Has anybody else realised how Hollywood tries to completely fuck over Asian males?

Has anybody else realised how Hollywood tries to completely fuck over Asian males?

>Rambo 2: white man kills the evil Vietnamese and tries to run off with beautiful Asian women who falls in love with him

>the last Samari: white man gets btfo by japs, japs are kind and make him into a samari. In return the white man fucks the head Samaris sister and runs off with her when they all die

If this shit was replaced with black men killing evil whites and running off with beautiful white women everybody would go crazy

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lmao just watch some jackie chan movies, wong

Watch that Oliver Stone's Untold History. He touches on how Chinese business interests have been a threat since America's westward expansion. Pretty enlightening.

Nice bait but you need a better meme example than Rambo 2.


>If this shit was replaced with black men killing evil whites and running off with beautiful white women everybody would go crazy

You mean The Force Awakens?

You can make a case for Hollywood trying to fuck any group of people over if you use as little examples as you just did

Fuck off zipperhead, asian men are gross and small.
