What would you think of a real Spartan program Sup Forums?
The kidnapping part would never work but ..
> orphans, homeless kids , young adults and those who have nothing can volunteer for the program
> put thorough years extreme physical training on par with special forces
> at a specific age or point they are out put though all kinds of scientific fuckary to increase they abilities even further with the most advanced science money can buy
> equipped with the best armor and weapons money can buy
What would you think of a real Spartan program Sup Forums?
>The kidnapping part would never work but
Yes it would, look at The Finders.
it would have the highest murder/suicide rate of any military unit ever. Don't forget that they were all castrated and master chief was a eunuch
If today's weapons and armor then no. It only takes a single bullet to incapacitate a man or worse. With armor like in halo then yes.
In real life they would only choose the best of the best. I would volunteer if they accepted anyone with nothing to lose, but i've also failed my draft so i have little hope to get into a super soldier program.
I would be happy to volunteer for this. Way to old though. Wouldn't even mind being a washout, sitting crippled in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.
but ho0w did he fuck cortona?
They didn't start with bad ass armor. They trained without it and operated without it. They were deadly as fuck with or without their armor m8.
>The kidnapping part would never work
Says fucking who?
>and operated without it
Only the Spartan I program did
Also to OP
Thank you for only posting real Halo instead of that abomination that 343 has created
> one or two billets
> worlds most advanced armor
If the military funnled their funds into something like super armor it would probably be similar to the nanosuit armor from crisis
>Don't forget that they were all castrated and master chief was a eunuch
Literally made that up
Point taken. Pic related.
That's not true. Where the fuck is that in the lore?
>The kidnapping part would never work but ..
It got russia and china some of the best athletes the world has ever seen
b-but muh feels
This is why China will be genetically engineering super soldiers while the west is trying to figure out how to impregnate men
Game over man
Actually they chose people by specific rigid DNA standards not really actual skill
Also the Spartan III program took literally who's, injected them with much less harmful(although not as good) enhancements with almost 0 side effects and a bear perfect conversion rate and put them in suicide missions
Try humongous deformities that would land you as an extra in a hills have eyes sequel
The UNSC is a fascist government. Halo writers are pretty based. In the world they talk about uniting humanity through cognitive augmentation tech. So niggers in Halo were literally augmented to compete with whites and asians, and so they don't chimpout lol.
They would all die to roadside bombs and mudshit mortar fire or die from their helicopter crashing.
This is real life, not fantasy. The human body is pretty fragile no matter what you do and no suit of armor will ever be able to negate all concussive forces
He's Slav
>spartan program that makes military sense
/hg/ plz go
There is absolutely no purpose in funding highly advanced programs to create super armor when robotic drones are vastly superior
The future of warfare is neckbeards in bunkers and robot loli samurai
So my post still makes sense then.
we already have it, its called the US marines
it basically kidnaps kids, turns them into psychopath killing machines with a lust for death
God bless the USA
Starship troopers(book) mobile infantry training program might be more realistic.
i like his skull.
Am I allowed in if I'm a friendless shut in virgin poorfag
>The UNSC is a fascist government
No they aren't
They're literally the same thing as The Alliance in Mass Effect(which stole the idea from Halo)
They're a unilateral military organization that follows strict codes and has a unifying head of command. The world is still broken up into nations and they govern themselves just like they do now.
Also anything made after Reach doesn't count so your nigger injections rent a thing
oops meant this one
Only if you survive the training.
The program can't just take anyone, it's why they kidnapped specific children they had built reports on.
The first Canadian post that I've seen that wasn't a shitpost.
Fuck off back to your CoD pleb
Spartan IIs only received Mjolnir armour well after their first operation, which was directed at Insurrectionists. Hell Mjolnir armour didn't even get shields for 27 years after it was first introduced.
What books did you read user?
It's the truth. No suit of armor will ever protect you from an explosion. The suit might be survive relatively intact, but the person on the side of it is going to turn to mush. This entire thought experiemtn is not practical at all
But CoD turned into halo, not the other way around.
