Does New Zealand stand a chance?

Does New Zealand stand a chance?

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poo pee land will get massacred by peruANOS

Sorry senpai, Kiwi will kick llama ass so hard


Homer Sinson

Sorry to break it to you, but none of that shit is real breh

Realistically, not really

They'll win.

n-not even the d-dragon balls? ;_;


marlborough here whats going on we going to war or to sports

Comepalomas >>> kiwis

War is a sport, m8.

nope, Peru will win, they are better by far



hahahahaha u are already out bahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahha

I really can't tell. All these talk about how tough the CSF qualifiers were makes me wonder if we are all that competitive or if we are all just that shitty.

Also Peru doesn't have /mistica/, so even tho I want it to happen, I think they may choke.

I don't give a fuck you still gonna be out hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha

gohan blanco confirmed if peru wins

Who remembers when Club America pushed New Zealands shit in?

Peru is pretty much in the World Cup right now.

Sudacas absolutely love postcards of Jesus or Mary. Be honest how many of you have one within your sight right now?

Would be good to see peru make it tbqh

well figure out, if we make it and do ecently then we are competitive, if we choke, conmebol is hot air

Peru isn't even a real country, neither is Honduras. Ugly spic low IQ people, high rate of inbreeding and mud huts, many such cases!

> needs play offs to qualify in Chinatown

>Gonzalo Higuain
>Not a nigger faggot

Leave New Zealand to me

[4,380 meters (13,973 ft) above sea level]

And even then, they are better than those pacific islands, so sad

user didn't I already told you not to lie?
But then I search and you are right, it is really that high

Are you..........
that kiwis would stand a chance of qualifying if they played in SA? And not get demolished by Venezuela?

go away, and never come back

An argentinian player once ran like 60 meters there to score a goal and then almost died. Beto something was his name

Big Strong Macro Rojas will guide New Zealand to the World Cup

Litterly who?

Where you kiwiniggers get the spic?

I saw the NZ-Japan game from October and the kiwis made the japanese look like the Clockwork Orange or Brazil from the 70s.

You mean that league winning goal where he tried to climb the alambrado but started collapsing in the pitch?

Yeah nah. We're gonna get fucked so hard. Our coach is shit and our players are mostly shit.

That one. He was a terrible player all season but because of that goal people remember him fondly

Is your coach really shit? In our press they are saying that he is a Bielsa disciple and he has photos with mourinho and other famous coaches.

I remember watching that on the tv the other day, I thought it was in Bolivia. thanks for the heads up

His only plan so far seems to be hoof the ball up the middle and hope. Also he's considering recalling a guy that plays in the english 7th division and has been past it for years. Hudson may have studied under these coaches but he didnt learn anything.

Your team is athletic atleast right? From waht I saw you guys send long bals to Wood and then Rojas, Barbarouses and McGlinchey try to take the ball in the second play and make something happen like a cross towards Wood.