Find me a better youtube political commentator than Paul Joseph Watson
pro tip: you can't
Find me a better youtube political commentator than Paul Joseph Watson
pro tip: you can't
Has the worst voice ever. From the north of England, sounds like a peasant.
Btw, he hasn't even got a degree or a levels for that matter.
I won't post e-celebs.
This guy talks like a cunt, as if every word he says is some kind of mind blowing revelation.
I think he's bretty good
He sounds like William Hague just less coma inducing
i like him tbqh
Pretty good at sucking cock.
Guy is a confirmed fag btw
>This guy talks like a cunt, as if every word he says is some kind of mind blowing revelation.
But it actually is to most people coming from the echo chamber of government schools, especially in Europe where there isn't even a politcial party with "conservative" rhetoric in the public eye.
He sounds like a filthy northern bastard.
He hasn't even got a fucking degree.
Totally uneducated and wears an ASDA suit.