Why doesn't American football listen to this Italian man?

Why doesn't American football listen to this Italian man?


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There aren't enough viable markets for soccer in the US yet. One step at a time. You can't just keep shouting "This is how we do it in Europe!" over and over. The situations and markets are not similar.

This is how we do it in the entire world

That doesn't change the argument. Not enough paying interest in soccer to justify it.

And we don't give a fuck about the rest of the world if you haven't noticed. Soccer isn't even popular enough in the US to have multiple leagues, the one it does have is struggling to stay relevant

He has no clue how soccer works. We can barely sell tickets to a playoff WhiteCaps in the top leauge of our continent for like dirtcheap. Im not sure if the games are even on tv, I think only like the finals. And you think we could afford to import enough players to fill a lower league?

Pro/rel sucks in some aspects. Look at how far adrift the Championship is from the PL.

Dwellman should become president.

Football (the real one) is the future, enjoy CTEball while you can, because it won't last

no need to salty about that tho

in what sense is it so far adrift?
at any one point the top teams in the championship aren't too dissimilar to the bottom teams in the prem

haha you sound like my old Aunt who hates sports. Using the physical toughness, full contact nature and injury risk of Americuck Football as an insult.

They just need to literally copy Baseball teams with their Dominican academies.

Sign players at 16 years old and develop them so they are world class by 19 instead of having them go to College and be MLS ready at 24.

A college scholarship is worth about 30-35k. So if they offered 16 year olds development contracts at 50k a year nobody would go to college to play Soccer.

We're just going to keep adding teams until we're so rich we buy all the best players

And soccer would still need to leapfrog baseball, basketball, hockey, the collegiate versions of those sports. There are a limited number of cities that can host a professional sports team and a smaller number of those cities that can host multiple major sports leagues.

But the top half of teams are a lot bigger than the teams in the Championship.

You have a better chance making soccer popular through the NCAA, then anything else though. Even I've watched women's NCAA a few times.

because italians aint white

that's the point of it being a better league, isn't it

Because they dont like football that much, their best players have no other choice than to migrate to other competitive leagues to develop their potential

Shekels, goy.

u got BTFO bitch nigga

what euros dont understand is when soccer isn't on, they watch, soccer. So everyone watches the smaller leagues. When Football isnt on Americans watch Baseball, when baseball isnt on they watch college football, then basketball, then college basketball, then Hockey, then maybe euro soccer, after a huge dropoff from hockey. THEN after euro soccer MLS. there is physically no way to support a team below that. Soccer teams are spending out their ass to try and get at least a quarter of a stadium full and maybe a radio station to broadcast the game, relegation would break everything.
Canada is the same thing with Hockey and the other sports rotated around. And then there is a serious negative view of soccer to overcome in a country of over 35 million. Flags who think soccer is becoming a thing here are out of touch.

>over 35 million
**only 35 million.

Sure but why would you want to make it so that some clubs will never ever compete?

The only way I would implement rel/pro in MLS is half up/half down so that the big teams never get too powerful and the small teams never become write offs.

It's not a matter of being soft, it's a matter of not wanting to play a retarded sport. Many people enjoy watching two adult males beating the hell out of each other in a ring, and many of them consider themselves though guy, but how many of those same guys want to actually be a Boxe or MMA fighter? Like, it's dumb.

If you put you kid to play tackle gridiron, you're a bad parent, fair and square. Black kids don't have parents to forbid them from playing gridiron, but they rather play Basketball anyways, and when Football becomes more popular, they sure will also be attracted by it. Football is universal, white people love it, Arabs love it, Asians love it, Blacks love it. The stigma of "women sport" will soon dissipate in America, and as gridiron is already melting down with overly politicization and the it's dangerous nature, it's a matter of time for Midia to shift focus from it. I'm not saying like 10 to 20 years, but it will happen.

They also fail to understand that when many of their town and city clubs were being formed and their professional clubs were beginning to coalesce around the larger ones, over here hockey clubs and baseball clubs were forming and professionalizing.

It's amazing how stupefied they are at the prospect of professional soccer being second-rate over here, whereas I don't think anyone in the United States would operate under the assumption that you could make a viable European baseball league.

Why do you faggots get triggered over the name "soccer"? The man who invented your shit sport called it "soccer"

this is true. a team like the Red Sox be relegetated and afford an MLB tier payroll off history alone. I imagine euros could do that with soccer. Here people wont nottice if a 5-10 year old divegrass team disappears. people will pay $20 to see the whitecaps because "they heard they are good and its playoffs" not because they are the whitecaps.

>your a bad parent if you put your child in a tough character building sport, but somehow a good parent if you put your son in a womens sport?
When the fuck did Brazil go full SJW? Still thanks for the essay of tears Brazil. I will never forget the day you used "your athletes are tougher than ours" as an insult.

