America 50%white

>america 50%white
>UK 60%white
>germany 70%white
>france 60%white
>italian >white
>russian 10%white
>poland 99%polish


change your flag back to this please

>>russian 10%white
you have been too generous

Id rather live in a diverse rich country than this """white""" paradise


>>italian >white
literally not an argument

Thank you for existing
Your country is the best argument that whites aren't superiour to other races

In case of the balts it's just because this region is strategically situated between others who are more relevant and/or richer than it. It's not something to be proud of to lack immigration, in their case.
But I'm Egyptian so I guess that tells you something

I unironically want a cute balt in my bed.

There are lots of Lithuanians where I work, nice people and they seem a lot more like Scandinavians than typical Eastern Euros.

why do you constantly talk about gay shit? is there literally nothing else on your mind?

It's hard not to be horny and want to put my penis in holes.

Went to Lithuania on holiday this past summer. Vilnius was a lot nicer than I was expecting. Top tier country, would visit again.

>not relevant
>not rich
>whiteness is nothing
>im Egyptian

What's wrong with Egypt again?

It's better he does it out here than in our general 24/7 365 days a year

I was just noting that in spite of the above there's some migration to Estonia, which is a lot more successful than other balts.
>what's wrong with Egypt
Banana economy and quasi military dictatorship.

Saw a brown skin who dyed her hair blonde today. Very odd.


>being 100% White in White country should be something to be proud of in 21th century

Luthuania-kun is Polan's tsundere waifu

Real figures

75% white
87% white
82% white
90% white
+99% white
+99% white
0% white

>russkies 10%
Piss on face intermensh faggot.

Yes there is, I see the migrants every day. I have to give you guys credit, you are like bloodhounds for money. Wherever there is, you flood in.

why are lithuanians so criminal?
there's more lithuanian criminals here than russian, italian and polish ones combined, even though there's only like 2 millions lithuanians
how is that possible

>90% white
>0% white

>this butthurt

explain it

we send our worst

>Vilnius was a lot nicer than I was expecting
well you basically visited Poland

>get sweet job offer for construction or some shit in western countries
>go to the country
>oh yeah btw we're actually doing crime here
this happens a lot in eastern europe
happened to my friend
he still made off with 20k euros in only 3 months and in the end only the guy who hired him got caught and my friend was treated as a victim
lucky bastard

Well I guess Lietuvos clean toilets very well in our ancestral lands.

fuck off it was never yours

The fact that you renamed Vilna to Vilnius does not make it yours.

>Jagiell*nian banner on the shield



>former subject acting cocky to his former master
Why do Belarussians keep doing this?

Let's return to my favorite conversation
In what language was written the statute of the GDL and who is the subject, Zhmudin.

modern belarussians don't even speak belarussian lol your country is a joke

>modern belarussians don't even speak belarussian lol your country is a joke
>When you have nothing to oppose the historical fact and try to change the subject
and yes, 30% of applicants, when writing state testing, wrote an language examination in Belarusian
Therefore, even the attempt to change the subject has little failed

>capital of gdl is in lithuania
>kings and dukes are all ethnically lithuanian
>belarus was conquered by lithuanians
>yet somehow belarus is the real lithuania
doesn't add up

>belarus was conquered by lithuanians
they never even existed as a country

>capital of gdl is in lithuania
The first capital and place of coronation Mindovg ,Navahrudak, is clearly not in Lithuania
and, as far as I remember, Navahrudak stands for Small Novgorod
>belarus was conquered by lithuanians
Who did not have a written language before the 16th century?
>kings and dukes are all ethnically lithuanian
And on this to each name you have attributed the Lithuanian endings, which do not occur in any written source of that time?
>yet somehow belarus is the real lithuania

And yet, I never received an intelligible answer, if Lithuania is 100% heir of the GDL, why no one state act was issued in the Lithuanian language in the GDL

Because no one wants to live in lithuania

I thought whites contribute to develop their country.

*commits suicide*


>france 60%france
it's not

To be exact
>france 100%french
Everyone living in France is French

not that guy but it's kinda pointless and dumb to retroactively apply the terms that define the nations in the 19th century to previous centuries. Ruthenian was the written language and it served the purpose, but it's just one piece of the huge puzzle. You could similarly make a case that poles are the true heirs of the GDL cause their language was the dominant amongst the nobility in the later centuries.

Lithuanians are behind 50% of house robberies here in rural Denmark.

Unlike the Romanians and Bulgarians you don't have the "it's the gypsies" excuse.

For Russia its close to 80.

We do have "it's the russians" excuse though.

Fuck off, subhuman. Your country is "100% white" but russians are not wh*te, remember?


russians are white

are you stupid?

Japs are Korean+Aynu rapebabies. Are you stupid? We're a proud black nation.

All the russians fucked off to richer countries to mooch off of their social systems and steal their cars, thus making Lithuania clean, safe and 100% white. What's not to get?
>have no retort
>I know, I'm gonna post some dumb weeb cartoon, that'll show him!

