Writer of Dear White People tweets "Fuck White People"

But it's totally not racist guys trust us

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Yeah, he looks like the kind of person who'd write a show called Dear White People.

some tumblrina. Who gives a shit. Sage.

microaggressions will never get old


how do these people get money for shows

>constantly stereotype other people according to the colour of their skin
>surprised and unable to handle it when the tables are turned

u whitebois are hilarious lmao


saցe goes in all fielԁs

Remember when this was considered a GOAT tier comedy routine?


Remember when it was ok to just make some tongue in cheek jokes about "us white guys, am I right?" and not accidentally radicalize your impressionable liberal core fanbase who are too young to really get the joke and then end up brainwashing yourself thinking white people really ARE evil to keep their support and doubling down on believing your own rhetoric is truth and not and comedy?