Halo has anti gravity engines and weapons that spit plasma, wanna tell me how that's unrealistic or do you want to just enjoy sci-fi
Their sex drives were reduced they were never castrated faggot
Shit Spartan I program soldiers even had kids that were called Spartan 1.1's
The program wouldn't invoke the ancient Spartans like its name implies, it would become the praetorian guard. If such a unit existed, they would very quickly become kingmakers, and they could pick and choose who could hold power on Earth.
No, fuck off Ivan
what's the point? it's far more cost effective to give a dindu a gun and dump him in the middle east
>Implying the government wouldn't just send them on a suicide mission to make sure they couldn't take power themselves.
> no suit will ever protectivy from an explosion
Iv always wonder why EOD uses the suits
If they fail, the bomb explodes and the guy inside is liquified though the suit usually survives
>Confirmed for not knowing shit about the Spartan 2 program (though OP's pic IS the Spartan III)
They were augmented so that their bones are neigh indestructible and their nanosuits make eating shrapnel almost impossible
Are you usually this stupid or is it just a side effect of being so close to the holidays?
A possible side effect of the spartan 2 program was a decreased sex drive. They are still very capable of having children still
You beat me to it user, I'm glad someone knows what they are talking about?
Our deficit says otherwise
>calling user stupid for having different opinion
Summerfag spotted
The moment we see supersoldiers, the questions will be how we created them and who these people are. You can't hide this type of stuff from the public.
Also, Spartans? Make Space Marines. They're way better.
they don't use the suits that often actually.
Spartan 1.1
What book was that user seriously it sounds interesting
its retarded
anything that messy and prone to killing people isn't going to yield positive results
>Reminder that Sgt Johnson was a Spartan 1
>he knew what the ladies like
>superior firepower
The Halo 5 mini-movie there is a retired Spartan II who has kids. No idea if its any books though.
and I was agreeing with moose fucker
As long as I get that increased brain power.
Wasn't in a book, it was from the ilovebees ARG campaign for Halo 2.
MARIA-062 who appear in the graphic novel story Armor Testing is also stated to have retired to have children.
he died like 5 times in halo 1, his character didn't have death prevention
Is that supposed to be Carter?
Only if they're broken and not faggots like 343s spartans
We would jump straight to an S4-style program. Not as good as S2s, but still far better than regular troops.
Not that there is much of a realistic reason to spend millions of dollars modifying the squishy part of an infantryman. Powered armor is powered for a reason, and real life engineers don't build suits that can kill their wearers because they're not that fucking dumb.
The only reason the SII program was the way it was, is that the experimental augmentations had an incredibly narrow range of genetic compatibility and they needed to be administered before puberty for maximum results. By the time of the SIV program the augmentation technology had come a long way and was workable on adults.
You mean he didn't really die and just took a small breather then came back when he felt like it?
If we faced a threat like the covenant I would offer myself up.
When I was ten I once went into a Navy recruiters office to ask if i could be in such a similar program,he bought me an ice cream and showed me all his medals and talked about the history of the navy,he could've been a dick about it and called my parents,but he let me down easy.
I'm in DEP for a SEAL contract so I guess it worked out in the end.
actually a suit of armor can dampen the forces felt by an explosion.
the suit can actually save your life at certain ranges. its pretty useless though with bombs you're right next to that aren't shrapnel oriented.
The Armour in Halo has a layer of gel that absorbs most of the force from that sort of stuff.
Take the orphans and shit of society at young ages, use hormone/steroids an growth hormones in combo with training and weapons/armor.
Keep them in check by addicting them to an opium like drug. Kills pain,nerves , and any kind of emotional responses to being a butcher. Also negates their sex drive ,so no bullshit female relationship issues with the soldiers and no fucked up offspring.
TOP TIER soldiers. Probably wouldn't live past 60 , but in a cruel universe, the one with the cruelest army wins.
Their controllers would be protected by them above all else as they carried the DRUGS that make their lives wrath living and the controllers could inspire absolute loyalty by punching them an rewarding them with more or less of said drugs
The kidnapping part is literally the only part that would work. Immediately after the kidnapping John and his comrades were thrown out of an airplane and expected to find their way back. In the real world all of those kids would have died.
"This is it baby, hold me."
Yeah we saw what amazing warriors all those drugs child warriors in Afrika have become.
