Daily reminder

Daily reminder that the USA is NOT an Anglo nation! We have an Ayran heart at our core!! That's the source of our success.

>Anglo BTFO

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By that account we're all african then you mong

> implying the Germans weren't the cancer

Why do you think early labor strike posters were often printed in both English and German?

>No Dutch

>German areas are all shitholes

really makes you think

diaspora germans

Your most successful state economically is almost entirely mexican according to that.


Angles=North Germanic tribe


germany is basicly turkey in disguise
so ur all roaches

>one of biggest states both population-wise and physically
>lots of natural resources
>"its da Mehicans, m8!"

No, New England is the wealthiest and most succesful region tbqh, considering it's size

So the British and Irish.

Still not German

The US was founded by Britain. Inherently it is British. Yes independence is your but the nation would of never of existed without Anglo blood.

Most Americans can't distinguish between Georgia the state and Georgia the country. I highly doubt many Americans are aware of their heritage from 3 generations ago. Let alone the fucking 11 or whatever it has been since the first white man stood on the shores.

Too long; didn't speak clear enough for burgers. You're a country of Euromutts, as are Australians, Canadians and Kiwis. Now, stop RPing as a Aryan and be A FUCKING AMERICAN

>falling for the Aryan meme
>believing German savages are ahead of glorious Anglos

Laugh at him Sup Forums, laugh.

>mostly German roots
that explains why you love shitskins so much


Why doesn't Detroit have some shithole African flag?

Guess how else you managed to be successful?

I want to kill spics.

The rabid white supremacists here are so boring.

It's a well known fact that the worst german migrated to the us.
Trash tier.

yeah thats why america is full of commies

>t. Plebbitor

And it's well known that the best Germans died in war. So now we're both filled with literal Aryan excrement.


It's reich time

You are our memetic descendants. We gave you common law, democracy, a language, system of weights and measures etc etc. You took the template forward.

I'm with you bro. They've been infiltrating my workplace over the last decade. I hate their ugly brown faces.

Didn't this use data that was self reported? Most Americans if they're like 90% British and 10% German seem to claim their ancestry is German



Your grandpa was a pussy.

Yeah no shit, only anglophiles and Bongs actually think we are Anglo in any way.
We weren't even half English when the colonies were under the protection of the English crown so what makes anyone think we were English at any other time either ?

>New England is the wealthiest and most succesful region
Yankeecucks actually believe this

>The US was founded by Britain
No it wasn't
Fuck off cuckboy

there's more than 15% chance you're a nigger, nigger

not to mention half hispanics are considered """white""" in your country

>I highly doubt many Americans are aware of their heritage from 3 generations ago
Jesus Christ you're salty as fuck
Until the 1970's America was the most pureblood nation on the planet and nobody really married outside of their respective heritage.
For fuck sake other than Nazi Germany and Sparta nobody has even come close to the level of Eugenics that the US conducted until the end of WW2


>those Norgs up top
Ayo hol up where my Norwegian homies at

>Richest, most educated region is Anglo
>Some of the poorest redneck states are German


German immigrants were the first mistake America made.

>"USA is NOT an Anglo nation! We have an Ayran heart at our core!!"
>Helps the beady eyed anglos in the war

>Until the 1970's America was the most pureblood nation on the planet and nobody really married outside of their respective heritage
>Someone unironically believes this

I know back from over a century for my family and I still can't discern when the german/french/norwegian heritage I seemingly have all converged.

The only reason people say German, is because whatever side they got German ancestry from probably came here most recently and is easier to track.

Most people are different mixtures of european with a dash of british that they probably don't even know about.

this fäm

>Ayran heart at our core
Cold Ayran is the master race drink for sure, too bad you gavur will never taste it.

>didn't even have a white nation policy intact up to 1973


I've tasted it, It's basically rotten milk

The reason why the British ancestry is under-estimated is because many people with British ancestry have been in this country for centuries. If your family has been here for enough time, you are considered indigenous and not British.

For example: my family has been in the US since the days of British colonialism, and I'm not considered British.

Can't get a job with out 100K debt in yankeeland

New England is full of liberals and literal socialists.

That map is so wrong.

>Believing in the African Jew

>Union Flag

Kill yourself.




>the 2014 American Community Survey, German Americans (14.4%), Irish Americans (10.4%), English Americans (7.6%) and Italian Americans (5.4%) were the four largest self-reported European ancestry groups in the United States forming 37.8% of the total population.[1]
>However, demographers regard this as a serious undercount, as the index of inconsistency is high, and many, if not most, people from English stock have a tendency (since the introduction of a new "American" category in the 2000 census) to identify as simply Americans[5][6][7][8]
>In the 1980 United States Census, over 49 million (49,598,035) Americans claimed English ancestry, at the time around 26.34% of the total population and largest reported group which, even today, would make them the largest ethnic group in the United States.[10][11]

Fritz btfo. USA is Anglo.


>what's evolution

I never denied that

>t. Cletus with an IQ of 78