/lbg/ - letterboxd general

only place to discuss film on this entire website

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Boring OP.


Nice work op, also
----> current thread

everyone can see through your false-flagging, embryo

Anyone else have any relatively unknown critics they really like? This guy really helped me appreciate some films more than I did. I think Sup Forums'd generally like him as well. Would recommend his Straw Dogs review.


>only place to discuss film on this entire website
lmao when compared to 3x3 threads, this is just a s4s/facebook dumpster

where can I watch letterboxd? who's in it?

clark gable
paul giamatti

3x3 threads are just a bunch of disingenuousness

then i wonder what lbg threads are


Let me guess, that's you?

Been tryin to catch up on important 2016 films recently.

Took a break from that and watched John Wick with my girl td, shit was so fun

normie cuck

post yours before talkin shit mate

happy now, normie cuck?

yes actually

looks good colin

was princess mononoke really that good tho?

It's my sister's favorite movie. She's been bedridden since she was 6 so I watch it all the time with her and it has since grown on me.

alright, sounds good normie cuck

in reality tho, why resort to shit like that rather than actual discussion?

>someone else on Sup Forums has seen Maborosi

never thought I'd see the day. Great film.

mid/low Koreeda desu

After Life is my favorite, though I'm behind on his more recent shit

nice trip James, good to see you here rather than on fb :^)

that and Still Walking are his best



Good job, OP!

>having to concern oneself with such things in the slightest

dont patronize me

Don't be insincere.

Then don't mock me with your false sincerity you manipulative asshole cunt. I know exactly what you're trying to do. It's the opposite of clever.

I didn't intend to be insincere, but you've already made up your mind, so there's nothing I can say to convince you otherwise. Bye.

Download Trailer Trauma 2 and also the Belve Feroci blu-ray that have both recently come online

wonderful movies

Some recent reviews of shit I watched:

xXx: Return of Xander Cage [2017]
It started like it should have, skating tricks down the mountain with bus wallrides and shit. But then like it always happens with contemporary action movies, it's just boring shooting. His team completely sucks and everyone is extremely bland or irritating, so that doesn't work either.

Split [2016]
I was looking forward to this because it had such potential to be super retarded because TWENTY SIX PERSONALITIES. But then when I saw it had okay reviews and an okay score on IMDb, and especially when you remember that everyone likes to hate M. Night Shyamalan, I knew it that he toned it down. And he did. So no super dumb fun stuff really, although there are a few scene. Would actually be okay fun if it wasn't so long. Like most movies, it shouldn't have gone into triple digit minutage.

Event Horizon [1997]
Friends told me it really sucks, but I didn't believe them. A spaceship set horror movie, it got to be at least comfy, right? No, it's boring shit from the start to the finish without a single reediming value. Except you may crack a light smile when Sam Neill becomes evil because it really doesn't work. Awful, awful movie.

Starship Troopers [1997]
Fucking perfect. Had me smiling for days every time I remembered it.

Total Recall [1990]
I was kinda shook because I found this to be pretty I'd even say dull. Because I remember it as really good, and it should be, but it doesn't come out as a sum of it parts at the end. Everything looks great and the actors are good and everything, but it's just bland-ish. But at the end I kinda remembered I already watch a part of it a few years ago and didn't really care for it. The supposed greatness of it might be a completely false memory.

Hausu [1977]
I completely get where all the hype is coming from, and I really really appreciated how unconventional it was. And I don't mean the woo crazy trippy whoa man stuff, but the way it's shot and made. And I was glad to see it, but all in all I found it to be boring and completely unengaging. I will check more movies by Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, the director. Pretty disappointed, expected a lot. Schoolgirls, haunted house, Japan, and all the hype.

Paprika [2006]
Absolute shit, I hated it with a passion. I mean, I knew I would, because I hate surreal stuff, and especially anything to do with dreams. Fuck this.

How exemplary!

CURRENT THREAD!!: Very, very important work!


Without even needing to consider your opinion on the films themselves, it's clear you're a huge pleb with low IQ

f for fake and the immortal story double feature tomorrow at my local theatre, i'm happy :)

please kys

>tfw found Sup Forums's theme song

link_gorro's favorite song

Nova, Notuh, or Loana?

