Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs

Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs...

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They're coming down...

IN PAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>tfw they catch you unawares

Cheese and whiskers!

You know what you did wong


>tfw they replaced this with some god awful CGI animated series

>tfw I came down the stairs and just got shouted at

I watched that show for years and still have no idea what she says in the last line of the song.

My nephew loves it, I worry for him.

What did you do?

I came on the stairs

Ohhhhhh bananas
Ohhhh bananas...

Oh bananas, you're going straight to hell.

'cause on tuesdays they all try to catch them unawares

I thought it was about them catching underwears but that seemed lewd.

Btw was rat in the hat meant to be Jewish?

Yes yes, everything is Jewish.

I want Sup Forums to leave

I was being sarcastic.

The bananas are in a concentration camp, they are yellow because the severe malnutrition has given them jaundice

Can't believe they got away with that.

yes yes, everything is just a (((coincidence)))


'cause on tuesdays they all try to catch the mamma bears

why did they need pyjamas? if I were a banana and was going to bed I would simply remove my skin. if I fancied coming down the stairs during the night to catch someone unawares I would either put my skin back on or wear a dressing gown.

Ah yes, Bananas, those magical fruits known for their ability to peel the skin off and then put it back on.

There's a bear in there
And an electric chair
There's people AIDS
And hand grenades
Open wide
Commit suicide
It's Gay School

Did Riami write this?

This was the only show I refused to watch, hated it for some reason.

Were they doing eachother?

Wtf bro

you missed out m8

>tfw no green kryptonite in me cunt

How the hell did Raimi sneak into this?