What did he mean by this

What did he mean by this

White people are really hated nowadays

So much white hate

Martin Luther King is rolling in his grave and Malcolm X is having a party

>Writer for Dear White People
Oh god...

What television and film is this?

He sure showed those dastardly white people. I bet they've seen the error of their ways and will start voting Democrat whenever possible, and aren't at all further entrenched by blatant racist attacks.

Dear White People Netflix series

black user here, you white people are a weird race.(im not talking about getting offended at "dear white people. thats completely justified) you have some of your own race denouncing their own color and are actually saying Fuck white people unironically and not just as a meme.

what does it even mean?

stop posting

white guilt is a real thing in america and western europe

report him

Our society has lost its expansive energy and is in the process of being replaced by civilizations with greater expansive energy. One of human history's clearest patterns.

You may live to see us go down in your lifetime. Hope it works out for you bro

Autism bro.


If self hating white guy the new meme

it's protestant shit mixed with a healthy dose of liberal media

HYPOTHETICALLY speaking, let's say Trump is the worst President in history. Let's say that by 2020, America is a much weaker and poorer country than it was before.

Could we reasonably blame white people for electing him? I say yes.

>what does it even mean?
White guilt is fucking real, my nigga. It's like survivor's guilt. They feel so bad for being born white, that they feel the need to overcompensate by leading the charge against a perceived oppressor.

They create a fictitious reality in their heads, and use social media memes to perpetuate it.

Contain all the fragile race-obsessed white folks in this one too

>that comic
What happened to that guy?

Don't blame white people for voting. Blame black people and Hispanics for refusing to vote.

Also HYPOTHETICALLY, Hillary was much more likely to lead us into oblivion.

He got next-level pussywhipped.

hispanics did vote... for trump.

le spengler face

>google jack Moore's tweet fuck white people of Nov. the 9th
>bunch of pepes as first replies from several hours ago

woah......so this is the power.....of Sup Forums...

these particular kinds of white people want to be loved by everyone. they want to be everyone's friend. they want to be well liked. they want to fit in everywhere they go. most black people aren't particularly fond of white people due to the whole slavery/jim crow thing and would rather not associate with them. this makes the white attention cravers angry because they can't stand the idea of someone not liking them. so they will bend over backwards and say shit like "fuck white people" to gain acceptance, but even that doesn't work.


Wow, Asians were really counted as others? Aren't most people on the planet asians?

Hi /r/ShitRedditSays

Self hatred coupled with envy-induced hatred of those perceived as superior (it doesn't matter whether they actually are or if you belong to said group).
In short, mental illness. All of it magnified by some interests that have everything to gain from it, mainly the states of the western world and some other social engineering projects.

>b-but Hillary

Did you know "whataboutism" was originally a tactic developed by the Soviet Union. The fact that it is the preferred method of arguing by Trump supporters is a little strange, don't you think?

>Fucking white people, voting for someone they can relate to that is showing them a vision for the future where they're not getting ass fucked by the minority races that are rapidly becoming more populous, why wont white people vote against their better interest fucking cunts.

Not according to OP's graph. You calling OP a liar?

All I see in your post is butthurt, my dude. Try to make a worthwhile argument next time.


>dude fuck white people
>is white himself
I will never understand this.

>Blame black people and Hispanics for refusing to vote.

Democrats need to stop harboring this delusion that millions of Hillary-voters just stayed home on Election Day.

Someone who doesn't bother to vote isn't secretly a Hillary-voter that just stayed home. They're an undecided.

Look at the OP.

It's literally a privileged rich liberal cuck crying about White People.