Ask south americans anything!

Ask south americans anything!

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fuck u

Your land belongs to us.

what is the reageton of Ur g ay? cumbia villera?

Por que un pueblito de morondanga como Salto sale en el mapa pero ciudades paraguayas cinco veces mas grandes no?

¿Sos gay?

Regayton no hay aca colombiano

¿Qué tan barato (o caro) es vacacionar en Latino América, por ejemplo en Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador...? Quizá vaya el próximo año.

How different is Spain Spanish from SA Spanish?

>Spain Spanish
Which one?
>SA Spanish
Again, which one?

Pretty much



Idk what do people learn around the world as standard Spanish?

por eso, ¿cuál es la música de los "planchas", entonces?

Spain use mostly "vosotros" except for some Southerners. Very different accent, except for some Andalusian and Canarian accents which resemble some Sudaca accents. Day to day slang has a lot of differences (similar to UK vs USA English). A few differences in grammar mannerisms.

barato excepto Ecuador que usa el dólar y se encareció comparativamente por eso (antes era muy barato).

It's as different as UK's and USA's English

the one in books of course :)
the accent changes depending on the place though
i'm too lazy to find a better video so have that one

siempre que aparecen estos mapas me pregunto lo mismo, o sea, no es que arica o Puerto Montt sean ciudades chicas, pero incluirlas sobre Valparaíso o Concepción es raro

mierda, me referia a

porque hasta salto es mas relevante que tu triste pais :(

Para que sepan que tenemos ciudades a lo largo del pais y no solo en el centro

also is worth noting that the formal spanish is the same because there's a ruling entity saying what is proper grammar and what isn't
those rules go out of the window and run for their lives when it comes to lowclass niggers:

why don't you have hurricanes? sure you have bolivians. but why no hurricanes?

This, learn the "formal" version of any spanish

How do I get a Spanish speaking gf who will call me papi?

Que tan relevante sería Temuco?

Why can't you subhumans just fucking kill yourselves? Fucking hate being associated with your piece of shit continent.

>this comes from a m*xican

go to Puerto Rico, México, Colombia or Domican Republic as easy as that


I'd like it if the southern cone and Mexico switched places so we'd border them instead of M*xico.

would be the same shit

¿Cómo es Bucaramanga para vacacionar? La familia de un amigo vive ahí.

>thia much damage control

Es capital regional, pero no entra en el top 5, probablemente entre 9-14

Pero si aparece Asuncion, que otra ciudad relevante hay en Paraguay?

why is our continent shape so aesthetic?

What do people in Paraguay think of the Armada Paraguaya? It's actually famous internationally, because the ships are very old. Naval history fans visit the naval museum in Asunción just to tour the cañonero Humaitá.

¿cuán hechas mierda estan las calles en sus paises?
acá salvo las zonas centricas o muy ricas las calles estan destrozadas

Las calles ni idea. Yo la verdad voy al centro unas pocas veces al mes y en metro o bus, y en mi barrio y los lugares que frecuento no hay problemas pero igual no se el resto de Santiago.

el conurbano bonaerense es africa tier en cuanto a calles (y otras cosas también)

que hijos de puta

pic related*

wtf pero plata para campaña siempre hay, la misma mierda en todos lados

What percentage of your problems are because of the CIA?

Same as in your country

like 76%

i think everything about the Army, Navy and Air forces are shameful and a proof that embelezzment is the only objective of the people governing us
they're very old ships and barely functioning because there's little funds to fix them or replace them. same with the railroads and even electric lines and public plumbing

la NASA podría testear sus rovers espaciales en nuestros baches. si no se rompe, ya da para pasear por la Luna

"mal de muchos, consuelo de tontos"

hard to say and it varies according to each country's history. for my cuntray i give it a.. 35, 30% blame. it's very low compared to private corporatives intervening here

This. All the inmigrants from the middle east that LOS gets is because of pic related

definitely 80% of our fuck ups were poor internal decisions and politicians, 20% foreign factors, and probably less than 5% is American meddling

How common is anal and its fondess?
What are your top preferred visiting spots?

still better than reggaeton and cumbia villera :^)