Esquire TV writers confirmed for not actually watching TV shows.
Esquire TV writers confirmed for not actually watching TV shows
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who wants Drew barrimore in anything?what is this,the year 2005 or something?
also keked.
She makes a pretty comfy murderfu
Is the show any good?
Drew Barrymore is still alive?
they know
It's... weird. It's got this jarring tone where it's like any cheerful brightly lit suburban sitcom and then all of a sudden she's very bloodily gutting somebody or her eyeball pops out of its socket and her cringing husband has to wind up the optic nerve and shove it back in
Also Olyphant makes the show. After Deadwood and Justified, I forgot how neurotic he can be.
Actually just go ahead and watch the trailer because it summarizes the whole show and the first 30 seconds feature probably the best scene of the show too
kek, nobody watches your faggy show for fags, faggot
>Cake's cover of "I Will Survive"
I hate being old enough to be pandered to
This is borderline disrespectful.
damn son
shame about her face tho
>shame about her face
have you come out to your parents yet? you fucking faggot
iZombie >>>>> SCD in terms of cuties.
I'd actually imagine Rob Thomas, the other showrunners and CW's marketing people are downright pissed at this actually. They are ripping iZombie off to a certain degree.
man that's fucking great
Other than having a female zombie they aren't really ripping off Izombie.
Whatever gets iqt more viewers
For instance Sheila commits murders instead of solving them
DC BTFO again
Sound version:
SCD zombie has to eat to stay normal?
Are you trying to say that they are the same because one solves murders and the other murders people?
>unironically being this gay in 2017
kek love it when people genuinely love their jobs. reminds me of jared & jensen on set.
rose's character isn't strong though. she's weak and stupid.
you're gay
have you told your parents yet fagboy?
What makes Drew's character "strong"?
is not in the end of season 2 when she goes in assault uniform to raid the bad guy's headquarters and she kills a ton of zombies?
looks pretty "strong" to me.
her wimpy husband
I watched 20 minutes of the first episode and realized that Barrymore is a fucking terrible actress. I honestly hadn't watched anything with her since the wedding singer
Even before that Liv has not only used her zombie strength/abilities to defend herself but also fought against those same personality quirks when they began to negatively affect her, she also pretty much fucked up her relationship with her mother and brother when she had to refuse giving her brother a blood transfusion.
Her relationship with New Hope was fine though.
I kept having mixed feelings with izombie,it was abit too comical for my taste.
Though i only watched season 1
That's pretty cool. Might start watching this show.
S1 had one of the most pleasantly surprising and cathartic finales, after all the suffering Major had he finally got to dish out some payback in a grand fashion.
And yeah there's comedy but I thought it was pretty balanced, S2 actually cuts back a bit on the case of the week or rather blends it into the overarching story.
Why does no one have a work ethic in this day and age?
post her sexy ass and legs
She's actually jumped in on that tweet thread.
fucking WHORE
iWaifu is finishe
we have thread here on Sup Forums and even Sup Forums almost every episode.
Hey. Don't snow on our parade, man.
3rd season begins with a double ep. on 4th April. Just how much will major get dumped on this time. Aly's regular cast now too, so we'll get guaranteed tight dresses and lots of leg every episode too.
why does it look like drew barrymore is wearing hulk hands
>I knew about it but my Netflix masters wouldn't let me talk about it *smiley face*
That probably is the story here. She wrote a thinly disguised promo piece using some SJW offence-taken template.
She's getting told on her own twitter as well:
>barrimore is 41
>olyphant is almost 50
>still looks a decade younger than her
why are women so bad at everything?
I miss best Zombie Rita
>I miss best Zombie Rita
Liv didn't.
And neither did Major, goddamn that boy is a killing machine
>tfw no rose gf to rim you every day
Does Santa Clarita Diet do food porn scenes?
Rahul is too based tbqh.
I hope season 3 shits on Clive and Peyton. They haven't tasted suffering yet.
Peyton will have Mr Boss gunning for her. Clive's still in the shit over dropping Major and killing off the FBI's case against him. Ravi is apparently having his old CDC boss drop in on Seattle to ask questions about the disappearances.
I'd love to see more of the legal side of things actually. I'd imagine Clive and Peyton are going to get caught up in (un)officially covering up the zombie problem though. Maybe we'll get the courtroom scenes that we haven't been getting in Daredevil.
Clive was already getting shit when the series started as being a bit a NARC and also for investigating into the MeatCute Massacre, plus he had to betray the trust of his FBI fling.
Also Peyton's investigation got her a free run in with Mr Stacy who for a manlet is goddamn terrifying
Ravi also has a bit of PTSD coming from taking out that assassin who almost whacked Liz, fucking great scene
I miss that guy. Though his brains did help Liv and Major breeze through the FPS parts of the finale though.
The way he snuck into Liv's apartment was ace.
I really wished that Olyphant could get a better role than this. The man is outstanding. Being reduced to the whipped husband of the dated hag Drew Barrymore is so beneath him it's sad.
is he one of us?
he is an absolute madman, that's for sure
He's really going to drop himself in it one day with the way he goes off on the trolls.
I like this show because it's the only one I can recall in recent history that portrays a wife who DOESN'T cheat when the first opportunity presents itself.
Is this satire? I'm genuinely confused here.
It's Infowars. It's not actually meant to be satire but it hits that note anyway (as in a right wing version of the Onion).
This would be like Grimm pretending it's not a rip-off of Supernatural.
A rogue Anders appears...
did they fug?
They won't even break the wrapping on the box.
I thought for the longest time that he was British, turns out he's not, and I know I wasn't confusing him with Spike/James Marsters.
Something about the way he speaks mesmerized me..
>Aly Michalka
oh baby
disgusting, almost as bad as bries
On women they are called beauty marks. Another example of gender-based language malapropisms: eg., men get naked, women get nude.
I love Aly + Rose
i would have beautiful kids with her
That you, tall girl/short girl guy?
I'm glad she bounced back from Hellcats, a hard lesson but CW improved because of it.
I remember when Esquire was actually relevant. Like 1996.
H-how did you know...
>a hard lesson but CW improved because of it.
I reckon it may have suffered from network interence more than anything: felt like they were ordered to cut it short originally and blew their season finale plot (getting rid of the corrupt coach) around mid season and then were further told to keep going and fill out a full season. It just seemed to end in terms of plot and tone after the midseason and droned on doing squat - on a nothing budget at that.
haha yeah! it's not like it's also on streaming right now as well...ZOINKS!
I pity Aly's poor back if she tries to 69 any of her midget castmates. She always seems to be half-a-full head taller than most of them.
Sometimes it's too easy, also patrician fetish.
Well I wasn't there for it but the ratings dropoff after THAT episode kind of speaks for itself.
And goddamn that tummy, those hips, those tits.
What a shame
Well from that twitter she said it's not there, maybe it's a region thing?
MFW I just started watching Hellcats for her and I found out Ashley Tisdale is the same height as Rose
you keep using that word but i dont think it means what you think it means
Why? What does it mean? :)
>no tits
I heavily advise against watching the trailer and just jumping into the show instead.
Sports bras compress all the fun lumpy bits down into a flatter smoother look, user. Reduces the jiggle factor as seen in too.
Aly has plenty of what we older kids call gropeables.
He put on an English accent for Alias way back in the day and I guess he never really shook it.
Not know how bras work
Lots of people still think James Marsters is English and that was one goddamn awful OTT accent he put on in Buffy.