dude member the 80's?
Dude member the 80's?
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>Vacuum your car Guv'ner?
Fucking faggots
haha ghostbusters
>Dude this show is so good because it takes things that are wildly popular and puts them all together!
Anyone who was actually a child, not an infant, in the 80s is too old to like this dogshit,
80s kid here
Wtf is this shit?
What's this from?
>this late
I wonder when the 90s nostalgia shit starts flooding us. What will they do when the 00s nostalgia hits?
I ain't clickin that shit.
i hope that scene ends with them getting shoved in a toilet
"It has no pace, sloppy continuity, bland characters... It's my contention that John Carpenter was never meant to direct science fiction horror movies. Here are some things he'd be better suited to direct: Traffic accidents, train wrecks and public floggings..." - Alan Spencer, Starlog magazine November, 1982
"A surprising failure" "Carpenter's most unsatisfying film to date." - Phil Hardy, Science Fiction (1984)
"Too phony looking to be disgusting. It qualifies only as instant junk" "A foolish, depressing, overproduced movie that mixes horror with science fiction to make something that is fun as neither one thing or the other. Sometimes it looks as if it aspired to be the quintessential moron movie of the 80's" - Vincent Canby, New York Times
"It seems clear that Carpenter made his choice early on to concentrate on the special effects and the technology and to allow the story and people to become secondary. Because this material has been done before, and better, especially in the original "The Thing"" - Roger Ebert
"This movie is more disgusting than frightening, and most of it is just boring." David Denby, New York Magazine
"The structure of the piece reminds unpleasantly of porno films..." - Daily Variety
"So single-mindedly determined to keep you awake that it almost puts you to sleep" - David Ansen, Newsweek
"A wretched excess" - Gary Arnold, The Washington Post
"The only avenue left to explore would seem to be either concentration camp documentaries or the snuff movie." - William Parente, The Scotsman
"What the old picture delivered – and what Carpenter has missed – was a sense of intense dread." Variety (In 1951, the same paper had said of Nyby's film: "The resourcefulness shown in building the plot groundwork is lacking as the yarn gets into full swing. Cast members fail to communicate any real terror.")
"If you want blood, go to the slaughterhouse. All in all, it's a terrific commercial for J&B Scotch." - Christian Nyby, director of the original
Audiences didn't show up, either. Despite Carpenter's proven track record with Halloween ($47 million), The Fog ($21 million), and Escape from New York ($25 million), the box office for The Thing only amounted to $13.8 million, with an opening weekend gross of $3.1 million.
"In France, I'm an auteur. In England, I'm a horror movie director. In Germany, I'm a filmmaker. In the US, I'm a bum." - John Carpenter
"I take every failure hard. The one I took the hardest was "The Thing". My career would have been different if that had been a big hit... The movie was hated. Even by science-fiction fans. They thought that I had betrayed some kind of trust, and the piling on was insane. Even the original movie's director, Christian Nyby, was dissing me." - John Carpenter
>What will they do when the 00s nostalgia hits?
I guess they'll bring back Jackass and King of the Hill.
holy fuck this is what autism looks like
not an argument
What's he supposed to argue against
Was just reciting quotes, not making a claim
pokemon and dbz?
Kid adventure movies weren't really a thing in the 00s, except for harry potter. And something like pokemon never really went away.
Maybe a series about children being accepted to some magical school and their manchild uncle tags along
Yes Lord of The Rings wasn't popular or anything. Shit was the biggest thing ever.
>American reviewers were always shit
Well, nice to see some things never change
>Kid adventure movies
I meant as in movies about kids going in adventures like the goonies, stand by me and ET.
But now that I think about it pokemon, digimon filled that role. not sure that shit would translate to live action very well
Sadly this is what's going to happen to EVERY Netflix original. Every company is a greedy fucking jew that doesn't know how/when to end a show. Because they never end them until the rating start dropping.
First season was a 7/10 at best. Show literally went to shit in the 4th episode and was slipping in the 3rd.
why are people so annoyed by other people remembering their past
>First season was a 7/10
Nah, the show was a literal 5/10. The tension was good for the first few episodes and then they throw "LOL, GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY GOONIES!!!" and then nothing was ever explained. It just ended on a cliffhanger for the next season.
Because inserting pop culture references is lazy writing and this show is the epitome of lazy writing.