>making Lithuania clean, safe and 100% white.

who ruined this butifel EUROPEAN neighborhood then, if all the russians left



we were occupied for 50 years
need 50~ years to recover

>Commies come and build shitty plattenbau architecture and playgrounds
>commies fuck off
>-Gee, where those ugly buildings and playgrounds came from?

Singapore needed only 17. Are you worse than literal Asian monkeys?

Pidorashka pls

You didn't improve/rebuild it, that's the thing. You'll be shit no matter what side you stay on. And blame ebil russkies afterwards for anything. Not themselves, no sir. (Communism is not even Russian and bolsheviks were not Russian either)

I wanted to end this, but...okay

This does not justify the fact that you were many times smaller than the Ruthenians and the fact that even Vitovt wrote on his coins in Cyrillic letters

>Ruthenian was the written language and it served the purpose, but it's just one piece of the huge puzzle.You could similarly make a case that poles are the true heirs of the GDL cause their language was the dominant amongst the nobility in the later centuries.

As I said, the Lithuanian language was not used at all in office work. And why - is a mystery.

Subhuman priebalt pls

>not that guy but it's kinda pointless and dumb to retroactively apply the terms that define the nations in the 19th century to previous centuries.

This does not justify the fact that you were many times smaller than the Ruthenians and the fact that even Vitovt wrote on his coins in Cyrillic letters

>Ruthenian was the written language and it served the purpose, but it's just one piece of the huge puzzle.You could similarly make a case that poles are the true heirs of the GDL cause their language was the dominant amongst the nobility in the later centuries.

As I said, the Lithuanian language was not used at all in office work. And why - is a mystery.



it's estonians mostly who use "it wuz russians" excuse

there is more russians in latvia than in estonia but I rarely see latvians saying it while estonians say it ALWAYS.

ANd lithuanians simply understand basic fact that you can't blame 5% of population for everything (although that's exactly what romanians do xD)

Look, you can restate your argument as many times as you want, it won't make it any more valid. You had the infrastructure, the cities and the written language, we had the muscle to kick your ass. The fact that we were in fact smaller reflects badly on you, not us. At some point you wizened up and decided to buy us off instead of getting fucked, which was ultimately beneficial for both of us, so bully for you.
>As I said, the Lithuanian language was not used at all in office work. And why - is a mystery.
It makes no difference. Written/spoken language and ethnicity defines a nation in 19th century, but not in 13th. Like I said, you could easily argue that GDL is purely polish by making the same points you're making.
And how many of those lovely buildings still stand in today's glorious powerful Russia? All of them, I'd wager. Rebuilding infrastructure takes time, and we're working on it.

The chancellery language of medieval Lithuania was Old Church Slavonic. Nobody argues that, even the annals of Lithuania were written in it. The problem is that it is applying a 19th century interpretation of nationality to the Middle Ages. In the Medieval Era, your nationality was not determined by which language you use, but rather by which country you live under. As such, all inhabitants of Lithuania at the time - whether Baltic, Slavic or whatever - were called "Lithuanians". This "Litvin" (Slavic inhabitant of GDL) identity didn't stick, by the way - by the time nationalism arrived, everyone was quick to separate to Lithuanians, Belarusians and Ukrainians.
Balts were obviously on a much lower level of civilization, on account of being isolated inbred swamp-fume trippers. Slavs were already Christianized and with it brought things like, a written language, a more organized government, developed trade etc. Slavs composed the majority of Lithuania's population, so it's obvious that even a Baltic Lithuania would use a Slavic language for their literary matters.

>Look, you can restate your argument as many times as you want, it won't make it any more valid.
Strangely enough, but this is an indisputable fact
>You had the infrastructure, the cities and the written language, we had the muscle to kick your ass. The fact that we were in fact smaller reflects badly on you, not us. At some point you wizened up and decided to buy us off instead of getting fucked, which was ultimately beneficial for both of us, so bully for you.
>It makes no difference. Written/spoken language and ethnicity defines a nation in 19th century, but not in 13th. Like I said, you could easily argue that GDL is purely polish by making the same points you're making.
If I can't have you, no one can! ©

I fully agree with this

>Strangely enough, but this is an indisputable fact
What is an indisputable fact? You writing the same shit over and over? Welp, you got me there I guess.
>If I can't have you, no one can! ©
Way to misinterpret what I wrote. Look, it's pretty simple. The fact that the same line of reasoning you're using can be applied to wield completely different results from the one's you're suggesting automatically invalidates the argument. If you're too dumb/blind to see this, there's no helping you.

I only allude to the fact that the Ruthenian culture was basic in all spheres, no more

Is this >italian >white shit a meme or do you fags actually believe it? I'm like half italian and white.

the fact that you'd give a shit what a lithuanian of all people would think means you've lost the game already

Get cancer faggot.

insecure shitskin shitalian subhuman

kek poor whites to take pride in only being ''whites'' keeeeeeeeeekkkkkk

all of this for a slice of gabagool