Why did they cast this like a softcore porn?
Why did they cast this like a softcore porn?
That's how Verhoeven casts every movie.
Also, Diz best girl.
Verhoeven thinks this kind of shit is hillarious (and I think he's right).
>tfw in the future, true gender equality is established by the iron fist of the military rulers
RIP Denise Richards' face.
this guy gets it
Because Verhoeven is an absolute master of satire.
ITT: People who just watched Starship Troopers because Jayfu said he's doing to re:View it
Lol is that a metal plate
The Denise Richards scenes could have been good, but she has zero personality, literally just a sex object.
Also, Rico was such a pretty boy it was impossible to buy him as a hardened soldier. When he takes charge in the end it is like a joke.
I don't know who that is. I watched it because my ex girlfriend is dating someone else and I watching Rico would cheer me up. But I forgot what a pussy that actor is.
Thank god this movie had Michael Ironside in it, the only thing that saves it.
Everyone knows the real hero of the story is Zim and to an extent Rasczak
Why were they all white if they were from Buenos Aires? Did we win the race war?
Argentina is white, don't you know?
buenos aires is on argentina, argentina is white.
joke aside, certain parts of buenos aires where there's rich people are very white, and on some other provinces there was lots of german immigration and you have milky white sexy blondes
Argentina is like 80% white, more than the USA.
Don't tell the Jews, it's a secret
johnny rico was supposedly filipino in the books too magical quads man
>tfw this movie would have been much better with 20 minutes of CGI pew pew cut out
Shut the fuck up.
what would you have cut?
Just shaving a few seconds from every pew pew shot
He just Made Showgirls so like..... you know...
Zander is patricians favorite character
This is indisputable
Verhoeven predicted Tump
It was supposed to be a fascist oppressive society, they always portray those as very white. Sort of a rule.
>Casper Van Dien
They're comically good looking to drive home how pointless the bug war is, wasting the lives of these beautiful people who had so much to live for.
It's all part of a larger commentary on fascism, mainly the Ayran ideal + war mongering paradox (create a race of perfect people just to throw them into a meat grinder).
Loses the football game, gets Rico's sloppy seconds, his boss is a woman, then he dies like a bitch. The perfect cuck, no wonder tv identifies with him.
So apparently Diz was a no homo best male friend of Rico in the book?
I like how overt and almost ham-fisted the satire is. Its overtness is what makes the movies message relevant throughout the ages, I think.
wow that "johnny all-american" look gets really creepy with age
dude's gotta eat. don't hate
How much better would this movie have been with Johnny Ringo as Johnny Rico. Michael Biehn can actually play a tough guy.
Judging by that cover I'm pretty certain he fucks that dog in that movie.
Hi Casper.
Why not?
Argentina = white
The bugs were trying to genocide the humans as much as the humans were the bugs.
>Also, Diz best girl
except for her tits. How can tits that small even be that saggy?
I honestly think subtlety is overrated. If a piece of art has something to say then it's all the better when it says it loud and clear.
A lot of subtly is just pretentious or a sign of intellectual insecurity, and I think there is this misconception that obvious = dumb, which is only true when the subject matter is dumb, and that generally simple concepts are easier to convey.
Starship Troopers is so obvious in what it is trying to say, and part of the message is the dumb presentation, but the fact that it manages to clearly communicate a lot of really complex ideas in a fun "mindless" action movie is a huge achievement.
>childhood faps
I think Robocop, Showgirls, and Starship Troopers are very underrated, and will get their dues (especially Showgirls) in coming years.
tfw I used to masturbate to that scene a lot
Maybe she used to be obese, or she had 5 kids
>He fell for the propaganda
I thought the movie made it obvious that everything the human government was saying was total bullshit. There was no evidence the asteroid was sent by the bugs, nor that the bugs gave a shit about invading the humans. We clearly invaded them first, they probably would leave us the fuck alone if we did.
After Verhoeven dies there will be Facebook movie buffs reciting these deep insights they recognized.
Because your mom was too old.
what happened
she was literally a 10/10 in the 90's
When Denise Richards looked like that I don't know why they didn't cast everything like softcore porn.
It's the future. Anything could happen.
Argentinian girls have such cute accents. I fell in love with a youtuber from there (pre-ASMR/streamer era) who would just post herself smoking a pipe and reading poetry.
>In an article for Salon, comedian and writer Aasif Mandvi criticized Casper Van Dien's casting as whitewashing
Can we just make this a young Denise Richards thread?
>That's how Verhoeven casts every movie.
This. This is the director that made such classics as Showgirls, Basic Instinct and Hollow Man which were all borderline softcore porn.
Anything is better with Michael Biehn. After seeing Planet Terror a few years back, It honestly felt like seeing a cool uncle after a decade or so.
