I can't tell if this show is actually good, or if it's just the only show that Sup Forums hasn't ruined for me yet.
2x05 will ruin it for you, for a bit, but keep going
I'm already on season 4 my dude.
Flint as an aging bisexual is starting to remind me of Mr. Lahey
my guy
It's better than I could have hoped for when I first started it. I was expecting a shitload of fights and constant destruction and whatnot, turns out it's way more subtle and based on scheming and plots than you would imagine.
Also, I don't know if they're truly aware with what they're doing with him but Flint is legitimately one of the best MCs I've seen in a long time. Silver is awesome too.
If I have to complain about something (aside from FUCKING MAX and anne which truly is the only irredeemable thing about this show) is that Blackbeard seems a bit underdeveloped compared to his character's potential, but I'm assuming the rest of the season will take care of that.
aware of*
It really is a shit show
I dropped it while watching the 3rd episode
your loss, user
the character arcs of Flint and Silver were both amazing. I agree that Max is the worst part of the show, but Anne is really cute
one of the best show ever