"Africans" I.Q. sub-80, there is your answer. Also "child" doesn't help either.
They would have a competant controller (a officer of a sorts who is smart enough to use them a living weapons.
Jesus Christ. Don't ever talk about IQ again.
DERP, you pointed out a typo, aren't you witty. Socrates couldn't read or write ,yet you know who he was. Yes, my fat fingers and dyslexia damage my written word, but not my I.Q..
Just get stupid women to give up their embryo at abortion clinics for money. Or get women and men to donate sperm and eggs for cash.
Then genetically manipulate them.
He meant it for the elite cuz he knows the elite won't be coming back so he atleast showed some compassion at that elite's last moments. He's not just a badass in fighting.
Such a shame that trailer had to be used for such a lack luster game
What the UNSC enforces it's rule with force and is primarily a militarily run government that integrates corporations as an arm of government. Literally the definition of fascism. Citizens are used only in so far as they can benefit the state, and inner system efficiency clashed with the outer colony lazy dindus who didn't want to pay taxes.
Nations exist in Halo, but they have no real power. The UNSC really rules everything, well technically ONI, as they run all the intelligence and supposedly have the most resources.
UNSC is highly meritocratic though, they don't ever grant sjw status to anybody. Nonperforming spartans were put down. Punishment for cowardice or insubordination can be summary execution, depending on CO's leniency. You learn this is the book about Halo 1's plot "the Flood", where Keyes considered executing an insubordinate minor character who wants to surrender to the covenant.
The covenant are actually pretty based, and if you look at the newer plots they may have actually been right. Their goal was to transcend physical reality and live in the domain (digital utopia). The new halo's are hinting that this is actually what the Halo rings did, instead of killing all the forerunners it just made them digitized.
I know he didn't actually die. I just posted what your comment reminded me of.
You make them sound like the Imperium
>The new halo's are hinting that this is actually what the Halo rings did, instead of killing all the forerunners it just made them digitized.
343 shit is all trash. Trying to make the fan fiction tier books cannon was a big big fuck up.
That scene is impractical for many reasons. He had a tank shell blow up in his face and his suit did not even so much as dent. That means that all of the force was instead transferred to Tony Starks body. He would have been mush on the inside of that suit. It's the same reason why cars nowadays have crumple zones so that the occupants don't get massive whiplash and die.
I get it, sci-fi is cool but creating super soliders in this day and age is idiotic when they will most likely die from IED's and helo crashes. Massive waste of money if you ask me
>Spartans were created out of desperation once the Covenant Elites showed up and fucked everything up
>Halsey kidnapped children just to create something to at least give a fighting chance
>For some reason, 343 thought this was enough for Halsey to get in a lot of trouble even though her actions required a shitload of military support and funding
>Fuck, literally everything 343 did fucked Halo
>Anyway, the Spartans worked very well and could fuck Elites like it was nothing
>They won almost every encounter with the Covenant up until Reach
>Everyone knows what happened then
Basically, there's absolutely no need for Spartans since they were a desperation move that payed off. ODST would work for almost any other purpose unless we meet literally the Covenant.
Hey fuck you, I liked The Fall of Reach
The Ottomans tried something similar.
In the end it was a bit shit.
>Hey fuck you, I liked The Fall of Reach
You have shit taste my man.
>Judging Space Opera books meant for teens
>Thinking this hard about Space Opera
Go back to /lit/ you sperg
The fuck are you talking about? It's the only Halo book worth reading.
>Spartans were created out of desperation once the Covenant Elites showed up and fucked everything up
Can I stop you there my friend. If I remember correctly weren't they built to fight the insurgency? Infact they even had armour before the covenant arrived, they reverse engineered shield technology from them though.
I enjoyed the books when they came out.
>dlc forcefully mutated into standalone game for profit
I only bought it for access to the beta,
but I enjoyed it for what it was
vanilla scifi with some shooty-bang mixed in
Today's tech, the best we can hope for is Fallout Power Armor, but powered by a micro turbine.
minus the futuristic augments/armor/whatever, the jans was pretty much spartans
also shit
Na, there's a lot morally wrong with giving a kid the option to sign his life away.
You are correct. They didn't even know about the covenant when they started the Spartan program.