Can we all agree that high fructose corn syrup should be banned? Even my ketchup has corn syrup unless I buy organic.
Can we all agree that high fructose corn syrup should be banned? Even my ketchup has corn syrup unless I buy organic
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HFCS is absolute garbage and horrible for you but I don't think it should be banned.
How do we raise awareness about it? That shit is everywhere in non-organic super markets.
Should the government ban whole milk too, because you don't like it?
Don't buy products you deem unworthy you mong. Looking to the government to solve all problems is why we have a welfare state in the first place
At the very least end subsidies for Iowa corn farmers.
I hear it metabolizes to the same final product as sugar, but maybe it takes more HFCS to get the same effect as sugar?
Could someone explain how HFCS is more damaging than sugar?
The obesity epidemic and the rise in the use of high fructose corn syrup go hand in hand. Plot them on an historical graph and they're practically fucking.
Because the government gives billions of dollars to corn farmers in the form of subsidies.
Now, they have all of this fucking corn. No one eats that much corn.
So they turn it into HFCS. But we don't even need that much of that.
So they just put HFCS in EVERYTHING. It is present in almost all processed foods, from Chef Boyardee, to fruit, to yogurt....everything. Products that don't need any sweetener at all get a dose just to spread it around.
So what's wrong with HFCS beyond there being too much of it in foods?
So it's not that HFCS is that much worse for you than sugar so much as everyone eating too much of it from agricultural policy?
Well, I have heard that they are basically the same.
But I have also heard that HFCS can spike your appetite.
I wouldn't really be surprised if they were suppressing information on all of this, honestly.
And either way, it being present in all of those foods IS a serious issue.
So yeah, this is a policy thing. I quit eating HFCS as soon as I found out about this, many years ago.
And I could be wrong, 100% wrong, but I could have sworn that I have checked the label on a product that had both a sugar and HCFS alternative, and the HFCS had more carbs.
It's of limited use, the whole point is to subsidize the corn industry, so it gets huge support out of Iowa and Illinois. Just like ethanol from corn (takes more than a gallon of gas to make a gallon of ethanol derived from corn). It has a shit aftertaste. The only reason companies like it is
1) It's more stable in premade products than sugar
2) Thanks to the subsidies it's cheaper.
I don't think you could ban it, but ending the corn subsidies would go a long way towards rendering it irrelevant.
>But I have also heard that HFCS can spike your appetite.
Yes and no. Basically compared to table sugar (which has both fructose and glucose) our brain gets the signal to be low, whereas when we have higher levels of just fructose, it takes longer for our brain to get that signal that we're full, so you eat more.
>sometimes drink straight HFCS
jesus christ I dont know what's wrong with me, it just tastes so good.
Reminder they now label it as ISOLATED FRUCTOSE.
Read, and more importantly, understand your labels guys.
Absolutely this
It damages the liver and it spikes your insulin levels far higher than regularsugar iirc
I hear people speak fondly of Mexican Coca-Cola because it uses sugar.
>80% of economists want to abolish agricultural subsidies
>we keep doing it
I know Sup Forums doesn't like economists that much because trade/immigration, but clearly shit is up.
That makes some sense, it's like the extreme problem paleo advocates say carbs have, namely that you don't feel as full as when you get fat and protein.
I don't put much stock in the paleo shit, but Mexican coca cola is delicious, lighter taste, less "syrupy" and aftertaste.
They make it a few weeks per year for Passover, corn isn't passover for jews so for 4-6 weeks before passover they send Coke made with real sugar to grocery stores in predominantly jewish areas. They have yellow caps vs the standard red ones.
Chicken and vegetables has also been linked to obesity.
Yes, and it comes in a glass bottle. IDGAF what anyone says, shit tastes better in glass than in plastic.
They also have throwback pepsi and Mountain Dew with sugar, but they don't seem to be as good as mexican coke, so IDK.
>Can we all agree that high fructose corn syrup should be banned?
No, how would depopulation work then? Let the retards eat the GMO shit and get sterile. More room for the rest of us.
>Pro tip
Eat what the jews eat
We need to end the trade restrictions on sugar (thanks Reagan).
other countries can grow sugar more efficiently than us and it would make sugar cheaper here. Make soda great again.
Higher fructose content than regular sugar
>Make soda great again.
carbonated sugar water was never great you fucking degenerate.
The government is why we have this problem you fuckwit. The government subsidizes corn so much that it's kind of retarded not to take that free money if you're a farmer. In places where corn is not subsidized so much, sugar is a lot more common, even in American drinks such as Coke.
Can confirm, we don't have HFCS here. The only way you find it is if you go the special snow flake american import and buy shit like mountain dew and other shit that isn't made here by the swedish/european branch of the coca cola company etc.
Even in China you can get a coke for way cheaper than here that tastes better because cane sugar and is a lot cheaper.
I don't drink soda a lot here but when I do i buy the expensive craft sodas made when cane sugar. It is what soda is supposed to be, a treat. Not the 1 dollar 2 liters that are so cheap that you could drink it all day. Even in restaurants I just get water, because they will charge 2.50 for soda.