Web I said at best user. I think a it was probably a 6 just because the first 2 episodes were so strong and I finished it. An average show I wouldn't have.
Yeah the show fell apart and I think everyone is going to realize how shit the writing is in this season.
>that cuck's expression
When girls still wore skirts? Yeah
I'll keep my hopes up but I expect this season to be shit. I have a feeling it will end up like True Detective where they had time to create an interesting story but had to rush to make a follow up season that will be lackluster. With the actors being at that age where they might look completely different in 4 months time, they have to film the shit fast as well.
He's arguing how there is no logical reason for one of the kids to have a poster of "The Thing" the year after it came out as the movie bombed and was panned by critics and it's inclusion was pandering to the people who now appreciate it and it comes off as a sort of circle jerk towards 80's nostalgia. I personally didn't mind it however
Why would anyone be nostalgic for the 80s ugly sister? 80s revivalism is only going to grow according to trend projections.
From the plot description it sounds like a convoluted mess. Too many new characters and monsters.
but the thing is a shit film ffs you pleb faggots
I can't tell what's more of an insult to audiences that people actually like, 80s or video game references? They both try to make the audience feel special by making them think they're the only people who lived in the 80s or knows what video games are. It's lowest common denominator disguised as a secret in joke between friends.
Watching people turn on this will be great. Stranger Things was just a fad. It was okay, but it's success came from everyone binging it all at the same time.
If you said you didn't like it, people thought you were weird or just trying to be different.
i knew i made the right choice when i stopped the pilot during the d&d scene
80s kid here, nobody dressed like the fucking Ghostbusters.
Is this a new M83 video or what?
>The one I took the hardest was "The Thing". My career would have been different if that had been a big hit... The movie was hated.
Didn't "The Thing" comes out in between "ET" and some other widely popular movie at the time, effectively killing it's success?
As far as critics, if they had any talent of their own they'd be making movies of their own, thus their opinions are irrelevant.
Actually you are very wrong, I like the show and I was born in 75
I was born in 88, so not really.
ah yes, a poster in the background. this would be my biggest problem with the series, but i can - you know - think, see, hear and feel, and so the plot, characters and pacing were just slightly, SLIGHTLY more of a fucking issue
It came out around the same time as ET and on the same day as Blade Runner
My parents loved Stranger Things and they were born in the 60's.
Ghostbusters 4
Oh haha, I member!
>series comes out
>tv loves it
>month later
>tv hates it
Every time
Come to think about it. Those kids are the perfect setup for ghostbusters costumes. 3 white kids and 1 black kid.
>netflix series
All critics should be executed.
No but you don't understand. Other people started liking it in that month. People who visit different websites than me!
The series really went downhill after it shifted from alternate dimension serial killing monster horror to super power girl and he friends vs. the big bad government
It's a colloquial term, user. Cool your autism
>shitposting about dropping a tv show during the opening scene
>calling other people autists
I'm not even the same person, you fucking mong
Frosted tips, goatees, nu-metal, and teen sex comedies fuck yeah
I like these "Goonies" type of things. The first episode was spooky and they had a good sci-fi mystery going on. The 80's feeling made it comfy as fuck by by the last few episodes it got extremely boring. The tension in every scene was ruined by the girl using her super powers to solve every scenario.
Thats not how membering works. Stranger Things is set in the 80s, its not just pointlessly spamming references like Family Guy
I just watched this and I spent the entire season repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
Have you considered therapy?
It doesn't really though, all popular references are just nostalgia. It's only The Clash and D&D also.
watched the first episode and I fell asleep
shit show
yes everything is reddit.
I'm an 80es kid (born in '92), what is this?
Except this show was popular and getting its dick sucked by reddit the moment it was announced. Ever think that people have genuine complaints with this tropenostalgiashit? You can shit on it on Reddit but I bet you'll get downvoted to hell and possibly banned.
I want reddit and Sup Forums to kill themselves.
>Stranger Things is set in the 80s
Why? Is there any reason to place the show in the 80's other than muh nostalgia?
>Why? Is there any reason to place the show in the 80's other than muh nostalgia?
Muh nostalgia was a factor for sure, but I think the creators wanted to do something relatively fresh; there are so many contemporary shows, or dystopian ones. They know 80s was cool timeline and used it to make their show more interesting.
>make a great setup for a Lovecraft series
>blow all that work out your ass and make it crappy pseudo-nostalgia bait for people who were never alive during that era