Will japanese idols ever break into mainstream western movies?
Will japanese idols ever break into mainstream western movies?
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Hopefully not
Also, whats interesting is in the west asian actors are suppose to look as asian as possible, while japs and korean see themselves as ugly and try to look at white as possible. There will never be any cross over because of this.
The only one who bridged it was Lucy Liu and she was cockeyed and ugly.
only if they can speak Engrish without any real accent
Funny, for me it's the niggers and yet kikewood is full of them. Nowadays it seems like 50% of roles are cast with all same looking nigger gorillas.
Asian Americans can't break into western media let alone these no-name Japs.
>Lucy Liu
wew lad. she still looks good
she'd have to be a hapa or Western raised which automatically cancels idoru status with the moon people
Why are "idols" even a thing?