>women's sport

>character building sport

It's just an sport, like every other; you run with a ball, you throw a ball, you kick a ball. The different point is that it integrates getting tackled and hit your head against hard surfaces as an primal element, and that is stupid. If I was to develop a sport, I would very much try to create one where getting brain damage weren't an element. Do I think boxe should be illegal? Of course no, but I would say to my kid: "Hey let's play sport where you'll get jabbed in the head during your formative years, that will do wonders for you're future".
Gridiron is stupid, look to what happened toJoe Flacco, what's the fucking point of shoulder diving the neck of guy who's already on the ground? Does it pump you're adrenaline? Because it doesn't display any kind of athleticism to me, it's just an idiotic form of competition

Boxing at least is 1v1. You're focusing on 1 guy the whole time. I don't watch concussionball but when I watch some highlights it seems that many times guys don't even see the hit coming

I know you are trying to sound logical and tough. But you just come off as a giant pansy. sorry bro.
Nothing to do with that user. Boys play Hockey or Football. Girls play soccer. I know you want this progressive bullshit about genders being the same but stop.

Literally nobody here cares about soccer.

What's so much manlier about Hockey? It's guys skating on ice full of protection. Just because there are those little shitty fights?

Who is watching MLS? It sure as hell ain't Europeans or Sudacas.

>being this stupid


Its also full contact. Soccer is more "finesse" you have to gently take the ball away without making a hit. Women, see women typically dont like playing overly agressive sports, they dont like getting hit etc. Mostly an adrenaline thing. Men get hard at the thought of making a juicy hipcheck, or flattening some fucker into the boards. Women really wish to avoid it. I'm not saying you cant get hurt in soccer, just you dont have to have contact. There is also just the vanity aspect, you are allowed, and often encouraged to cey like a bitch on a soccer field. If you did that in any other sport you'd be laughed at. Then there is helmet hair, vs cute ponytails.IDK it could partially be a cultural thing. Men play Hockey, Football baseball. Women play soccer, volleyball, softball and gymnastics or figure skating.
Women and sometimes they make their boyfriends/husbands go. Not even meming. Lots of girls grow up playing soccer as kids so its interesting to them. Its easier to follow than most sports for casuals who have dont watch sports, and its cheap as fuck.

Weird, almost like he'd personally gain financially from pro/rel. That couldn't possibly be influencing him.

>Soccer isn't even popular enough in the US to have multiple leagues

Probably not for MLS first division level as England can not sustain multiple premier leagues or Italy multiples Serie A. that´s why you have serie b, c1, c2, etc.
You can make your own small town amateur team with 0 cost and in a few years be playing in a fourth level league and maybe get some sponsor and go on and go on. You may have the support of your small town and probably the area around it and if there is no other team near (which is highly probable with the US size) a lot more.
So you can have your local team try to achieve this and kill the giant big corporative owned mls team.
Also if you have YOUR team, does not matter if it does not have a world level superstar or a 100 million stadium you will really live its match as it is a big match and if you have a chance of promotion...fuck the champion league final, these shit will be more intense and important.

Is incredible how many people think that mls closed team system is better and how when they get no chance to enter play offs try to crush bottom to have a better spot in the draft is much better than play games of life or dead to get outside or relegation zone

>I'm not saying you cant get hurt in soccer, just you dont have to have contact.
It's not true that no contact is allowed. You just have to go for the ball because going for the leg results in broken legs. You also can use your body to push the guy when you're disputing a ball you just can't hold

>you are allowed, and often encouraged to cey like a bitch on a soccer field
You mean diving? That's a foul. They do it to cheat.

incidental contact is not the same at all user. I mean Im sure some people cut it as close as possible to take people out. But its such a large field and slow game that taking someone out of the play isnt a thing, you cant hit, drop a shoulder, hipcheck or anything like that. far more calm, more like basketball, but on a softer surface with less jumping. Only worry is having to deflect a shot with your face, but I mean there is technique around headers to not get to fucked, and I wouldnt be surprised if in womens leagues they flat out didnt bother and got out the way.
>you mean diving.
among other things. typically you leave a soccer game cause your hurt and lied down on the pitch qqing. most athletes dont leave games in other sports unless you arent cleared to comeback. less of a mental toughness factor.

Anyways you guys feel so manly about watching your sports because there's some contact. I guess I'm even manlier since I like MMA as well. Football is more about skill.

It might work with MLS since footy is a sport where pro/rel reflects the players nature of progress and step backs. There's always room for progress because most elite players have their international careers as priority. At some point there isn't enough place for players in the elite so they step back to lower leagues to show what they are capable of.
In american sports there is no need for that. Playing in the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL is already the elite of the sport, the international scene is irrelevant there. If something they only need expansion teams

That guy is attempting a power grab
He isn't doing this for altruistic reasons

Pro/rel would kill soccer in the US. Teams in major markets like Chicago can barely get people to show up for top-level soccer and multiple MLS teams are still losing money, you think those teams are going to be viable once you demote them and take away their relatively meager ESPN cash?

