How did this faggot get away with being an Armenian Genocide denier and still loved by lefties?

How did this faggot get away with being an Armenian Genocide denier and still loved by lefties?

Is it because Armenians are Christian and not Jews? Or because all we do is suck muslim dick now?

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Most people can't point out Armenia on the map. I never heard of Armenia before the first poltard pointed out this guy I also never heard of denied a genocide that I never heard of.

They think that they're getting an enlightened, different viewpoint because he's brown.

>American education

Kardashians and Anita made Armenia famous. If those are the 2 things you know about Armenia I can see why people don't care a genocide happened.

This pretty much.

Because shitskins got removed by other shitskins, leftist only care about blaming white people.

>How did this faggot get away with being an Armenian Genocide denier and still loved by lefties?

The thing is that "lefties" don't actually give a shit about any "genocides". They don't. They only pretend to do so because they hate the white race. (even though they all live in rich white neighborhoods.)...

>leftist only care about blaming white people.

What i'd like to know though...Is why does Cenk look like he does...While Anzu looks...i dunno..Like a native european..

I wonder how many % of the turkish population could pass for "white".

he's not a denier
who told you that?

The north-western turks have relatively lighter skin than the Anatolians and eastern Turks. Eastern turkey is basically a chaotic gene pool of arabs, kurds and turks. Also no turk is actually a turk; we are a nationality not a race. The race known as Turks turned into Anatolians over time. Anzu probably has some balkan blood.

also he avoided all questions about it in his AMA on Reddit.

inb4 reddit. I know.

I've seen him in Terra Formars.

I forgot the part where the ottoman empire expanded into the balkans where many of the natives migrated to modern turkish territory. Hence lightening the skin color in some areas.


Oh ok , interesting....
And is it true that you guys are 95 or 99% muslims ? But what about the so called "Kemalists" ? Could they be compared to western Atheists ?....(they ultimately have an islamic cultural background , but i presume they do not practice Islam in mosques ?)..
Or do they still believe in Allah , but just want the separation of state and religion ?

>Be American
>Be completely ignorant of History and Geography

Sounds about right


In France , the few turks i know , are usually ethnically discernible at first glance. But on few occasions , some pass for european/white. Not all of them though...That's why i was curious.

The only thing he's ever been right about is that there was no genocide. It was two different sides in a war.

It is true that 99% of our population has Muslim written on their identity cards, but I doubt 40% practices islam daily. The Kemalists are a lot less religious group, but I don't think we can label them as Atheists. They do not go to mosques daily and they don't pray five times a day. They are basically tame muslims, the types who eu can live with. And yes, they do think that seperation of state and religion is very important. However they are a minority so Turkey has no luck of being somewhat modern for a few more decades.

SOAD are Armenian aren't they? Well, Armenian american

>However they are a minority so Turkey has no luck of being somewhat modern for a few more decades.

However , i sincerely hope that turks (meaning , in general...Including Kemalists..) , will never fall into the PC/SJW Trap. Now , i know that's more of a culturally "white" phenomenon.
But i think cultural marxism is a cancer. (for any race or civilisationc , it's a way of mind control and cultural subversion).
The ideal society (imo) should be modern , but still very conservative , (without being too extreme) , but imperatively reject feminism. (even women themselves are the "useful idiots" of this ideology imo)...

PS:I'm an atheist myself...btw.
The only positive thing i see about Islam is its conservatism and patriarchal nature. (no birthrate issues too).

However i'm against the importation/invasion of foreign cultures. I think the host racial/cultural group should always be the majority. That's the only way to keep stability...Unfortunately , i see a very bleak future for western europe. Hopefully we'll never end up like Syria.

>armenian genocide


Trust me, if someone's going to end up like Syria, we'll be first. I also completely agree on your points; but know that including the Kemalists, I doubt anyone will fall into the PC/SJW trap like some of you guys did. That's against the average turk's islamic morality.


It's so fucking infuriating they want to save the rapefugees, but don't want them moving into their ivory tower neighborhoods.

Yeah dude, and a lot of their songs reference the genocide.


No one can actually tell what they're saying

Why'd you leave the kids up on the table?

t b h I dont have any.

Just wondering why the libs who do say they have proof still love cenk.

>I doubt anyone will fall into the PC/SJW trap like some of you guys did. That's against the average turk's islamic morality.

Good...You're wrong though. In Turkey , you have Erdogan. (think whatever you want about the guy...Whether he's a delusional egocentric asshole or not...)...You guys will never have to destroy your own nation in the name of "tolerance" & "antiracism".

You see , my country , is invaded by Africans. (all types ...Blacks , Arabs etc..) by Asians..etc.. However , we're not nationalists like you guys. You see, when someone puts a french flag near his window/balcony or in front of his garden , he or she , is seen as a "racist" or "nationalist" (same difference to most french people).
In schools , native european french kids are taught to hate their own history. We even have special lobbies which control freedom of speech. We're marxists. We even have communist parties and crypto-communist ones.

In other words , the reason why THIS

Became a reality , is because "racism" is seen as worse than pedophilia or murder. (i shit you not...To some , it's seen as the ultimate crime).

We're contaminated with a mental sickness. We have replaced "god" (or "allah") with the state's religion. (which is "political correcntess") combined with "cultural relativism".