I already seen 50 films this year, how are the odds i can make it 200 by the end of the semester?


how ya doing so far my man

well, i'm at 88 personally, but that's still less than half of some people i follow :^)

what the fuck
are you seeing shorts or what
kidding, desu i just watch films at night because i hate doing stuff like that while daylight is in my room, could have been more

Not really, that's waaaay more than most people. And even on here, people doing big numbers are a minority

Breaking News: Women are useless

I average about 60 films/month


he's a pathetic neet faggot

Should I watch Tower (2016) or Prevenge at the cinema tomorrow before seeing 3 other films or should I just take the longer lie-in?

Anyone else here seen Blue? I thought it was pretty compelling


>sees 14 films a month
>pays for pro

I only got it for importing though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Where the fuck are your favorites?

Nolan, Tarantino, Chazelle, the list goes on....

I didn't ask "what"


>tfw no three way

Feels dumb having to display the one or two of them I have if I'm not exactly confident of them in the first place

>he statpads his views with short """films"""

It's not quantity (length) it's quality.

What does /lbg/ think of this?



People say it is Mario Bava's worst film. Not funny and even Vincent Price said it stinks.

Just saw John Wick 2. Great setup for the next movie

I didn't even know Mario Brava directed it, but I'd say it's his best.


Oh, maybe I'm thinking of the sequel, the girl bombs. Maybe the Bikini Machine is tolerable, who knows?

>no snatches on wild beasts
why is PTP the worst good site in the world

pls respond to this Has anyone seen either? Tower looks interesting

>pinocchio 3/5
Why are you here, embryo?

>Smoothhands only watches 1 minute "films" to pad his total number of films watched
>link_gorro (Amphibian200) is a raging SJW, pedophile, and discovered Sup Forums through the Breaking Bad subreddit
>Acid is a tranny chaser and obsessed with Healey
>Healey made Penis Boy
>m_obvs is an edgy 13 year old that deleted his profile out of shame
>mollykins is the "female" version of m_obvs that should just delete "her" profile
>Jackieray still hasn't grown out of De Palma like a normal person
>nosaj is a fat Irish pig that wishes he was a nigger
>steakbro named himself steakbro
>myrmician is a 30 year old neet Paki
>coryburning stalks girls in these threads and probably a rapist
>Miranna left these threads in fright after being stalked by coryburning
>winstonne is a jew that believes in illuminati conspiracy theories
>aeltbx is a fat paki and throws a fit whenever someone says mean things to him
>bel committed suicide
>dropout_bear wants to be a cuck for amaranth
>machill54 is a fan of the most uninteresting movies out there
>pupkin is a schmuck
>tsar attempted suicide and failed that too lmao

it's a good kid's movie with a good message. before disney went full jewish with their animations

Can we post the nice one with the updated users?

Actually I could also see lego batman at the imax, but I'd be scared of going to jail for being a paedo do not sure worth it

>It's a Sup Forums is still triggered about Dear White People, episode.

Can I hide in here /lbg/?

Not usually one for cartoons but Over the Garden Wall was charming and darker than I was expecting.


post rare kino

>I love niggers

I'm sorry, /lbg/ is a non-racist subsection of Sup Forums, please leave.

In your dreams, fagface. /lbg/ isn't Letterboxd

Tarkovsky is wrong; Solaris is his best film.



Thread tunes

This user is correct. This is our safe space, where we feel comfortable enough to complain about the big meanie SJWs on Letterboxd. Because, you know, we're all tough guys IRL.

I feel it to be his weakest. Soderbergh's is a more fulfilling film experience.


How do you guys feel about these blurays? You have any you're looking to get soon?

someone pls follow me. letterboxd.com/adecool/

Sure thing lad


I would add the blu-ray 'trailer trauma' to that list


Why are you crying?


He's mocking you

Is that you, redditt?

You have to go back. Adults are chatting.

My question to him/you is "Why are you crying?"

>Adults are chatting