He's not wrong but here's the problem. Most countries are small, especially europe. Also there's an absolute ton of small towns across the united states. Even our large cities that will have less people than those in europe, will be larger in area because of driving history. If the entire population in the USA was inside say, nyc, long island, connecticut, and new jersey. It would work and there would be just as many competitive levels as England.

>You may have the support of your small town and probably the area around it and if there is no other team near (which is highly probable with the US size) a lot more.
>Also if you have YOUR team

You're either ignoring the fact that soccer isn't anywhere near important enough to generate that type of loyalty in the vast majority of the country or you genuinely don't understand, I'm not sure which is stranger. The type of local loyalty you're talking about exists for American Football and even then only in the South.

The travel time from Manchester to London is less than New York to Boston. How the hell are lower league teams gonna afford travel.

I don't know how you guys haven't realized this yet but we aren't like the rest of the world

>listening to Italians
I know >American education is bad but even we understand the historical precedents against this

Thanks for giving us another reason not to.

Our country is literally named after an Italian

You split the lower leagues by regions. Like many other large nation leagues do.

Like the English lowest leagues, regional conferences. Have NASL and USL and MLS as top 3 leagues, or combine them into 2, and then have 4-5 regional 4th divisions

my sports have both. Im just explaining why soccer is a womens sport, and why men who played it are bullied and called foot fairies. its not some pissing contest of sports. Im sure soccer, figure skating and volleyball are all very skilled sports and such.

There aren't near enough teams in this country to do that

You have not solved the problem at all. Do you suggest we have 6 New York teams, 2 Boston teams, 2 Philly teams, 2 DC teams and so on, while the MLS cant even sell out?

>Rich people giving up revenue and their comfortable position to benefit the greater good

Why are liberals so gosh darn cute!

The American ruling class will give up the privilege of being able to suck while being in the top division when they get killed

>the MLS

Okay I know nothing abut soccer so whatever the most popular league is. Look if we cant even get football or Baseball to work in this manner how we gonna do it with soccer?

Its a woman's sport in your country because y'all suck at it and then have to make up bullshit. I can't see what's so feminine about a football game. Don't mention diving. Diving is cheating. Woman's soccer is unathletic as fuck.

You also said it's slow but there are plays like these:

Hockey looks chaotic as fuck and you can't even see the puck.

There are actually plenty, but whatever.

Not every team in lower leagues has to sell 40k tickets ya know

There are many teams in some weird places that fill their small stadium most games. Cozy atmospheres in smaller cities/stadia. When they make it to higher leagues it is exciting. Might even fill the MLS with better teams that have better fanbases and weed out shittier ones.

Saw some pretty cool games in the Open cup this year even.

>You're either ignoring the fact that soccer isn't anywhere near important enough to generate that type of loyalty
I am talking about building it. You do it from the ground and even amateurish teams.
You make a team (of football, table tennis or whatever) who starts to get some wins and you start to get recognition and If it is from some small town no matter what the shit you are playing if you have some chances to succeed you will have the support of the local people.

>You make a team (of football, table tennis or whatever) who starts to get some wins and you start to get recognition
No you don't. Nobody is going to give a flying fuck about your amateur soccer team winning anything when there are professional football, baseball, basketball, and hockey teams on tv.

>"hey did you hear? Some guys down at the park played soccer against some guys from shelbyville, and they tied 0-0. Like 10 people were there."
>"who cares?"

>. I can't see what's so feminine about a football game.
Ronaldo literally does his hair at half time.
Woman's soccer is unathletic as fuck.
>You also said it's slow but there are plays like these:
most of those are pretty slow. I mean its not the athletes fault. They have to maintain a ball with their feet on a fuckhuge sport. But you could literally have 2 shots on each end before these guys in your clip dribble enough to shoot.
>Hockey looks chaotic as fuck and you can't even see the puck.
we have HD tvs in Canada. You can see the puck easily from the shittiest seats in any NHL arena

>fuckhuge sport
meant field. Freudian slip.
two shots on each end, meant in hockey for example.

There's 60 professional teams unless you count those PDL/NPSL teams whose players literally do it for free

Not a good base for pro/rel

>could literally be 3 professional leagues tiers already
>not a good base
sometimes I wonder if some of you realize you are just talking out your ass

MLS titles would automatically be more meaningful if they didn't let literally over half the fucking league into the playoffs. That, and the fact that they have playoffs at all, are the worst things about the league currently. If you absolutely have to have playoffs, make it East winner vs. West winner in a two-legged final.

wait. How do they do it? they should do it MLB format.

They'd be so fucking spread out you couldn't do reasonable divisons
Besides other countries have dozens of tiers
We have like 4

fuck yeah

Fuck off to yurop yurocuck
Leave my playoffs alone