The bugs launched the asteroid. But, the federation was agitating them with blockades and stuff before that. Just like people accuse Japan of starting WW2 when in reality the US was already fighting them via blockades all over the pacific that were vital to Japan
I don't know if you're joking or not but that is actually what the movie is implying. Notice how they all speak in American accents too. There's a reason that they all look and act like American caricatures but they didn't go with future NYC or something like that. It's the endgame of American globalisation, and that endgame is a fascist "utopia".
25 years happened nigga.
she was also bald in the book
Adult here. She must have exercised or dieted her YA fat stores away. When she gets titfat again, they will sag harder because the structural integrity is fucked.
This. The first bit of the movie that's the news report about the attack on the planet that starts with K, they boast about how "The federation has this new lunar satellite defense area, no more asteroids on our watch!"
But then later on in the movie when Carmen is leaving the moon to do her first training flight, you can clearly see the same lunar defense system that they have like a year when that broadcast was taking place. They could have stopped the meteor if they wanted.
That's just one of many examples of how it was an obvious false flag
So this is why they say you should go into STEM
Because it was the 90s and only the beautiful people were allowed in Hollywood.
The guy did his own stunts.
Jesus, you Buenos Aires truthers are pathetic.
As much as Verhoeven hates white people, that is the future anyway. We are already using gene therapy, once things are mapped better you will literally be able to pick your race, eye color, IQ, etc, and pass those genes on to your kids as if they were yours. 99% of non-whites will immediately get every procedure required to become white. So ironically, the more non-whites multiply now, the more whites there will be in the future.
>Adult here
They're just bugs though. Obviously there was a bit of intelligence from the brain bugs but they don't have some end goal of total domination. They were lightyears away from the Federation, do you really think there was ever a real threat of them destroying it?
Even if we had them in a blockade it was because they were dangerous animals that overran planets and tried to spread their spore. I doubt the bugs cared that much.
There's a reason the movie ends with Neil Patrick reading the brain bugs mind and going "he's afraid". The bugs were just some dumb animals that wanted to hang about and have bug sex, might have been a bit frustrated they couldn't spread the spores like they used to, and next thing you know all these apes are invading their planets
Joker Toxin?
The great thing is the fascist utopia actually worked and the people are all strong, beautiful, intelligent, and united.
You are allowed to dislike a film user. A lot of the Lynch fans claim that Inland Empire is kino, when its a slog to the nth degree. Making it through is only to say you seen it.
Showgirls is shit and your blind like for every piece of work an artist does is childish and fanboyish.
>jesus christ you faggots she's just a little older still looking great for her age-
>open thumbnail
except they have to constantly have a war to justify the military society they have in place, and will go so far as to false flag Buenos Aires into dust to have another war.
To be honest, life as a non-civilian might not be that bad. Sure you don't get to vote, but when half the planet is off at war you can stay behind and fuck all the supermodel tier hippies, while enjoying the hi-tech future you live in
I feel old now. I recall when she was the new hot Bond girl. I literally unzipped my dick for the last Bond film with her and the long haired French babe.
She doesn't look too bad for 45, she's just too skinny. Her wrinkles and veins wouldn't show as much if she had a little body fat.
Not him, but I love Showgirls, it's just the right amount of cheese and sleeze that it's fun. It came out around the same time as Striptease which took itself too seriously and tried to be some family lifetime network special outside of the nude scenes.
I love how that on first viewing you take that "no asteriods on our watch" and then the destruction of BA as a joke at the overwhelming incompetence of the human military but on analysis it's much more sinister. Then of course you have the Sup Forums trumptards who take the movie at face value and think it's a movie about the good humans vs the evil bugs. I wonder what it's like to be that stupid.
Gina Gershon is absoultely amazing in that movie.
>You're a whore, darling
>I like nice tits. I always have, how about you?
>Aren't you gonna come here and give me a big kiss?
She seems to be incredibly angry
Link plz
but user... you are that stupid
Maybe they just read more books than you, since that's how Heinlein intend it.
Verhoeven's interpretation is rather different from Heinlein's own words about what he intended when writing the book.
>Air Bud Force
>too skinny
get effay cuntlicker
>Hollow Man
>softcore porn
I thought the rape scene was tastefully done too.
The thing about Rico that bugged me so much was, like you said, his complete lack of authority. He can't yell to intimidate at all. He comes off to wrll spoken and pampered to play the role of a hardened, experienced soldier. He would make a good officer, though.
The turnover is constant and pretty soon a pretty boy with underdeveloped skills is going to be running shit.
Rico has experience and that's what counted. They just don't go get a grandpa to order people around.
In the future they've been actively eliminating inferior genes..
its a world that works
he was an officer by the end of the film..
>you will never be the recipient of this look
What are some other nietzschean scifi movies with fascist undertones? Hard mode no warhammer or inhabited island