?
I think that hairline is amazing with that haircut. It seems his hair is still thick as fuck, just receding.
Maybe he's just not an insecure beta faggot like the lot of you. Christ, you're all pathetic.
Look in them eyes and tell me you wouldn't you can't
Your meme isn't funny, shut the fuck up you prat
Link to some blinds i need to fap
How does superman shave or get a haircut? Wouldn't the razors just break off?
If not then how does his hair survive all the explosions and shit when he gets into battles?
I prefer Matt Bomer.
Of course you do, fairy.
You're saying it like it's a bad thing.
No, balding and JUST threads are funny. saying "HEH LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD!!" Isn't funny you fucking mong. Stop posting it, nobody cares.
thats gonna be my hairline in a year or two
kek no he's not
Yeah, he is. What height did you think he was?
why is Sup Forums so obsessed with balding?
I've never even noticed till i started frequenting this place, is everyone here collectively balding? lmao
>haha look you guys this super-successful famous millionaire who bangs hot teenagers for fun and probably owns six homes is balding slightly! hahahahahahaa!
Balding would be one reason to be insecure about your looks, and therefore start lifting.
haha what a loser
This. Nobody cares about balding. If you can't pull it off then you are just plain ugly or have a horrible personality.
American McGee?
You are literally retarded If you think you can't pull a kino receding hairline
>all of the fags ITT making fun of him
You all must be beautiful 10/10 supermodels
Like 5'5
>you know dragon ball z?
I don't post about balding celebs, but I am obsessed with balding because I am balding. It's the first thing I notice on other people. I started balding about 3 years ago and my hairline is similar to Cavill's except it's thinner in general.
If there's anyone reading this who's noticed a slight receding hairline, get on fin/minoxodil tomorrow. It's too late for me. I'm lifting so I can go bear mode for when I shave it all off, probably in 6 months or so.
Oh. Okay, that's possible, although 5'5 seems extremely low. I thought you were saying he's taller than 5'9 at first.
Is this another Caville thread?
Just one desperate Marvel Pajeet.
Anyone else think about what a slumber party with Henry would be like? I bet he's a real fun guy to be with. I wish we were friends.
He can't be assed to get a decent suit to save his live.
is double breasted back in style?
His arms look tiny
He wears suits with a classic cut, not the tight manlet style that's popular with nu-males
Vegeta biopic when?
He wears ill fitting suits.
He's not an average joe, he's quite buff, he should get a tailor made suit.
>handsome Chads look handsome even when they go bald
>I look like a sickly troglodyte even with full hairline
>it's a Henry wears a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, first three buttons undone and keeps his hand in pocket all night episode
No, he wears classically fitted suits. It is literally only a new thing that suits be tight across the board. Fucking performance musicians like Bowie made it popular in their circles, and then fashionistas picked up on it and it leaked into black culture. From there it was adapted by everyone else.
Don't believe me? I'd like to show you this fucking picture from the 90's when it was the fad to do the exact opposite end of the spectrum.
Blame the Basketball Americans.
>He's going to bang Mammario, isn't he?
probably, they've got a lot in common
pls dont bully henry ;/;
Classically fitted suits taper to the waist differently. They aren't too big in the shoulders, like his are.
Like what? Autism?
This. He's attractive enough that even if he was broke he could just shave his head and women would still be throwing themselves at him.
everything was baggier back in the 90s and early 2000s
now everything is slim fit, desu I started seeing it among metrosexual fuccbois first not blacks
> t. prole
Maybe they'll start dating