The reason why we have more chances to end up like Syria is because we keep importing people who hate our guts. Or live on welfare. It's a timebomb.
And when the shit hits the fan...Nobody will want to deport them because it won't be seen as "human" or "fair".
So it's not going to end well for us...Best case scenario , we'll be balkanized.
Our muslims (Generally Algerians , Tunisians , Morrocans...) hate our guts , and our government encourages them to hate us even more. (universities demonize the white race).

You guys have the political will to deport people in mass if needed. (without being ideologically castrated)

They're hypocrites...


Lefties are stupid.

This faggot and TYT is downright evil, may they suffer unspeakably.

1. Because the perpetrators weren't white

2. Armenians should get better PR, are there even any famous Armenians ? Maddox ?

The Kardashians

He gets a pretty big amount of flak from leftists as well, but being hated by you idiots goes a long way.

stay mad ahmed

a shame really...Shame that it's the first name that comes to mind instead of let's say... Aram Khatchatourian

Who gave the world masterpieces such as:


Only to make themselves look better, too.

And fuck Armenians.

yep theres only them and Serj to a much lesser degree...

You guys are fucking imbeciles.

Libertarianism and liberalism aren't that incompatible if you have meritocracy.

The ideals that Cenk and Co. push as an agenda are admirable. In the end we are one species, and EVENTUALLY, be it this century, or 1000 years later, we'll have to face the fact that unless we unite we'll die off like all the Earth-centric species that has died off.

Equality, technocracy and meritocracy must be perpetuated to conquer the stars.

Yeah. I think that might work against them actually.

They need famous athletes, actors and intellectuals to play the armenian-american race card. Even then, nobody will give a fuck because you can't pin it on white people.

I've always wondered why...Why do they do that ?
It seems like some sort pf psychological satisfaction or intellectual masturbation of the ego.
It's just odd...But of course , they're all fucking hypocrites...
Maybe the very poor ones are brainwashed and just plain fucking stupid...(like loney "cat" ladies)..such as this:

But the rich ones..The hollywood/elite cast...are monumental hypocrites...

Clear example

They say one thing in front of cameras...But think the opposite in private. Sometimes , one of them gets caught...But it's rare. (Gibson comes to mind but i think he never hid the fact that he was more "conservative" than most in hollywood)

>Libertarianism and liberalism aren't that incompatible if you have meritocracy.
>The ideals that Cenk and Co. push as an agenda are admirable.

It's not what Cenk and co are pushing though...They don't genuinely believe in "meritocracy". On the contrary...Their show is mostly about race baiting too.

>Equality, technocracy and meritocracy must be perpetuated to conquer the stars.

You don't get it, we want to do those things to get away from you. You're not coming.

Normies are afraid they'll be called racist if they disagree with him.
This guy is insane. I watched this debate between him and Dinesh D'Souza this week. He was only shouting at him, making arguments based on emotions and using personal-attacks that even Trump would never even think of using against his opponents, like Dinesh being in jail and accusing him of beating his wife.

>The ideals that Cenk and Co. push as an agenda are admirable.

"Fuck white people" is admirable?

t. arab haven

>being somewhat modern for a few more decades.

this is not a good thing

The left is anti white above all else.

No amount of racism, sexism, oppression or blatant disregard for human life will bother liberals as long as it comes from a non-white.


He's easily the least popular member of TYT. He just runs the network/show so he gets a free pass

you best be trolling.

OK. Then take the name of the show itself.

Literally the name of the group who perpetrated the genocide.

How do you reconcile that?

Because acknowledging that Muslims have historically treated Christians with violence to the point of Christians living in caves goes against their whole religion of peace narrative.

I was surprised to see TYT sacrifice everything it had going for it on that altar. Now I'd be surprised if anyone watches them.

It's hilarious to see their feed fail to report on happening news because it's so bad for them they can't think of a way to spin it.

Not true.

Young Turks was the movement. Enver and Talat were graduates of it.

It's like saying Thule Society created the Nazis. Not true.

Young Turks was a revolutionary movement created to

a) Promote irreligious, citizenship based patriotism
b) Promote intellectualism
c) Secularise Ottoman Empire through the advent of science and modern political theory

>it's like saying Thule Society created the Nazis

Except it's not.

Talaat and Enver led the Young Turks as Grand Vizier and war minister.

Hitler was simply a member of the Thule Society.

Following the analogy to its conclusion, The Young Turks is akin to the Nazi party

>I never heard of Armenia
>I also never heard of denied
>that I never heard of
You don't listen too well, do yuh boy?!

he's not white so he can get away with anything.

>he's not white
he's not Billo Reilly

because atheism is a code word for anti-Christian just like anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.

so it should surprise no one that atheists overwhelmingly shill for Muslims. They are that suicidal.

He's on the left. The left are the good guys. The right are the bad, evil guys.

People on the left can't be bad. What the fuck are you talking about OP? This whole genocide thing is totally overblown.

Non white imperialists are okay by cucks.
SJW are only concerned with white on black and white on muslim racism, +Mexicans if we talk about the USA.Roach is muslim therefore underprivileged, Armenians are an irrelevant minority on the other hand.

Memes aside, after all the mixing with Illiryans and Thracian, southern Slavs weren't that white when you arrived.White Turks came from all the Circassians you enslaved.The "rape babies", if they ever existed, were kids of jannisaries who were native Balkanites, although Serbs did expel every muslim, in places liberated after the uprising so you've got them too.