Umbrellas of Cherbourg

Anyone seen this? Is a musical where they sing all their dialogs. Great visuals and so comfy.

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>no superpowers
>no spaceships

yeah that sure sounds like something I'd wanna watch

I believe that makes it an opera, yes?

Yes, it's very good.
Epic post. How do I reward gold, my kind sir?
No. It doesn't have opera singing. Plus some Operas like Kurt Weill's have spoken dialogue.

Saw it recently because of La La Land. I thought it was alright. The music wasn't that memorable to me, but it looked gorgeous and I liked the ending.

It has great music, but the whore is a really terrible character.

It's fucking based. Sweet French pussy!

Dreigroschenoper really is more of a musical than an opera.

She was preggo and the father never wrote. What was she to do?