/t100g/ The 100 General

>get yo dick out for Clarke
>tfw Trigedasleng is driving me insane and make me want to puke
>tfw you tie up Clarke and you throw IT into a burlap sack and take her home

Best sci fi show this year, after Expanse.

it's getting boring as fuck, if this is the best writters have to offer just kill it already.

Yea it is getting slow as fuck.

It's about time they showed some more skin.
Skin or better story or this show will fail.

Murphy is the only good character on the show

OP here.
Fuck you all, I liked it.
We need Clarke more naked and more tied up...to really fix the show

This season has been a fucking snooze fest. Just make it about Based Murphy, the rest are acting like idiots.

And there's already a thread

Let me preface by saying I legitimately love this show

So its been 97 years since the 'apocalypse' right, that means that some of the older grounders are only third or possibly even second generation.. and here we've got all these established clans and cultures acting like their rituals are ancient and sacred.
and help but want someone to just flip on the grounders and tell them 'cunts! your the survivors of an apocalypse, stop carrying on with this shit and pull it together, your grandparents were accounts and shit

>So its been 97 years
>your grandparents were accounts and shit
If their parents were 15 when the apocalypse began and had their kids at 30 that means that there were elders in their 80s who had some education before the apocalypse.
How the hell did they go full savage and even develop a new language instead of keeping the old + the old knowledge?

Creating a new language is so backwards if you already have a language that has plenty of knowledge behind it, cause you would need to translate .

>Creating a new language is so backwards if you already have a language that has plenty of knowledge behind it, cause you would need to translate .
not to mention that all seem to speak fluent english anyway