Prove me wrong. You can't

Prove me wrong. You can't.

>inb4 m-muh f-fence sitting

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Is it wrong that I unironically agree with this picture?

>Right Wing

a leaf fell for the compromise fallacy

Progression is so horribly undefined and is usually associated with the extreme left.

What are we progressing toward?
How do we know that it's "progress"?
You can't have progress toward a goal unless you've defined your end game.

quiet Mongoloid

Well done, fellow leaf. A glimmer of light in this dark cesspool of malignant hysteria.


Meaningless Orwellian Newspeak

Which one discourages dysgenic behavior?

Tolerance of the intolerable
acceptance of the unacceptable
the average voter had to be convinced over half a century that faggotry and degeneracy were ok.

Not to mention that tolerance and acceptance, at least in my estimation, mean the same damn thing.

Oh no, again the false dichotomy of left and right. Instead it should be pro-white and anti-white.

National Socialism is "left" by the way.

Tolerance and acceptance are just code words for anti-white, because it allows UNCONTROLLED immigration and degenerate culture. We do not need any form of immigration from non-white people, we just need to destroy feminism and have more children. Also indoctrination =/ intelligence, destroying your own country and race is not intelligent, but suicidal.

In addition, National Socialism is the opposite of decadence.

The middle ground are those who understand neither the left nor the right and instead decide to just go along with the groupthink. See this for a more accurate representation of the the sides.


Fucking newfags, I bet you think the 1600s was ages ago. Tolerance didn't even EXIST a thousand years ago, and it's always been a mistake. Protestants should have been genocided no matter the cost.

The first word I noticed was "bigotry" that's all I needed to see before closing the image.

OP is closet SJW fuckwad.

Pic related.

>literally triggered like an SJW

two sides of the same coin

>tolerance and apathy
Fug off Weed Man

I find it weird how trump attracts so many stormfags

He not racist, anti-semitic (his daughter is a jewish convert), or homophobic, he has a surprising amount of black supporters and openly said he doesn't hate mexicans, he just doesn't want illegal immigrants

Get out of this country you fucking partisan cuck.

By race pride you probably mean white pride, because Black and Latino pride movements usually lean left.

Because it's something that's not the status quo. NatSoc people understand that they can't elect David Duke or something. Baby steps

The more I look at your chart the more retarded it looks.
You could've given nice-sounding values to the extreme sides, but you didn't and stuck with buzzwords and -isms, which in turn makes them both look bad compared to the middle one.

You would tolerate your clear inferiors? Once again giving Canada a bad name. Fucking leaf. Centrism is just being a corporate crony.


>race = skin color meme
>enforcing the law is equivalent to racial supremacy
>"tolerance", "acceptance", "progression and growth" literally meaningless buzzwords
>"intelligence" implying you're smarter for being a closet liberal
>implying "trumps fans" are extremist fringe groups even though he has mainstream appeal
>"feminism is bad guys but sexism is bad too x)"

please kys next time you think of reposting this garbage bait OP

Change race pride to white pride and throw non-white pride on the lib side and it'll be more accurate.

but muh 1488 muh hitler muh white master race!! we will gaz all da immigrants! this is realistic solution and will most likely occur with full support of society!

You forgot the
>faps to underage cartoon girls
on the right

My dyslexic ass read that as >m-muh f-face sitting
I kind of got excited for a moment.


Total universe domination and becoming gods.

>Right wing